Full Dr Sorcie Guide
SwissMercenary,Feb 16 2003, 02:16 AM Wrote:Trading for a cheated item is the same as cheating to get the item yourself. Not only that, but it makes the original cheater nice and warm and fuzzy inside...
Yup. :( and it lines the cheater's pockets. :angry:

Considering that a high percentage of ebay purchases are dupes and those 'criminals' making the sale and profit are often the same jerks that did the duping. By the time people have bought the itme they've inadvertantly contributed to the market that has ruined numerous games directly for the rest of B/net. Remember all the server outages and other negtative side effects of rampant duping?

It's no surprise this 'guide' (for avoidance of a better discription) gets sniped at. It indirectly endorses the actions of people who cause disruption the rest of the BattleNet population.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
I thinkl you guys should cut the guy some slack
Like, everything he said has been quoted and torn to pieces
Cant we just all get along? :( :unsure:
Is the truth really out there?

-X files doubters
It's great being able to have an intelligent conversation with a group of like-minded fellows - seriously. You guys gave me a lot to think about and I came to the realization of two things:

1.) My "Guide" is not really a guide at all but a referendum of items any class can equip at higher levels. The skill point distribution is a nominal part of the guide with no "strategy" whatsoever in the entire guide; i.e. no reference to how to kill such and such a boss, no help at lower levels especially for single player, etc.

2.) My items are most likely illegitimate because they probably came from a source that used hacks to gain their items. My reasoning on this issue was that I use to sell items (legitimately) on eBay that I didn’t use, and personally know a few legit sellers, so I naturally assumed only a small populace duped or used bots, but perhaps I am gravely mistaken.

No matter, I do enjoy playing the game and I was starting to feel... like it had no purpose. I'd rush a character to Hell cows, get to level 75 in under an hour, equip my "uber elite" items, and from then on it was all about cows cows cows. As you can imagine, this became extremely boring so to break the monotony, I started PK'ing and dueling. That basically saved the game for me, but I still remember how incredibly fun this game is when played normally. That was one reason I was waiting for the 1.1 patch so I could start an all new realm character with no hacked items, no more rushing (I HOPE!!!!!) and limited party experience (again, I HOPE!!! - maybe a radius would work well). My favorite days of Diablo 2 where back before 1.04 with my speedazon barley reaching 8 fps with my rare double bow of kings... that didn’t give the damage bonus at the time, unbeknownst to me. But man, those where the days. When people actually gambled because rare’s were useful and there was a chance to gamble unique’s, when bosses dropped super good on the first time ONLY and you could only do the cow level once. That was when I enjoyed this game the most. I really can’t wait for the 1.1 patch...

But atlas, I've completely strayed off subject. I think I will attempt to update my "guide" to be more of an actual "guide", starting from creation to a comfortable level, including boss and level strategies, PvP strategies, and optional gear ;). Thanks again for your subjective criticism and support. My views would not have changed were it not for you lurkers.

Quote:Do you really want to join a group that has such diametrically opposed opinions to your own?

At the moment, I can't think of anything wise or intellectual to say so I'll just say this: I feel that its our differences that make us who we are and stronger as a whole so long as we can agree to disagree. There comes a time in every persons life where its time to bury the hatchet, lay to rest that which is over. We can disagree on many aspects of not only the Diablo game, but morals within the game. The structure of battle.net provides us with much more than a game; it’s a haven - a place to hangout with like-minded people albeit. But the best part is we can understand that we don't always share the same opinion, but we can respect one another and agree to disagree. Let bygones be bygones.

I immensely enjoy the intelligent conversations I get on this board and am willing to go through a little "roughing-up" to stay here. The last thing I want to do is step on anyone’s toes and I have no intention to force my opinions upon any of you or shout them out as law on these boards, but I will state my opinion when I feel they are needed. I will also respect opposing opinions, as I realize and value the fact that I am not the only person on this board. When you first start posting your views on a site, there is always going to be some adjusting before you figure out the lingo, if you get what I'm saying. I guess you can say this is my getting acquainted period :D .

RE: Atma's Tavren threads.

Sympathy is not what I was looking for. I felt the patrons of the LL deserve to hear a good laugh of how a PKer met his own demise (rather pathetically I might add). Again, I meant only goodwill. :(
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
ahahahaha Archon_Wing I have not laughed as hard as I did at your "guide" for a long time. heh thank you for that. and as for the actual guide keep working at it and could wind up as a killer PvP guide but making a good guide takes time. Make sure you get lots of opinions and suggestions all the steps of the way because I'm sure everyone would like to see good things come of this one.
One Spark Lit the Sky on Fire
[Image: bugzap.gif]
MEAT, that was.... very poetic... I'm so touched...

Are you high? :huh:

It's nice to see you can still get enjoyment from D2 after such a long time. Personally, I think a few people here might have lit too hard into MEAT's views (I'm such a wussy), but, I repeat, to each his own.
I just thought that I'd point out that your sorc is actually quite vulnerable to plain old FO/TS, 8fpc, vitality sorceresses whose gear cost a mere fraction of what yours does. That is, until you don your duel raven frosts, which is generally considered bad form, but... I doubt if you mind. A skilled dueller of the type that I mention, with maxed CM will kill you every time, so long as you don't have more than one ravenfrost.

I really don't understand the appeal of being unkillable. Legit duelling with rules can be fun. Low level HC duels can be fun. What you describe seems to me to be a mind-numbing waste of time. No skill, no strategies necessary. Just point and click.
But whate'er I be,
Nor I, nor any man that is,
With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased
With being nothing.
William Shakespeare - Richard II
I'm amazed that you have managed to give a civil response to all the outward flames aimed at you. Kudos for at least your determination. I may not agree with certain aspects of how you play the game, but as long as you post thoughtfully I for one will still read them.
MEAT, that was a very well-written reply to many of the comments that were made to you. Hats off, you deserve it.

Just because we don't all play the game the same way doesn't mean we can't talk about it, right?
Look guys it could be a heck of a lot worse, I am not going to take sides, but I would like to end this war. Just be glad it wasnt this: http://forums.rpgforums.net/showthread.php...threadid=113449

-Wapptor (enjoy)
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
Umm, that guide was sacrastic :P And no it didn't inspire my guide in the first page. :) Well, maybe.

Edit: Oh, the hijack of that thread to poltical talk or should I say mindless yelling?
But the thread was hillarous.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
Ahahaha that post that you linked to is helarious. it reminds me of alot of stupid players I have come across in the past. HAHA :lol:
One Spark Lit the Sky on Fire
[Image: bugzap.gif]
Oh lord, I hope your not comparing that to my "guide" :P

I never laughed so hard reading that. I was seriously gripping my chair laughing so hard.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
See what a little humor can do?
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
You handled yourself amazingly well, Meat. I am taking back my 'responses'. This is just a demonstration of how you can't judge a book by it's cover...
"One day, o-n-e day..."
It's been said before, but I feel the need to say it again: your responses to the flames/comments/critiques directed at you were most impressive. Perhaps your ego is as invulnerable as your DR sorc. :P

I, for one, was quite intrigued by your guide. It's fun to give the ol' imagination some exercise (it is mostly that, for me, as I've never had the majority of the items you mentioned). I think it would be fun to give that character a try for a bit, although as other posters here have indicated, I can't see how it doesn't become a terribly repetitive exercise in point-and-click after a while. In any event, I think I speak for everyone when I say that, while we may not agree with your guide, we certainly do appreciate your mature and thought-out responses.

I'd love to discuss a few more things here but a game of spades and a glass of chianti are calling my name. Maybe later. :)


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