Out of Time?
I found out yesterday, in a PUG, that if you leave the boss alone for a short time (10 - 30s), then the enrage timer will reset.

Although I find it a little cheap, it is a good reminder that my char isn't "up to snuff"
Pro-tip: fill in the maximum buyout field when searching on the AH, that way you won't get the 'silly buyout' crowd!
(06-04-2012, 04:57 PM)Tuftears Wrote: Pro-tip: fill in the maximum buyout field when searching on the AH, that way you won't get the 'silly buyout' crowd!

Only problem with that is it causes you to miss out on some really good deals in the "Bid" department. I won a bow yesterday for the initial bid of 50k that I think had a buyout of around 200k, and am currently working on an item bidding at ~150k with a buyout of 800k. Sometimes it's worth keeping the insane buyouts when the Bids aren't equally insane. Of course, I tend to narrow more by item stats than costs. If something isn't available in my price range, I farm up more gold and keep searching in the meantime - usually something better comes along, and often for less money.
Roland *The Gunslinger*
You can also do your stat-search, then sort to the lowest buyout, and the bid-only's will be on top, then the lowest buyouts. The 'insane-buyouts' will be on the other end.
(06-04-2012, 12:20 PM)Gnollguy Wrote: Different abilities play out differently on different classes (OK so I intentionally used different as many times as i could there).

Is it ironic that you used different repeatedly instead of different words? (In joke for the HC group or well... for Frag mainly heh)
I think this enrage timer thing is sensible for bosses, but for random blue monsters it just seems outrageous. It's not like you're supposed to beat them or anything.
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