Jade ring of <what?>
Just recently I was clearing normal/hell with my soon-to-be level 30 mage, Lang. I thought it might be a good idea to search for some high qlvl items through easy kills as I slowly made my way to 30. Standard gaming really - cleared inventory and picked up everything that dropped. Although I have heard rumors the normal mode is the best place get items, most of the time I noticed that all the magical items dropped had but one affix. After a few clears, I happened to ID this ring that I found quite odd. A Jade ring of Trouble (28%, -8). A very interesting combination, no doubt, I was wondering if this was at all rare. Is this at all rare or confusing? I see a large difference in qlvl of the affixes. Is it just possible (and probable) that this is a perfectly valid item that while a being a novelty, is just as common as any other run of the mill ring drop one might find? Just want to hear what some of you think about it, I myself was a little baffled at first... "Jade rind of the heav... TROUBLE!? Ok... just about the opposite of what I want.".

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
I'm not too good at this item generation, especially when cursed affixes come in, but I also have a jade/trouble. Me and Thenryb found it after we got our LAWs startrapped on 13(Maelstorms and Stormlords) and I went too fast(hadn't played the warrior in many moons and was used to high AC or at least low AC ranged :P) and Thenryb brought in his Tank warrior to save our butts. We took the ring and got out of there fast ;)
Any non-boss monsters in the mlvl range 18-25 could feasibly drop your ring. That covers a large number of cave monsters and some of the weaker hell monsters. I would say it is not especially rare compared to any given prefix/suffix combo (intentionally try to find one specific combo in the dungeon and you will soon realize that *any* combo could be considered rare). It is an interesting item though, and potentially useful for a Hybrid variant. I doubt you'll find anyone playing that variant these days though.
the Langolier,Mar 1 2003, 08:59 AM Wrote:Although I have heard rumors the normal mode is the best place get items

The reason normal//hell is chosen for item hunting is basically because it is faster. You can easily Teleport from dlvl13 to 14, from 14 to 15, kill Laz and his girls and do the same for Gorash at dlvl 16 in less than 3 minutes.

Always remember: affix generation isn't altered with the level of difficulty; though base item generation is.

Well, that would mean by killing some lower level creeps in normal//hell, you won't be able to find a FPM. Still, that won't make difference if you are trying to find top level items, since every monster that can drop the preffix "Awesome" can drop a FPM.

Generally people also advice during a Laz run to kill every single non-unique mlvl 30 monsters you come across. Those are Blood Knights, Soul Burners and Advocates. The reason of that is because they can drop jewelry of the Zodiac.
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).

Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"

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