Is THIS considered cheating?
Using a trainer to, effectively, mule.

For those times when you just don't trust other players to hold games for you and/or you don't trust them to begin with and you don't want to fool around with the backup/reload process.

... I know Hellfire has the Cornerstone of the World, but what about vanilla Diablo? No mods to make Gillian stash for you, etc. Perfectly able to play


(Purely for the above purpose ^)
Depends who you ask. I always felt like, if people wanted to export or import items at the start or end of game while in town, and not duping the items, no big deal. It's good that newer ARPGs tend to have features to allow such transfers even in single player.

It does have a noticeable impact though. The people who used trainers to transfer items tended to be item collectors with hordes of loot and great gear on every character. Then you had those of us who basically only used the items we found with each particular character. Even at high levels the gap in item quality was very noticeable (although it's impact on gameplay is actually not so great as the vanity factor). One of the guys I played with dubbed these two groups the "haves" and the "have nots". But still it's not so much the trainer as the act of transferring and using many items which created this divide. The trainer just makes it a lot more convenient to do so. Even in the newer games with shared stash and level requirements on items, I just can't get into that style of play. It just seems more fun to me to use whatever that character happens to find.
(01-10-2012, 05:12 AM)amarksys Wrote: Using a trainer to, effectively, mule.

As Nyst said, it varies. I really don't care. It's really more a matter of what you do with the stored items that determines the impact on gameplay. If you're storing the items for the sake of making munchkins, the game's gonna get boring real fast. If you're storing strange and unusual items that typically have little to no use but you're planning on basing a character around them, that'll be way more fun.


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