Master Gold Finding Character Help
Conner Macleod,Mar 7 2003, 12:27 AM Wrote:Yep, that's officially Disgusting!  Here's my 1500%+ GF sorcy going nuts.

Goldfinding Nightmare Council
Looks like my 2000%+ goldfinder necro :)
AHA! The gauntlet has been thrown down! I swapped out my sojs for two Dwarf Stars and now more gold falls. How in the heck do you pack 2,000%+ on a Necro? Here's my gear on the sorc, tell me what you got so we can compare notes... I am in the process of building a Necro GFer.

Lem'd Crown of Thieves - 148% GF
6 Lem'd Crystal Sword - 450%
Wealth Archon - 300%
Goldwrap - 75%
Infernostrides - 60%
3 Lem'd Troll Nest - 150%
2xDwarf Stars - 200% total
+3 Light skills/Wealth Ammy - 70%
Chance Guards - 200%
3xGF GCs - 110% total
4xGF SCs - 40% total

TOTAL: 1,803% Gold Find

Merc Gear (adds to it! :) )
2xLem Cruel War Pike - 150%
Wealth Eth Ornate Plate - 300%
Lem'd Crown of Thieves - 144%

TOTAL: 594% GF

Grand Total: 2,397% Gold Find

Whatcha think? Xfer all that gear to a Necro with a Thorn Merc? How the heck do you get 2000+? I could see adding 5x40%GF GCs and 4x10% GF SCs (240% more), but you have a packed inventory!

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
Destroyer MemberFDIC

Level 53 Hardcore Necromancer

MemberFDIC's Blade of Ali Baba, "LemLem" - 282% GF
Tarnhelm, 30% GF jewel socketed - 105% GF
Wealth Dusk Shroud - 300% GF
1.08 blue amulet - +1 barb skills (grr <_<), 107% GF
Chance Guards - 200% GF
Homonoculous - unsocketed, debating PDiamond or Lem.
Coral Demonhide Sash of Wealth - 76% GF
Dual Dwarf Stars - 100% GF each, making 200% total
Infernostrides (looking for better) - 62% GF


Lem'd Crown of Theives - 139% GF
Wealth Wyrmhide - 300% GF


199% GF, from 6 assorted GC's ranging from 25% GF to 39% GF


282 + 105 + 300 + 107 + 200 + 76 + 200 + 62 + 139 + 300 + 199 = 1,970% Gold Find

Ok, not quite as high as it could be. I can Lem the Homonoculous for 50% more, triple Lem a Hone Sundan for 225% more, and add more charms in. This would get me ~300% more, so at level 53 I'd have around 2260% GF. Plus, the GF on my ali baba increses per clvl :)

The real advantage with a Necro is, imo, the way that thorns works. If an enemy kills itself on your thorns, the kill gets credited to your MERC, which means any magic and gold find that they have on applies to that drop.

Conner, that's one heck of a lot of Lem's there.
Ok Crescent, I will give it to you. A hardcore Goldfinder wastes my Easty softcore GFer hands down. That takes a ton of patience to build.

Lems = cheap to buy. Until Friday I was getting them 2 for 1 soj. The hard part was locating the max socketed gear, but I've been playing a while so I have a good number of them on the mules.

Located an Ethereal Kraken Shell with THREE SOCKETS about an hour ago in a cow game (while showing off the GFer, I'm so proud of her, and the cheers and jeers are always worth it). I saw that grey Kraken just laying there and nobody running for it. picked it up and POW! 755 def with 3 socks. OH yes. Wealth'd it, put it on the merc, another 120 defense for him.

I love the idea on the Thorn merc Necro. Someone on Diabloii's MP has a 39%GF/+1 Summoning charm for me, so I'm off and running there for a Necro. Woohoo! I wish I could find the charms for my sorc tho, I wanna see how high I can push her GF and have the "legit" max GF, whatever that might be. With all that gear on, I have to get REALLY close to Static/Orb/Nova anything and she dies all the time on me. 3-4 Light Charms with GF and I think that'll do the trick. Nothing like losing 400,000 gold! :D

I was thinking on a GFing Baba, which would be nuts. He couldn't really kill anything with GF gear, mostly hork corpses. Dual 6xLem swords/weapons and standard GF gear. He'd kill with dual CCBs (3xLem'd of course). His merc would be a Might Merc with my Sorc's gear.

Hmmm, Lem = Conner's favorite rune

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil

since it hasnt been posted yet i'll add some info.
the max goldfind you can get in D2Classic is ~1000%
the max for LOD is ~3700% (barb + act3 merc) with that merc you cant kill fast but you can say you have the max :blink:

i happen to have 6 good goldfind chars (im sick) :( and i'm thinking about making a new sc hc west one that i can use to gamble amulets that i can xfer to lod.
barb: d2c sc west
barb: lod sc west
amz: lod sc west
sorc: lod sc west
barb: lod hc west
barb: lod sc east

my best one has over 3000% goldfind (can push it upto +3100) with that setup my best single pile of gold has been +134K. when you have that much goldfind and also max finditem skill on a barb you can make over a mill gold per run on the highcouncil. if you take the time to do meph you can also get even more.

Conner Macleod:
there are a handfull of people over in the marketplace that go after all the same goldfind items. before all that duping junk a few weeks ago most of the good greedcharms would sell for 3-5 sojs each!!

as for how well a goldfind barb can kill, they are the best godlfind char you can make hands down. (you just need good items) my barb has max to all in hell, does great dmg and is fun to play. the trick to the barb is to have leech on your weapon. you can use ww, frenzy, zerk for your main attack. any weapon class will work great. you just put your killing weapons on tab 1 and your ali's or lem weapons on tab 2. when your might merc kills keep your cash swords out, you also use them to pop the bodies for the 2nd drop.
Only play PoE now.
3000%? Didn't know you could get that high! :)

Before the duping craze, I was able to purchase a few good Necro GF charms (some from MP on I have to abandon the Necro idea tho temporarily, too much other stuff is taking my interest and I can't seem to locate or craft the ammy I want. BUT...

I've just resolved myself to GFing the NM Council and then hunting down Meph and the straggling Council Members. All the while just letting the merc go nuts. Highest pile I've seen was 59k+, and then on double drop (two piles, one monster) - one 48k+ and a second with 30k+. Best run I've gotten out of this method so far before selling gear is 489,154 gold (yes, I do keep a stupid record log).

I would like to definitely take a second to thank everyone for their contribution to this thread because I've taken the GFer from like 1300 to over 1800 because of the ideas, with total over 2300 with merc. Me happy! :)

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
You're all insane.

When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Conner is referring to the Hit Power crafting of Gloves... which always results in Knockback, one of its auto-included affixes.

*tips helm*
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Huh? I looked all over this thread. Where did I refer to KB? Chance guards for Gold Finding! :P

And NiteFox? Insane? Nooooooooooooo, NEVER! Just finding creative and fun things to do in the game! If you play East look for me! I'm the one in the cow games popping chests and waiting for everyone to leave!

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
here is the breakdown on how to get 3700% goldfind

act3 merc: 1100%
150% lem crown of thieves
300% wealth
450% 6 lem weapon
200% 4 lem sheild

Note: they have little killing speed. i happen to like act2 might merc

barb: 2610%
900% 2 6 lem weapons
300% wealth
200% chance
200% 2 dwarfstar rings
150% Lem crown of thieves
~120% old d2c rare amulet
~120% old d2c rare belt
~120% old d2c rare boots
500% charms (10 40% gc, 10 10% sc)
Total: 3710

old d2c rares could have close to 120% greed on them plus all those other good mods.
Only play PoE now.
I personally LOVE the way that my Etheral 4 LEM Monarch Looks..... LOL Thanks for all the info, though I know I didnt ask ;)

*NERDmanWhippy on Us East
Edited- Nicodemus, please try to avoid personal attacks. Thanks.

Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
edited, to avoid out-of-context posts

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
Quote:Edited- Nicodemus, please try to avoid personal attacks. Thanks.


Of course, milady. I apologize for that. You certainly didn't need the aggravation.

*tips helm*
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
New tip for GFing.

If you are GFing on this tip is for you. In earlier posts we've determined that the NM Council is the best place to GF quickly. In creating games for GFing, create games like "Free Iths 4 U" and "My Ith Free" with no password. This increases drop potential (mostly gold) if these cheater wannabe's join up - and they will.

Simply make the game, kill the Council, and collect the gold. My record was broken recently - 486,532 gold in one game, before item sales. If they call you a newb or whatever, who cares, they were looking for a cheat! Just play on their greed for your greed.

Another tip - limit the # of players to 3-4 because they become super hard with 8 players in the game and you'll waste valuable time. They tend to discover they've been had quickly.

My 2 cents.

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
was that 486k off nm or hell? if you play sc i wouldnt waste time doing nm when hell high is just as fast for a good char. even a good merc can kill hell highcouncil -phy imms. you need to start doing hell games. in a bad trip you can get over 400k and on a good run you can get close to 1.5mill
Only play PoE now.
Well, my gfer has kinda crappy resists, and I wouldn't mind Hell Counciling her. If that's the case in Hell, I'm all over it. She's 90 now, but everytime I try them the merc dies immediately.

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
This is kinda off-topic, but I think Hell Council gold find runs are best with a barb, because of find item. That gives a load of cash :P
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Conner Macleod,Mar 29 2003, 08:32 AM Wrote:Well, my gfer has kinda crappy resists, and I wouldn't mind Hell Counciling her.&nbsp; If that's the case in Hell, I'm all over it.&nbsp; She's 90 now, but everytime I try them the merc dies immediately.
without looking at all the other posts Conner what kind of merc do you use and what lev is it. my lev 96 might merc can solo hell highcouncil (-the phy imms) he is using a 12% COT, eth wealth, cruel great poleaxe of amp.

2 things that work very well are to run to the left side and lev the merc kill the council from the other side of the wall. i can also use zerk from there. the 2nd is to use WarCry to stun some of them. doing that will help your merc alot. since you use a sorc or amz using a cold attack to slow them down should do the same thing.
Only play PoE now.
You could still get a crap load more from charms, 500% should be very easy.

Gold find is not bugged or nerfed for chests, it simply doesn't work. You get XX% extra gold from monsters. Chests are not monsters. So if it seems thst chests don't give you much gold, I'd bet you are right.
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