who wants a fresh start
I have the original Diablo II Classic but when the expansion was released Blizzard took a whole year to bring it to Brazil (my country) . Anyway because i couldnt wait to play LoD (back when it was released in the US there were no plans to bring it to Brazil) i bought a pirated version.It works just like the original (my friend waited the one year period and we played on IP) but i cant log in bnet.Since he moved on to other games i had no one to play with.So my question is:is there anyone willing to trust me to play through IP ?
What's up. I'd like to play on open with a legit, sure, because of all the crap going on on bnet right now - massive duping, probable rollbacks, etc. But I would only want to play with legits... so if you let other people in on it I'd kinda expect them to be legit too. I guess you can't prove it though. Well let me know!

P.S. - It appears email reply isn't working...
I guess i forgot to mention that i am interested in starting from scratch(i lost my chars :( ) So i'm also going to be legit.I miss playing D2 but i dont think playing alone is interesting anymore.I started a new amazon and was sick of the game by level 3 so i anyone would be willing to play with me i'd be gratefull
I'll gladly play with you as soon as I get my network settings fixed up. I suspect that screwed up settings is the reason for my intolerable lag on B.net as well as on open games (I'm using my college's OC3 connection so there's no reason for me to get lag).
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
I understand that it can be frustrating when a game isn't available in Brazil in a timely manner. But, please be aware that the Lurker Lounge does *not* condone software piracy.

Why can't we all just get along

I understand what you mean but i just want to play with someone.How many people here keep saying that b.net is laggy (i know that from WAR3)and full of cheats ? This topic is about finding people to spend some quality D2 time outside b.net and there is nothing wrong about that.In this particular topic i'm just explaining why i cant play on b.net and not telling people to use piracy copies.
What day or days of the week and time of day are you wanting to play? I'd rather play IP than on bnet any day. I'm US central time zone, and will be switching to a normal day shift routine so I'll be around evenings to play from now on hopefully.
I dont really know the difference in time zones from Brtazil's to US' central time . Do you have ICQ or MSN messanger.It'd be easier to find ourselves online if we use those . Now you do understand that i have to start over because of a little accident(my chars are gone :( )I did create a new one but i got bored at lvl 3-playing alone is so boring
I'll gladly play with you and start a new char.
But you would have to have msn messnger so we could catch eachother on line.

my msn in bradrich90@hotmail.com if you want to message me.

Hope to talk soon.
Some higher power doesnt want me playing D2.By the start of last week my pc broke down.I'm accessing the lounge through my collage's pc.So when my pc does come back from the repair shop i'll let you know.I also have messanger but i never really looked anyone up so ,if it's worth anything,my e-mail is bernardovaz@hotmail.com
Speaking of Rollbacks... my friend just got a 71 barb back today from Roll back... HC of course. How cool is that?

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