My Unofficial Hellfire 1.02 Mod
Three other changes were implemented in Hellfire-Fixed which would be well to add to this mod. One I know which is not present relates to the barbarians maximum magic and the other two (which may or may not have been implemented) relates to the generation of uniques and the consequences of clicking on random goat shrines. If the barbarians maximum magic remains at zero, then clicking on any shrine which adds or detracts to a stat (eg Mysterious, or the ornate, fascinating and sacred shrines in this mod) will cause one of his stats to become negative. This leads to all sorts of buggy stuff and can be avoided simply by raising the barbs max magic to some low number, like 5. With respect to uniques, in Vanilla hellfire no unique rings or amulets other than the acolytes amulet would drop, ie no ring of engagement. Hellfire-Fixed corrected this as well. This mod may have also corrected it-I simply have not played it far enough to tell.
Hi Thenryb, I found two Mercurial Rings during play, so hopefully the jewelry drops were addressed to some extent. That's the only unique jewelry I found though.
Hello all,

I just reinstalled Diablo & Hellfire but cant' patch to 1.01 since I'm on Win7 x64. I'd like to use the 1.02 patch but I can't find the files (links on main page are broken). Does anyone have a working link ?

Thanks !
Hello JeanTonnoir,

I have the 1.00 to 1.02 zip, but even at 833kb it is too large for me to upload here as I've already used up my ~2mb or so for other little Diablo odds and ends.

However, someone else recently asked about this file and mod in another thread, and Rudra recreated the archive from his/her own files and uploaded it. I did a quick comparison against the original file and Rudra got all 21 files, and 8 extras that shouldn't hurt anything (but I will list the extraneous files here in case you're the more meticulous sort of person).

Possibly unnecessary files from Rudra's zip (check * notes below):

Smackw32.dll **

*Using this 1.02 mod rather than just the 1.02 patch, I believe the features normally enabled with a modified COMMAND.TXT are activated directly by the mod itself, rendering this file redundant.
**There is a certain version of Smackw32.dll associated with Hellfire or a mod for it where the cinematics are broken and won't display. I don't remember where it came from exactly. If you have this problem, try this dll Rudra included as it could be the fixed one. If not, I have a fixed one I might be able to squeeze into another upload.

Here's the link to Rudra's upload.

Don't be scared of the German, you can get the file simply by clicking Datei aufrufen. And with that, we owe Rudra a danke (German for 'thank you').

Have fun!
Thanks a lot !
Works very well
Guys, give me the files you want to host. I'll do that. Got lots of space to direct-link to.
(I kind of hate D1/HF mods get lost because of not being available through directlinks).

did you fix unique item generation by adjusting uniques' qlvls?
Unfortunately, we haven't heard from Marsh since late 2011.

If you send me a PM with an e-mail address, I can send the original that Marsh uploaded to this thread, if you want to give the mod a more permanent home on your server. I do not have a copy of the .exe, though.

Edit: E-mail sent. Thanks for offering to mirror it somewhere. It's always a shame when someone wants to share some work they did and it quickly disappears.
Alright. I'll host them when I get back home. Will post lnks here.
Here is direct link:

And a mirror:
Sorry guys I've been very busy with real life stuff for a long time. Have been looking at hellfire again a bit lately though, in between playing diablo 3.

I'm planning on fixing up a few things and maybe adding a few more features. The negative attribute bug in particular is a game breaker for barbarians, but I think I have a fix for it based on the darkmodnotes. I haven't tested it yet though.

Anyways, since some people don't like having some of the extra stuff, I have also been thinking that I might split the mod into two version, one called 1.02 pure and one 1.02 plus.

Where the pure mod would just have the bug fixes, UDP network, unique item drops and hive/crypt bosses and plus would add in the multiple players on the minimap, warlord of blood etc as well. That way people that just want as pure as possible version of hellfire but with bug fixes and things can play that version. Anyway, would this be something that people would be interested in?

It probably wouldn't happen anytime soon but I'm hoping to tinker away on hellfire whenever I have a little bit of free time (which I have a bit more of now).

Also in response to Mordor's question; yes unique item drops are fixed. I spaced out the levels of the uniques of the same base types to give them more even chances of dropping. I also reordered the data tables properly so that all the rings etc can drop.
Hi Marsh, nice to hear from you. No need to apologize! Real life takes priority, and there's certainly no hurry to make changes to your mod; those of us still playing Diablo after so many years probably will be for many more. Haha.

Being neutral on the addition of the Warlord of Blood quest, from your specific examples I don't feel the player visibility change on the map is worth splitting this into two mods. To me this is a great coop feature, I suppose PvP'ers might object, but even in Diablo II you can see hostile players nearby on your map. So I'd like to see that particular feature kept in the 'pure' version, because I think it is more of an enhancement than an alteration.

Right now the Diablo community seems focused on D3 and D2/MXL, so you may not get many opinions to work with. I think splitting anything that has a significant impact on the original gameplay into a separate one is a good idea, if there are/will be more things than just the Warlord quest.

I do wonder though if people would consider the changes HF Fixed made to the SFX (barring Adria mooing) a 'pure' or 'plus' feature, especially since they use sounds from the original game. I think of it as a fix as my ears are a bit sensitive and don't much appreciate the screeching racket Hellfire enemies make out of the box, but someone else might care to differ, and it's not my mod. But I know I can fix the sounds myself later on if I want by making an MPQ mod or hex edit to the exe.

I'll check in now and then to see if you've made any updates, I appreciate the work you've done so far. Smile
I love this MOD.
I made an account on these forums just because of it.
And i really consider it more like a replacement for the 1.01 official patch than just a simple mod, actually.

And Marsch, i hope its ok, i made a post on my website about this patch, because i wanted to show it to people in my country (brazil) so they are able to use it.

I agree with Belix completely: this is the only mod that doens´t change the look and feel of the original hellfire, but adds new, non-extravagant features into the game without modifying its original layout and mechanics. Not to mention lots of bugfixes, and the all player on automap feature just won my heart :>

I started raising level on several characters again on Hellfire, and i´m using this mod, probably forever.

Just wanted to post here my appretiation to your work, in hopes that you continue it, making this great game even greater. Smile
I was wondering how did he manage to make that custom cowqueston.dat, and add custom changes in there.

Would that work with any hex code i put in that file, or do i have to add a reference in the executable first?
hi everybody i also had to sign up for these forums solely because of Marshes v 1.02 mod great work you did there

i know this thread hasn't seen a lot of action lately but I'm hoping that some people have subscribed to it because i could really use some help figuring out wasd movement. (actually I'm using waxd because i cant seem to unbind s from the spell-book, could use help with that too)

i downloaded and modified a script made for Diablo 3 and am having no luck getting it to do much, it seems the first time i press a key "w" "a" "x" or "d" the mouse jerks but then after that it does absolutely nothing.

P.S. hey Marsh, for your next update to Hellfire I'm really hoping to see target locking and repeated attacking when click is held aka the best thing about Diablo 2
Hey there Marsh. I'm using your mod to build upon my own. I was wondering if you had any notes to go along with it, locations you changed etc.

Great work! Is there a 1.03 on its way? *crosses fingers*


Request: Change the location of the save game to the local folder. Unable to save to the system folder for security sake.
Request: Work with Tiron from to see about integrating his Torch UI overlay on this mod.
Request: Windows 7 colour fix built in
Dropping by just to say thank you, finally installed this patch today and had some fun.

As qualakon said, Torch on this would be awesome.
After playing this some more I noticed another bug from older versions of Diablo still lingering here..

The negative value wrap-around bug. Found a Scavenger Carapace tonight that ended up with 248 Armor Class later on.

Still looking forward to the next update. Smile
Hello Marsh, and everyone else following his mod!

EDIT: This post originally contained some add-ons to use with Marsh's mod. I have repackaged them into a full, comprehensive update with many other features and put it in its own thread here:

Hellfire V1.02.A1:

Discussion about ideas for Marsh's mod remains in this post and continues now.


I'm also working on another graphical fix. Anyone who has played a Bard very far in Hellfire is probably familiar with the Rogue character getting really visually dark during her one-handed sword attack animation (no shield), which a dual wielding Bard will always use. The change in brightness level when she starts or stops attacking is a bit jarring.

EDIT: This is done now. You can get the graphics/animation fix pack here:

I also attempted to re-implement Hellfire: Fixed's addition of the Book of Resurrect, but with one caveat: I wanted to achieve this without modifying Diablo's generated item table in any way, so that no items (even if possibly only books in this case) would morph. I had what I felt was the brilliant idea to convert the Torn Notes in the Crypt into Book Pages, the assembled result being the Book of Resurrect... unfortunately, the game automatically changes the graphic and spell attached to any Book once it is created, so it resulted in random spell books that would morph into different random spellbooks upon starting a new game. I am sad, as the treasure hunt for Resurrect Books would of been quite fun.

I'd like to ask Marsh to make some changes to Shrines, which would allow Resurrect to be learned a unique way without causing books of it to exist in and thus disrupt the item table... these are half-baked ideas, but I think they would be neat:
- Ornate: +1 to Resurrect
- Sacred: +1 to Healing
- Fascinating: +1 to Infravision

The idea behind this being that Shrines never teach spells that might be 'useless' to some characters (what is a Barbarian going to do with levels of Firebolt?). I'd also like to recommend a mana cost formula for the Resurrect spell, to make raising its spell level worthwhile:
Resurrect: Start at 160 mana cost, reduce 5 per level (90 at level 15), minimum mana cost of 60 (level 21 for +spells items).

Using this formula, a Warrior with Max Magic can cast it at Level 15 without any gear, and at its starting cost of 160 all characters but the Warrior and Barbarian can possibly use it even at Spell Level 1, if their Magic/Mana is high enough. And, as would be reasonable, getting a Barbarian to cast Resurrect at all would not be a simple task.

As a quick note for Marsh, I believe it is possible to enable the Resurrect spell (and any other) to be learned without making books appear in, and thus modify the item table at all: Set the bytes for the book availability for a spell not normally available from FF FF FF FF to FF 00 00 00. This gives the book a qlvl of 255, which shouldn't ever be generated by the game, but lets the game see it as a valid learnable spell (I tested it and it seemed to work, no books morphed for me at all this way).

p.s. Marsh, if you ever decide to commit to changes in your mod that would alter the item table significantly, let me know so I can toss in some other suggestions. If that leap is ever taken it seems a good idea to try to change all possible related stuff at once so that the item table should never need to be tweaked again.
First off, some very interesting ideas you have here, and I hope you and Marsh continue on.

Now, I got some questions if you don't mind.

Quote:- Some Oils get new inventory graphic: Because 10 different types of Oils share the same graphic, it can be difficult to find a particular one in your inventory sometimes. With this change, the better oils such as Fortitude and Permanence will ALWAYS look different (thin black vial), to help avoid accidental use/waste of good Oils. However, because of the way Oils are generated, Blacksmith, Accuracy and Sharpness oils may sometimes gain the new look; however, any oil that uses the old wide black bottle graphic is most certainly one of those three (Blacksmith, Accuracy or Sharpness) and not one of the other 7 kinds.

In HF vanilla, iirc Accuracy and Sharpness oils effects were not permanent, they would reset when you leave the session and start a new game. Does this mod make it permanent? If it does, I think that's actually a good thing.

Warriors will benefit most from this, considering even with HF 'piercing, puncturing, bashing' affix, more inventory from Griswold, Shirotachi unique sword. They are still the most item dependent char out of the roster. Anything that can alleviate that further is IMO a good thing.

Quote:- Gnat Sting's Quick Attack becomes Fast Attack: This is a pre-emptive fix along the lines of other attack speeds on uniques. Hellfire, unlike the latest version of Diablo, does not make bows with attack speed bonuses shoot faster; instead the arrows fly faster. Because it's quite possible that Marsh may fix bow attack speed bonuses to work like they do in Diablo at some point, this fixes it in advance so Quick Attack would not be useless there. Meantime, all it does is make the Gnat Sting's arrows fly a bit faster; as I reason with the Celestial Star and Gnarled Root, the Gnat Sting isn't exactly an amazing weapon, so this, in my opinion, hurts nothing.

Gnat Sting aiming and use is a bit tricky, but it's a pretty devastating weapon. You do need to have a slower click rate vs regular bows to get the multishot spread. But once you're used to it's different style of aiming and slightly slower clicking rate. It's basically a shotgun of doom.

One of my HF:F Rogue uses a Savage Heavens bow, as a -downgrade- from Gnatsting because I was getting slightly bored from 'room clearing' too fast.

Rapid clicking just turns the Gnat Sting into a regular mode firing with no multishot, so I'm interested in how your changes with the attack speed\arrow speed plays out. I do like D1 classic's way of bow attack speed vs HF arrow speed, even though Rogue's innate bow speed is enough to stun Advocate\Lawyer type monsters. (Providing she has enough stun dmg etc etc.)

Though if the changes turns Gnat Sting into a rapid fire multishotgun bow, it might become a bit overpowered. Tongue

Overall however, some very interesting ideas. It's great to see people having interest and putting work in HF.
(12-05-2013, 07:00 PM)Hammerskjold Wrote: In HF vanilla, iirc Accuracy and Sharpness oils effects were not permanent, they would reset when you leave the session and start a new game. Does this mod make it permanent? If it does, I think that's actually a good thing.
You know, I thought they were permanent now in an earlier post, but I realize this must of been because I stashed the item I had used the oils on; the stash will preserve oil effects between games, however, having them in your inventory will not. Changing the items to retain oil effects might be possible with some advanced code alterations (perhaps using extra bytes that are always 00's in the item's trans or check codes, and having the code read those as oil applications might work), but that's quite a ways over my head at this time.

So for now permanent oil effects are just an unintended side-effect of the Stash feature each of us has to decide if we want to use or ignore. My concern with permanent oil effects is that it allows some characters that already do insane amounts of damage (remember, Barbarians, Bards and Monks can triple hit) to get even more, but also might break the spirit of some items that rely on low damage output. Imagine a Gnat Sting that does 1-31 damage (if I remember oil maximums correctly).

I agree the Warrior is one of the most gear dependant character classes, and Diablo's reliance on random items makes getting some of the top end stuff you need for Hell difficulty a bit tedious. Thankfully Griswold selling more than 6 items now expediates the shopping process a bit.

(12-05-2013, 07:00 PM)Hammerskjold Wrote: Gnat Sting aiming and use is a bit tricky, but it's a pretty devastating weapon... It's basically a shotgun of doom.
It's true the Gnat Sting becomes a fearsome short-range weapon when you add in the Rogue's character damage to all 3 arrows, and if Fast Attack did actually make it shoot faster I share the concern that it might become a bit too powerful. It would need some testing.

That said, let me explain why I said Gnat Sting isn't an amazing weapon. While it is arguably one of the best unique bows, it isn't outstanding anywhere but up close when you compare it against some of the best magical bows in the game. A Merciless Bow of Burning or Thunder can sometimes put out better damage than Gnat Sting up close, and almost always more at a distance.

Here's some stats to back that up in the form of approximate damage output of a Rogue using various bows; these assume a Level 50 Rogue with max base STR and DEX but with no bonuses from items, and a perfect Merciless Long War Bow with +175% damage. Note that the values displayed for elemental damage in the game are wildly incorrect; using information from Jarulf's wonderful guide, I can calculate the real numbers since elemental arrows can hit multiple times (9 and 7, respectively) and are further multiplied by damage bonuses (e.g. Merciless makes it even stronger).

Approx damage output of Level 50 Rogue with max base STR and DEX:
Gnat Sting:
Damage Range: 78-237 physical (78-79 per arrow)
Damage Average, 1 Hit: 78
Damage Average, 2 Hits: 155
Damage Average, 3 Hits: 235

Merciless Long War Bow of Burning:
Damage Range: 79-116 physical, 0-396 fire
Damage Average, vs Immune: 97
Damage Average, vs Resistant: 147
Damage Average, vs No Resist: 295

Merciless Long War Bow of Thunder:
Damage Range: 79-116 physical, 0-385 lightning
Damage Average, vs Immune: 97
Damage Average, vs Resistant: 145
Damage Average, vs No Resist: 290

As you can see, the Gnat Sting does pack a decent bite for high level Rogues at short range, but vs non-resists an elemental bow still does more damage than Gnat's triple hit and is easier to aim. From afar where multiple hits are increasingly unlikely, elemental bows can still put out consistently better damage vs immunes, and easily double Gnat Sting's damage if the monsters are only resistant.

And if the Rogue's damage output with any of these bows seems unreasonably high, remember that she'll still take several shots to down a single enemy, whereas a Sorcerer can clear a whole room full of threats with a couple spell casts. Smile

(12-05-2013, 07:00 PM)Hammerskjold Wrote: Overall however, some very interesting ideas. It's great to see people having interest and putting work in HF.
Haha, thanks. I'm sure someone out there would think I'm crazy to have spent hours on this stuff, and I certainly wouldn't blame them. Diablo came out in 1996, over 17 years ago. But it remains one of my favorite games after all this time and is still fun to play. I have a very tall stack of other PC games that I haven't installed in years, so the handful of games like Diablo that live on are special indeed. Since I figure I'll still be playing them on and off years from now, they're well worth a little care and polish to me.

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