Roll Call: USWest!
I think its in my sig.....
Get ready for a surprise..............

US West account name: Premezilla

Character name: Premezilla
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. At least you'll be a mile away from them and you'll have their shoes." ~?

Stonemaul - Sneakybast, 51 Rogue
Terenas - Sneaksmccoy, 1 Rogue

Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight!
What do you know...


I'm currently playing sc, but trying to get to hardcore mode asap, as its where the game gets real to me :)

I am Baylan

Hardcore is the way to play!

You'll find me on US-East, on the account name Baylan (for now, I'll add more as I get my accounts up and hardcore-capable).

One character per account, of course :)

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
Sarouk_K298 (K298 is my Knight of Justice Clan #)
6 chars on it among them my Sorceress created the first day of Diablo II, I'm still missing some Tal Rasha Items :)

and also

Sarouk (I use mostly to play Starcraft/Broodwar)
2 char on it
2 acc's 1 mule...both on west

Main acc: XOblivionX (becha neva saw that cmin <_< )

Secondary acc: XxPray4AngelzxX (No need to congradulate me...i know you wish u had thot of that acc)

Mule: Bagage_Mulez: :P thaaaats riight!!
To learn how to keep an idiot busy, look down.
To learn how to keep an idiot busy...look up.

Blabbering nonesence,

Quote of the month: If I had 1 dollar for every brain you DIDNT HAVE, I'd have 1 dollar. <_<

Ok... I have yet another account. It is Whos-Yo-Daddy. :) And all of my characters will be similar to Holy Cow
whoa, sorry, didn't realize I already posted here.
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. At least you'll be a mile away from them and you'll have their shoes." ~?

Stonemaul - Sneakybast, 51 Rogue
Terenas - Sneaksmccoy, 1 Rogue

Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight!

im rather bored alot, so id welcome some people to adventure with me.
*luna-cd2 - classic hc, i'm on here most
*luna-x - 1.10 classic hc acct
*luna-pvp - classic sc chars, rarely use this
*luna- lod hc chars, rarely use this

i'm on alot, off & on thruout the day, if i don't reply to messages, try acctname#2 :)

I used to play on East but recently decided to switch to West since none of my Real Life friends play anymore. So, now I'm on west.

Accounts: WeirdCats, SevenCats

aka *westcats, USWest, SC
aka *sevencats, *weirdcats, USEast, SC

*all uswest hardcore*
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
ChromaticOnion - for SC
HardcoreOnion - for HC

LOL, big suprise right?

All my chars have "_Onion"

the two that I have as I write this are Skeletal_Onion and Infernal_Onion
"Hydrogen and stupidity are the two most common things in the universe" - Harlan Ellesen
"I beat you with a stick!" - ChromaticOnion
I have a decent selection of HC characters; some mature, some babies.

accounts: *pikken and *booky, booky007

play mostly barbs, but once 1.1 comes out (if and when that ever hapens) I may expand back into Pallys and Sorcs.

been out of the D2 community since last Nov. Just returning and finding that for the most part, not alot has changed much. Hopefully, 1.1 will help alter that state.

used to play useast, but bnet defaulted to west this time aorund. went under sarge33rd in the past. (in case someone out there happens to remember that sign in. *S*)
Why do I park my car in the driveway, then drive on the parkway?
assa Wrote:I clicked the reply button right away. Go me!


Hi Assa!! :D Tiffy told me about this place, hehe... so here I am!!

HARDCORE US WEST: (our main home!)
Scott_Freitas (ME!!! of course! :P )
Tiffany_Scott (Tiffy's acct)


Tiffany_Scott (again, duh!)




well i'll give you all two guesses as to my game name. ok give up? it's tufchic. (hee hee). i have one lonely sorc left and a newbie barbarian. i did have a singing barbarian that i named enrico_caruso, a paladin named pufdude, an amazon named amzi and a druid named dewey_dumber. silly names. well they are in battle net heaven now. i miss them. :(
Your friend,

[Image: tufchicblackmat.gif]

SC only, as power outages resulting in death are a bit too frequent for me to try HC. I've currently got an assassin, amazon and barb all between levels 30 and 40.

I'm on most days, but not at any specific time.

I'm always up for starting most any class if anyone wants to play.

Also, is there any general meeting place on USWest for LL? I've seen several other theads asking that sort of question, but no straight forward responses. If not, let's start one. I am tired of trying to find people to play with in the coop channel. All you ever see is 'I need a full rush for free so my lvl 2 char can do hell cows' or 'Godly sorc will rush for (list of items no one has)'. For a bit of fun, go there and ask when the last time was anyone in the channel played act 1 normal without a twink, rush, cheat, etc. I've never had quite so much fun being laughed at and called noob.

There's only one left :)
But whate'er I be,
Nor I, nor any man that is,
With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased
With being nothing.
William Shakespeare - Richard II
Duskwind - US West

A team D2 - 1.10 game would be good - Limped through Act2 with a Wolf Druid - Bad drops - 1 low Unquie No Greens

Trying a Zon now - I like that 1.10 is returning to group play

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