Hey all u lurkers,

Now, about 1.10 i was wondering, i hear all this talk about ppl starting over in 1.10... does that mean that 1.10 will delete all of my chars from 1.09 :o ????


Thanks for all answers to my questoin (it may be quite a newbie question, but hey, not like i care)
When in doubt, there is only one thing to do......


Check me out on USEast at wza.occhi
Hail mchamma,

Not exactly: your 1.09 characters shall remain, but from what we have been told they would not be able to run on the ladder - only new 'ladder characters' can do that. It's effectively a ladder whipe along with some anti-twinking thrown in (of cause, that shall not last long, eh?).
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
...if I may elaborate, 1.10's and 1.09's apparently won't even be able to join the same games, just as expansion & classic characters must play seperately.

This of course could be feces de bull but I welcome it wholeheartedly, if it is true (don't we all?).
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
Swarmalicious,Feb 24 2003, 10:20 AM Wrote:...if I may elaborate, 1.10's and 1.09's apparently won't even be able to join the same games, just as expansion & classic characters must play seperately.
Well as I understood it, the new ladders would be optional to Realm players, meaning that new 1.10 characters would have the option of being non-ladder and therefore fully interactive with characters from previous patches (but not 1.10 ladder characters). It's almost moot though considering how many people are announcing how they intend to just make ladder characters.

The ladder has also been reported to have a temporary lifespan (similar to current ladder resets) whereupon the new characters will be able to interact with older ones again six months down the line. That's old info though and we have yet to see what the full plan is.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
well i was kinda hopin u would answer my question, though :P
When in doubt, there is only one thing to do......


Check me out on USEast at wza.occhi

Since each version that is supported on b.net would require another game server program, keeping 1.09 when 1.10 comes out will just increase the cost. I suspect that when 1.10 comes out (if ever), we'll all just get the usual upgrade screens and everything will be 1.10. Now, either 1.09 characters will be able to run in this environment or not. If not, the screams will be heard on Pluto -- yes, even through the vacuum. So, what I suspect will happen is that all characters will play together, but only those created after the release of 1.10 will be on the ladder.

But that's just my guess. I've been wrong as often as right in trying to predict what Buzzard will do. :)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

mchamma,Feb 24 2003, 05:07 PM Wrote:well i was kinda hopin u would answer my question, though :P
short and simple you won't lose your characters.
One Spark Lit the Sky on Fire
[Image: bugzap.gif]
thats all i needed to know :P

(cant see how that was so hard)
When in doubt, there is only one thing to do......


Check me out on USEast at wza.occhi
Quote: (cant see how that was so hard)

I, for one, can't see why it is so hard to spend a tiny bit of effort making your posts a little more readable. A little punctuation and capitalization can go a long way.

Would it really be so hard? :)
Sorry, sheesh. Don't have to be perfect do we? I chat a lot so i use chat slang.
When in doubt, there is only one thing to do......


Check me out on USEast at wza.occhi
Even better, perhaps you could take the time to read the replies people leave you. The first line in the first reply, less than 3 minutes after you posted was "your 1.09 characters will remain." I'm pretty sure that's the King's English for "your characters will not be deleted," not to mention the fact that subsequent posts refer to 1.09 and 1.10 characters, implying that both will still be around. While you're working on that spelling and punctuation, why don't you test out those reading comprehension skills, as well, and throw in some manners, too. We lurkers like our high standards and don't intend on dropping the bar.
Pete,Feb 24 2003, 06:48 PM Wrote:Hi,

Since each version that is supported on b.net would require another game server program, keeping 1.09 when 1.10 comes out will just increase the cost. I suspect that when 1.10 comes out (if ever), we'll all just get the usual upgrade screens and everything will be 1.10.  Now, either 1.09 characters will be able to run in this environment or not.  If not, the screams will be heard on Pluto -- yes, even through the vacuum.  So, what I suspect will happen is that all characters will play together, but only those created after the release of 1.10 will be on the ladder.

But that's just my guess.  I've been wrong as often as right in trying to predict what Buzzard will do. :)

I think ladder will be a choice at char creation I don't think it will be automatic. There are currently 2 characters types that exist on the same servers but can't play with each other hardcore and normal. Ladder would be a flag just like hardcore and create the other 'incompatible' character type. If you have the ladder flag you can only play with ladder chars. If you don't have the ladder flag you can play with others that don't have it. When the ladder is reset that ladder flag is removed and now you can play with all the other non ladder chars.

I am guessing there will be a HC and ladder flag as well as just a HC flag so that you can have new HC ladder chars if you want. I don't know the exact mechanism that are used, but I know that some of the editors out there could change a HC char into a SC and vice versa at least for earlier versions of the game. I haven't had time to test things since like 1.05 so I haven't looked at an editor since then.

Of course like you said the current 1.09 chars wil live on happily.

Note, I initially misread what Pete had to say, and I have edited the post to reflect that, but some of it still sounds a bit redundant. I decided to post anyway, since some of the info I presented hasn't been been yet, and to give another viewpoint on the points that we actually agree on. But the post may seem a little odd as a reply, just wanted to clarify why.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
For the sake of this illustration, any SP will be treated as Open.

Open HC
1.10 HC
1.10(L) HC

For purists, for whom true SP involves no multiplayer at all . . .

Open HC
1.10 HC
1.10(L) HC

Is that a simple enough outline? :)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Feb 28 2003, 11:25 AM Wrote:Open
Open HC
1.10 HC
1.10(L) HC
You forget Classic!!! :lol:

relates to characters saved on HDD
Realm relates to characters saved on B/net Realm server
(eg Open Realm played characters listed only as "Open" )

LoD 1.10 Open (with option to revert to earlier patch out of public)
LoD 1.10 Open HC (with option to revert to earlier patch out of public)
LoD 1.10 Realm
LoD 1.10 Realm HC
LoD 1.10(L) Realm
LoD 1.10(L) Realm HC

D2 1.10 Open (with option to revert to earlier patch out of public)
D2 1.10 Open HC (with option to revert to earlier patch out of public)
D2 1.10 Realm
D2 1.10 Realm HC

D2 1.10(L) Realm (assumes ladders are available)
D2 1.10(L) Realm HC (assumes ladders are available)
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
No I didn't. SP is a subset of Open. :P
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
*picks arrow out of roguish rump*

Have you been talking to Rhydderch Hael lately? :)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
No, I just have an automatic tendancy to mentally expore the periphery of any ideas I encounter and this frequently leads to me saying, "Um, you missed something." :unsure:
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War

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