Multiplayer Differences
Hello all!

I've read up on the differences in multi/single player, but have some questions :-)

1. I noticed when you die, you lose 1/2 money and you have to go back to where you died to get your items. What are your tricks to avoid this? Do you also lose experience points?

2. I read somewhere that the spell telekenesis is a must when you die, why? How does this spell help?

3. I miss not being able to save my game and then reloading :-( When I stopped in the middle of dungeon 2 and went back in something was different, I think it must have been the map or the dungeon got reset? Is that possible?

4. If you restart the game with same character, is there any differences? Example, I had to have all my items on me or I'd lose them.

5. When a monster is immune to a spell that means it's uneffected right? So if a monster is resistant to a spell, what does that mean?

6. What do hit points actually do for a monster? I'm referring to when you click on a monster and it says the name of the monster, the kills, and another number that I assume means how strong they are. Say a Blood Knight has 12 hp, does that mean every time he hits me that my life points go down by 12?

Sorry all, I'm still figuring it all out. I'm sure I'll have more questions soon! :-) Thank you all for your patience, understanding and support.

Enjoy your day!
1) No experience is lost in this game. The trick is not dying. If you are playing solo, leave your big piles of gold in town so you don't have to worry about them. Be especially careful around the stairs that start each level, because if you die near there you are going to have a hard time recovering.

2) Telekinesis lets you pick up items from a distance. In some cases this could allow you to reequip (from behind a wall) before having to face the ugly thing that killed you, but you don't always have this opportunity.

3) Every time you start a new game, the dungeon is different. When you reach certain levels, you can take the direct entrances to the deeper dungeon levels. This keeps the game fresh and interesting for quite some time even with the same character.

4) *Everything* starts from scratch except for the stats of your character and the items in your inventory. It's a completely new game which you have imported an old character into. But again, you don't have to start from level 1 every time.

5) An immune monster in this game won't even be hit by that element. The spells just go right through them. A resistant monster will be hit as often as a regular monster, but the spell will only do a quarter of its normal damage and it won't stun the monster.

6) Hitpoints are the starting life of the monsters. The higher the number, the more damage you will need to do to kill them. The game doesn't tell us how much damage the monster will do to us, although you find out pretty fast when they hit you.
Nystul has answered your questions better than I ever could. However I've got a little addition to point 2:
You can also open/close doors using telekinese. Closing doors after dying could sometimes be a little advantage for you. Some monsters don't open doors but some monsters do - beware!

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