Diablo Alpha 4?
I know this has probably been posted before; but does anyone know where the diablo alpha 4 is located? The link on the site is dead.
Not sure if it's the version you're looking for. IIRC 1 dlvl with butcher and slightly different graphics on this one, soloplay only.

No, that is the Alpha "1".
The Alpha "4" used to be located not on DE, but on BE (Blizzard evolution) webspace, which does not exist anymore, so that you can only spread it samizdat-like nowadays (unless somebody hosts it again).
Here is a fresh upload: http://www.fileuploadx.de/628677
I'm curious, why the interest level in Alpha 4?
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
(04-10-2012, 06:22 PM)Bolty Wrote: I'm curious, why the interest level in Alpha 4?

because it has the older feel of the alphas while still not restricting access to the rest of the game.
Diablo Evolution is back up if anyone's curious. Has been for almost a year now.

Linkage, and they apparently have the Alpha 4 version available for download in their file section.
(05-14-2012, 09:04 PM)NiteFox Wrote: Diablo Evolution is back up if anyone's curious. Has been for almost a year now.

Linkage, and they apparently have the Alpha 4 version available for download in their file section.

The links in the file section is messed up though (leads to old site?) and none are reachable.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
I know I'm resurrecting a 5 years old thread, however just for reference, here's a link to alpha4:

Sorry to contribute to your resurrection of this thread, but it begs the question: Where can we obtain Diablo Alpha 2 and 3? Those seem to be missing entirely out there... And that Alpha 4 link itself seems to have been slightly tampered with?
(10-18-2017, 01:37 AM)Red Hairdo Wrote: Sorry to contribute to your resurrection of this thread, but it begs the question: Where can we obtain Diablo Alpha 2 and 3? Those seem to be missing entirely out there... And that Alpha 4 link itself seems to have been slightly tampered with?

As I understand it Alphas 2 and 3 never leaked, only screenshots of it did. Alpha 4 was created based on the PR-Demo as a sort of "what-if" in regards to having an older version of Diablo that, nevertheless, was not as restricted as the PR-Demo itself.

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