Unique Item Questions

JG Chapter 3.11 reads(pertaining to unique drop probabilities), "Also, even though the chances are over all greater for monsters than for unique monsters, you need to kill a lot more of them. So if you are hunting for specific unique items, it is normally a much faster method to kill, say only bosses on level 13-15 than killing all monsters on the same levels".

Bolty says in his warrior guide in regard to HoS, "You can only find it in the church, levels 2-3, in Nightmare or Hell difficulties, from a boss". Perhaps Bolty did not intend to have that taken literally. However, this has me wondering. Is it possible that some of the uniques are indeed only dropped from bosses?

I was wondering because I am looking for The Rift Bow and Gryphons Claw. It seems after further reading that dlvl 1 cannot have a boss on it.
All of the multiplayer unique items can be dropped by some normal monster of the appropriate level range.

Some unique items, including the ones you are looking for, can only be dropped by very low level sources. Since bosses always get a +4 bonus to level for item drops, no boss can drop these items. For example, if Pukerat the Wuss dropped a unique short bow, it would be the Needler instead of the Rift Bow. Actually even a unique bow found on the floor of dungeon level 1 (ilvl 2) or a barrel there would be a Needler. So the only way you can get a rift bow is from non-boss skeletons, fallen ones, zombies. And when those guys drop a short bow, it is going to be a plain old short bow most of the time.
Yes, there is no unique item that can only be dropped by a boss, but there are some, including the Rift Bow, which can not be dropped by any boss. I've found one recently on dlvl 2, which is the highest level where those mlvl 1 monsters appear.
Thank you very much. I understand a little bit better now. I have a good understanding of item generation in town. Maybe one day I will tackle dungeon creation as well.
where would be the best place to search for the constricting ring ?
(11-21-2010, 11:48 AM)sandra11bullock Wrote: where would be the best place to search for the constricting ring ?

levels 2 - 4 would be your best bet.
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