Old mods Downloads?
Hi everyone

i cant seem to find the downloads for "My Unofficial Hellfire 1.02 Mod" and "Hellfire Fixed" does anyone have them? plz share Smile

i would like to try a mod for hellfire who are a bit more vanilla like.
I have been playing The Hell for a long time now and i love it... but for new players to D1 it is a bit hard.

anyway thanks for your time!
Here: http://www.loaditup.de/703061-ysm8h6cb3p.html
you are just great! Smile total Great!!
Do you have a Zip or Rar file of the 1.02 patch/mod, it says unknown version of my hellfire

thanks again for the upload!
Hm.. you are right, it doesn't work with the exe version. I definitely had the zip file, but cannot find it at the moment. It'd surprise me if I deleted it, but this could indeed have happened. Huh
I'll investigate again and make an upload again if it shows up. Undecided
Hi again,
sometimes there are a much easier solutions than the one you can't reach. I simply made an own Zip archive from my HF102 folder (without the MPQs). That should do it: http://www.loaditup.de/704557-9q369egx9v.html
Could somebody update these links again plss??
You can find 3 working links to download Marsh's Hellfire Mod v1.02 in my thread (Just scroll down to the first brown boxes you see):

an Unofficial Update for Marsh's mod

I would just put the links here, but it's easier to point to just one set of links and keep them up to date.

While you're there, you might consider the add-on to Marsh's mod I'm offering in that very thread, which further expands the list of fixes and improvements offered by Marsh's mod. Better yet, if you care to wait or check back in a couple days, I'll be uploading a newer version of mine, bumping it up to v1.02.A2. Smile Either way, enjoy!
As a side note, the Mod "Icestorm" (my favorite mod btw because of the skelly 'pop-ups' and various new items) doesnt seem to be fully compatible with your 1.02 mod, the nest will crash out the game, as will playing the barbarian.
I'm kinda disappointed because I loved this mod... if I could find a fix for it I would be glad to patch it...
I will try to look into this soon, but there are 10+ old Hellfire mods floating around that have been abandoned by their authors for many years. It would be impractical to support them all directly, however I can narrow down which changes cause problems and disable the offending modifications on a per-mod basis.
(05-01-2014, 08:33 PM)Belix Wrote: I will try to look into this soon, but there are 10+ old Hellfire mods floating around that have been abandoned by their authors for many years. It would be impractical to support them all directly, however I can narrow down which changes cause problems and disable the offending modifications on a per-mod basis.

Nevrmind what I just said earlier, I spose with Mordor (and paid him a little) to fix the problems. They were problems which were in the end not related to your 1.02.

But I have a question What is the difference with your 1.02.a3 and the "unofficial" 1.05?

Is 1.05 really newer?

Thanks for replying Belix
(05-04-2014, 12:09 AM)silverdragon7 Wrote: But I have a question What is the difference with your 1.02.a3 and the "unofficial" 1.05?
Not much.

1.05 is a package put together by Qualakon; he likes to keep a full package available containing all of the loose features that have recently emerged for Hellfire, currently including Marsh's Mod and the latest version of v1.02.Ax that I've released. So these versions are identical with the exception of other things he may include in each release.

Unfortunately, there's no structure to the version numbers. Here are the version numbers in use by the latest editions of the 'better Hellfire' packages available right now:

v1.21: Hellfire Fixed (the project that started the fix craze years ago)
v1.02: Marsh's Mod (similar to HF: Fixed and incorporates some features)
v1.02.A3 (my extension of Marsh's mod - soon to be A4)
v1.03: Slayer's Mod (an extension of Marsh's mod)
v1.05: Qualakon's Bundle (Marsh's Mod + my mod + other stuff)

Until recently, only HF: Fixed and Marsh's Mod were available to choose from. I think they both did a good job overall but there were a few things left I had issue with, both with the game and each mod itself, so I created my extension to Marsh's mod to continue providing more fixes and improvements.

Shortly after the first release of my patch/mod whatever you'd like to call it, Slayer released his v1.03 Alpha and Qualakon begin pulling together various updates into a single cohesive package.

Hope that clarifies any confusion for you. Probably more than you wanted to know. Smile
But it is a great history of what's been going on in the last while with Hellfire.

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