What hellfire?
Quote: Can i download Diablo Hellfire online?

Legally? No.

Just a heads up, SDsaber: with your posting tactics and methods of speech, you aren't going to be welcomed much here or responded to, either. This isn't Battle.Net.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Try checking at Amazon.com I've lucked up on finding some old stuff their both new and used.
If you were searching for it on eBay a year or two ago, it usually sold for $3-$5 a pop. I bought a hellfire back then, but the seller sent me a Diablo CD instead. Oh well, I didn't give him negative or anything. Just forogt about it.

I just remembered I wanted to buy it like yesterday, so I purchased one today. If you look on eBay's AUCTIONS, it sells usually for over 10+ bucks or so, without shipping.

But, a lot of eBay users don't know about half.com Search over at half.com, for diablo hellfire. I just bought one for 7 dollars with $2 shipping.

Yes, I just got one from Half.com for 7.95 with 3.25 first class shipping. I hope to see it soon :D
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Bolty,Mar 14 2003, 03:51 AM Wrote:Just a heads up, SDsaber: with your posting tactics and methods of speech, you aren't going to be welcomed much here or responded to, either.  This isn't Battle.Net.

YA this is my 2nd sign up in here not joke :)
YA but my mum said that i cant buy thing online :(
Nitefox,Mar 5 2003, 09:30 AM Wrote:Heck.  I can't even remember it being sold in Electronics Boutique or Game (Then Future Zone).  Between those two stores you had access to literally 100% of the games on sale in the country.  They simply didn't have it, which leads me to believe that Hellfire simply was not released in the UK.  I've even spent the last two years (Believe it or not) plumbing various small stores that deal with imported games (Though they will not go to the trouble of importing a game for you), and everything has come up negative.
Hellfire WAS released in the UK. I bought it shortly after it first came out in November (or December?) 1997, and it has the "ELSPA" age rating and UK support phone number printed on it, so it's not an import. I got mine from Electronics Boutique, and I'm pretty sure they also sold it in a double-pack with vanilla Diablo for a while.
So listen here...

Try out www.ebay.de instead of www.ebay.com - You might get Hellfire there for about 5 €...

If you live in Germany - that' it !

Live in Europe - look if the seller supports international shipping, still good

Live in the US - you better look elsewhere.

Perhaps I was able to help some europeans here (are there any?)

CU, MFG (Mit Freundlichen Grüßen [German]) your Fragbait
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- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

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