Diablo 3 is fundamentally broken
Hentai, while that graphic spells out some of the core issues, D II was not all cake and vodka.

1. Crafting became inane, though it must be said that one could roll some neat crafted items once in a great while.

2. Rune words, once synergy patch hit, started to go towards where D III ended up: class biased items.
(Of course, original LoD had class specific crafting that went away due to ... whatever. )

3. Gambling certain items made for some interesting results. Nothing like that in D III. It also made Gold Find Builds silly funny, in terms of the piles of gold left lying about the map. :-)

4. Imbue started off OK, but over time seems to have gone the way of meh.

The ability to take an item and mess with a stat here or there is nice, since I find some decent stuff that, as pointed out, lacks that one round out stat ... and then ... grrrrr.

5. D III crafting .... why did they bother? I think they bothered with an eye toward real money auction house comissions, and money.

If higher level folks crafted stuff that lower level folks would buy and use on the way up, then crafting wasn't a bad idea.

6. No further comment, as I am still having fun in Diablo III, in part due to not getting to play it much since release, and in part since I have not hit the INferno/post inferno grind phase. Not having much time to play makes it passing enjoyable.

7. Fun is where one finds it. Looks like the fun cow's udders may have been less full in D3 than D2.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
(02-19-2014, 05:12 AM)Occhidiangela Wrote: 5. D III crafting .... why did they bother? I think they bothered with an eye toward real money auction house comissions, and money.

If higher level folks crafted stuff that lower level folks would buy and use on the way up, then crafting wasn't a bad idea.

D3 crafting certainly was poorly implemented originally. However, it has been improved, and the expansion promises to be even better (beta testers have mostly positive feedback about the new crafting system). Even on live, though, 4 slots are generally crafts on end-game characters: shoulders, neck, gloves, and bracers. One of the later patches added the level 63 crafting plans, and you must find Demonic Essences to be able to craft (DE's are account bound). Also, weapon crafting improved before that, where item level 62 crafts could be BiS items-but it's still basically gambling.

For reference, check out my HC monk. 3 of the 4 slots I mentioned are crafts, and I've been very fortunate to line up my One With Everything resist on 2 of the slots. If you count the Hellfire ring as a craft, I use that regularly as well:


Crafting and Enchanting will be more prevalent once Reaper of Souls is live, based on what is being tested now. Happy hunting.
Battletag: Aahzmadius#1570

B.net profile: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Aahzm...570/career
Good news indeed. One thing I was sad about in LoD was that Crafting went downhill, where it had the potential to provide the best items. The decision to go nuts with Rune Words was, for me, a step sideways or backwards.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
(02-20-2014, 03:16 AM)Occhidiangela Wrote: Good news indeed. One thing I was sad about in LoD was that Crafting went downhill, where it had the potential to provide the best items. The decision to go nuts with Rune Words was, for me, a step sideways or backwards.

Crafting indeed. Things seem to be looking up a bit. Need to read up on some of the ingredients I have found, and the first Archon Armor I made was useful. Maybe first time lucky, though Tongue
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Soon after I wrote this thread I stopped playing D3.

I have picked it up again after the expansion pack and so far I am really enjoying it. I've not played enough of the game to make any qualified judgment about whether the changes fix the problems I spoke about in my OP, but the loot system has been dramatically improved. Improved so much that it's actually fun and I see drops that are something different from the blues and yellows I used to see.

The removal of the AH and the introduction of Loot 2 seems to have made a huge improvement to the quality of the game.

Oh and local AU servers REALLY enhances the gameplay experience.
Disarm you with a smile Smile
After 3 weeks of playing now, to reiterate the Monk, 'the flaws are revealed'.

Before I get into that though, I would like to say that RoS is still much better than D3V ever was, and the potential is pretty amazing. But there are still very serious problems with the game, including the loot system.

Firstly, I cannot say that I am a big fan of the 4/2 stat system on items. The problem with this system is that it makes it difficult to make a balanced char (which is pretty much required to play high torment levels). It works fine for low-mid torment levels, but the minute you enter T4+, problems begin to arise. There really isn't enough slots to get the toughness and healing required to play at these levels, and if you enchant some slots in this way, you will lose lots of dps and be unable to kill efficiently. If there were more stats on items, this would make creating a balanced char more feasible.

Secondly, there are still too many weak legendary items in the game. What happen to the promise of "legendary items feeling legendary"?? Sure there are a few like that, but they are so rare that one could probably farm for months or even years, and never find them. I haven't found a SINGLE one of my dream items yet. No Tal's piece, no Witching Hour, no Ice Climbers, etc. Either they need to make these legs have a better drop rate, or they need to buff all the weaker legs up so that they are worthwhile. It's pretty frustrating grinding for hours on end and very rarely if ever finding an upgrade, or on the rare occasion that you do, it is so miniscule that it does not change your chars quality of life at all.

Another serious problem is where legs drop. They drop far more often from chests and breakables than they do from monsters. Now, in a ARPG where we are supposed to kill things to find better loot, this is a problem. I don't want to farm chests to get gear, I want to kill things. Which leads me to....Rifts do not have enough monster density - many times I have to run 2-3 screens to find a mob to kill, which is just inexcusable. Elites are already over tuned to begin with, the fact they have such a low chance at dropping a leg makes them far more trouble than they are worth.

Then there is the Mystic. Talk about a great idea, with horrible execution/design. Firstly, the rising costs to re-enchant something is just stupid, and does nothing but punish the player for having bad luck. There needs to be a cap on the costs, I think 250k is reasonable. Secondly, some stats, like vitality, life%, life regen, etc, are FAR too weighted. Then half the time, she will double roll a stat - like if you are trying to enchant vitality off an item, not only will she offer you vitality, but often she will offer it twice (sometimes even with the same values!!). Even worse sometimes she will offer a lower value of something than what u already have. This is piss poor design, plain and simple. The idea of being able to enchant an item to get that one stat u are missing is great, but very clearly she needs to be re-tuned - as it is now she is completely broken.

Probably my biggest gripe though is Blizz's continued philosophy of being the "fun police" - they nerf things CONSTANTLY, and it is getting old, really fast. Anytime you find something fun that makes your char feel powerful, you can pretty much guarantee that Blizz wil hit it with the nerf hammer sooner or later. Quite frankly, they need to leave stuff like that alone. This is a Diablo game - we are SUPPOSED to be and feel powerful.

And finally - still no end game. I know they are planning on putting ladder in the game, but I don't think this will be enough. The glaring omission of PvP is going to become telling, as many people feel like they are grinding for nothing, especially with drop rates being as poor as they are on set items or build changing legs.

RoS is a very good game with incredible potential, but these are serious problems that will need to be addressed at some point, and probably sooner rather than later.....but beyond that, I think the dev team is still in a particular mindset that is out of touch with what the fans want (high enchanting and gem costs, constant nerfing of skills and items, etc).

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
Quote:Then half the time, she will double roll a stat - like if you are trying to enchant vitality off an item, not only will she offer you vitality, but often she will offer it twice (sometimes even with the same values!!).

That's the part that annoys me the most. Angry
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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