Booty Bay in...Legos
Linked to me from another community by a Stormrage horde - Check it out.
That's totally awesome!


take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
You know that this getting finished and showing up on the net just a couple days before wrath can't be a coincidence.

I bet he was slacking all TBC, playing with his free time instead of building. Then, a couple weeks ago, he realized he better finish before Nov. 13th or it would never get done.:D
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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