Diablo 1 question
Just getting back into Diablo, and I like hunting for gold items. My question here is: What unique/magical items can I expect to not see on legit battle.net ever?

A second question might be: when can I expect to see long war bows drop? :lol:
>I like hunting for gold items

Do you mean uniques by this? Gold is also the name of a prefix, +21-30% to hit

>What unique/magical items can I expect to not see on legit battle.net ever?

I am guessing you are asking which are the common hacked/duped items. First of all, you should stay away from any item from others to begin with - especially in public games. With some experience you will be able to tell which are the obvious dupes and what items are hacked. I would read through the "items" section in J.P.'s guide to learn about prefix/suffix and some rules regarding item generation.

Some general rules are:
-never trust items from anyone you don't personally know is legit (be hesitant with anyone claiming they are legit)
-Godly is not a valid prefix on ANY type of plate
-Unique items only come in one form i.e. "dreamflange" is a mace, not armor/jewlery that you may see in public games
-Obsidain jewelry of the zodiac is extremely rare, so chances are that anyone *giving* you one is spreading a dupe.

Again, with experience you will be able to tell what kinds of items are not legit easily.

>when can I expect to see long war bows drop

...as in which part of the game? That depends upon difficulty. Each difficulty has an item drop bonus that affects base items only. This means that in nightmare/hell better base will be able to drop sooner than in normal. LWB drops in normal are fairly common in caves/hell. I have also seen unique monsters drop LWB's in nightmare difficulty in the church.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
ak404,Mar 7 2003, 07:24 AM Wrote:Just getting back into Diablo, and I like hunting for gold items.  My question here is: What unique/magical items can I expect to not see on legit battle.net ever?
Take a look at Jarulf's guide. In it, he lists all of the uniques available in the game, with base item and all stats listed. He also notes which items can't be found in multiplayer. That should be a good guide for what can be found on b.net - if it's a different base item than is listed, stay away from it.

As a side note, since I started playing again roughly a week or so ago, I've found 3 uniques - Thinking Cap, Mindcry, and The Executioner's Blade.
Quote:-Godly is not a valid prefix on ANY type of plate

Well, as long as it's within the price limit, Wirt can sell Godly breast plate.

example 1
example 2

(change the godly0#.jpg in the link, where # is 1 to 8, to see images of other Godly affixed items :) )

Quote:-Unique items only come in one form i.e. "dreamflange" is a mace, not armor/jewlery that you may see in public games

True, though Gnarled Root comes in club and spiked club versions and Storm Shield comes in tower and gothic shield versions.
- SoulEdge -
"*burp* too many pots, I need to pee..."
Godly is not a valid prefix on ANY type of plate

A GpoW is a perfectly stable item. The reason it cannot be generated by the game is because Wirt's price cap is 135k. In Hellfire, thanks to the Auric Ammy, you can purchase a plain Godly Full Plate.

This means that in nightmare/hell better base will be able to drop sooner than in normal. LWB drops in normal are fairly common in caves/hell. I have also seen unique monsters drop LWB's in nightmare difficulty in the church.

Actually, I've checked how the base item generation makes a difference in normal//hell, and it's not much. The creep with the lowest mlvl in Hell IIRC is the Cave Viper, with mlvl 21. That would mean that it is abled to drop a LWB since its qlvl is 19.

Also, I would like to add that SP Quest Items ( The Butcher's Cleaver, Harlequin's Crest, Veil of Steel, etc ) cannot be found in Multiplayer and there also exists a few Unique items that cannot be generated like Lightforge and The Deflector.
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).

Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"

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