Mod to highlight dropped items?
I was browsing to see if I can get a hold of abysmal D1 when I came across something from a list of mods with one being able to highlight all the items on the ground that were dropped like when you scroll over them. It is quite a nice mod now that I have used it in The Awakening mod, but now I can't find it. Does anyone know the name of this mod? Or something like it?
- The Dark
- The Hell

Afaik there is no other mod with that ability. Items are also visible on the automap. "Something like it" would be Rebirth (via shrine) or playing a monk.
(06-13-2010, 11:08 AM)Rudra Wrote: Afaik there is no other mod with that ability

Diablo "The AwakeninG" Mod has also highlighted items when map is enabled.
Yes, I know, and The Awakening is a really nice mod, but if I understood Snoogens correctly, he was searching explicitely not for The Awakening.
Oh.. You are right, I must have been sleepy and I was writing it Big Grin

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