Greetings from Williston
They've got cable broadband out here... yay:) They've got no office supply stores, boo:P They have a Walmart, but it's um... erm... kinda understocked in everything but food So, my computer equipment isn't ideally setup for much of anything (read that CPU on floor, with monitor on it, and keyboard/mouse on top of a box). I guess it's off to Minot this weekend.

On the plus side I finally get The History Channel:) Was a good thing I couldn't get it during law school.
Glad the move went OK. Keep us posted.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Quote:They've got cable broadband out here... yay:) They've got no office supply stores, boo:P They have a Walmart, but it's um... erm... kinda understocked in everything but food So, my computer equipment isn't ideally setup for much of anything (read that CPU on floor, with monitor on it, and keyboard/mouse on top of a box). I guess it's off to Minot this weekend.

On the plus side I finally get The History Channel:) Was a good thing I couldn't get it during law school.

Heh, I watch too much History Channel as well, well I have it on in the background while I'm doing other stuff a lot at least. But they do have a lot of misses to go along with their few hits.

Anyway, glad to hear you got out there. I've done the computer thing like that before myself. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Williston, ND??

My dad's hometown is in Ray and some of my cousins, in fact my dad's sister also, now live in Williston.

And omg! My dad's other sister and a few of my cousins live in Minot!

In fact, my dad has 9 brothers and sisters, 5 of which are still in ND with their families, one in CA and 2 that have past.
Minot just built a super Walmart at the south end of town across from Minot Chrysler on Hwy 83. Main street near 11th Ave there is the "The Computer Store" if you need computer related. For a small town (big for ND) of 36,000 people it has quite a few stores.

Heh you made it just in time for the ice:)
"Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."
Good to hear you made it there safely and are settling in. You will probably get more snow before us . . . . we had a little today but it all melted again : D
Dianotosa 85 Druid
Kirayla 85 Hunter
Bubblegirl 85 Paladin
Linnara 85 Priest
Solasha 85 Warlock
Lucindia 82 Mage
Kirrily 81 Shaman
Welcome to ND:)

One more brought into the fold, Frag shall be next... mwa ha ha, all your Lurkers shall belong to us!

... and I hope it's soon, cause I miss him:(
*huggles Tris like mad* Glad to hear you're safe and sound.
Intolerant monkey.
Good to hear you got out of depressing sunny Florida. Welcome to the midwest. You're just in time for the Siberian Express to start!:D

Quote:They've got cable broadband out here... yay:) They've got no office supply stores, boo:P They have a Walmart, but it's um... erm... kinda understocked in everything but food So, my computer equipment isn't ideally setup for much of anything (read that CPU on floor, with monitor on it, and keyboard/mouse on top of a box). I guess it's off to Minot this weekend.

On the plus side I finally get The History Channel:) Was a good thing I couldn't get it during law school.

Greetings from London! We have stores stocked with everything you might need, but (oh the irony) we can't get cable internet here. So, maybe the Dakotas ain't so bad after all.

Hope you're getting settled in, and that everything goes smoothly.

Quote:Greetings from London! We have stores stocked with everything you might need, but (oh the irony) we can't get cable internet here.

Really? When I lived in London all the sidewalks were torn up from adding cable everywhere. The big thing was getting your phone through the cable. I assumed all that infrastructure would now be in use for broadband!
Quote:Really? When I lived in London all the sidewalks were torn up from adding cable everywhere. The big thing was getting your phone through the cable. I assumed all that infrastructure would now be in use for broadband!

London is a big place, and some areas have been heavily cabled, and others haven't. I gather that infrastructure is not so easy to build in this town, although judging by your comments, they've at least tried some places. However, here is not one of them. There are actually very few ways we can get moderately priced, fast internet here. Our ADSL is okay enough, but it's no great shakes. Best we could get, though.


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