where to find the Royal Circlet
Hello fellow lurkers,

I am currently seeking The Royal Circlet as an item to give to my warrior. Why I need one, long story short, my power characters over the years were deleted due to hard disk crash. I am forced to start from scratch.

However, I wish to find the Royal Circlet on my own questing - I'm up for slaying some monsters over again!
The question is, where do I start looking for this?
If I remember correctly, I believe I've found it before usually in normal/hell. Doomcloud, the Lightning Demon dropped it for me once, and the other happened to be from Sir Gorash.

But now, I'm looking for a quick way to find the item. I've read in Jarulf's Guide Online that our famous Circlet has a quality level of 27; so does this mean I need to be level 27 to find this, or find a monster of mlvl 27 to drop this?

Where is my best place to start my hunt for this item? I've got access to normal/nightmare/hell modes. Any suggestions?

Thank you!
Hail gaidensensei,

Further along in Jarulf's guide is a list of where to best find all the Uniques in the game. The RC has the best odds (1/56) of dropping on dlvl15, so if you run over Hell/Normal a lot, you'll get it in a day or two :)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
The way to find any unique item is to kill unique monsters that can drop it (since they have a 16% chance to drop a unique, whereas normal monsters only have a 2% chance, if they drop anything at all).

In the case of the royal circlet, your best bet is repeated Laz runs on normal difficulty, stopping to kill any uniques you meet along the way.

You should find one reasonably quickly, though randomness can play funny tricks: I had a terrible time finding my first circlet, and it seemed like I was looking for one for ever. After I found one, of course, they started to rain down from the skies.
Aye, the RC's I've pulled out from the battlefield have been through Laz runs. One of the Hell Spawn bosses seems to like dropping it.

At Normal Difficulty, a 30+ Warrior won't face too much trouble unless your Fire-based spells are weak or you keep getting Soul Burners in level 15. But that's more a matter of speed, not outright danger.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
Thecla,Mar 17 2003, 07:42 PM Wrote:You should find one reasonably quickly, though randomness can play funny tricks
Yes, always remember the value on JG's table is a probability.

The Random God already tricked many times with me...

I've already done over 300 dlvl 2 Nightmare runs seeking for the Helm of Sprits; although my desired life stealer wasn't found, I've came across four Bloodslayers, unique Broad Axes even rarer than the HoS.
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).

Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"
Hello Lukers,

I did about 50 normal runs today with a sorc that started the runs at level 26, who is now level 31..
Only one of those runs Laz dropped a Fool's crest! I'm being humiliated by book droppings..
My last one, before I decided to just retire for tonight, I found my second obsidian ring of the zodiac in my diablo career ever.. This one's 38% and +18.. Now only if I could find that royal circlet.. :(
Heh, that's a new one:

"I keep finding these obs/zods, but I just can't find a royal circlet" :)
Welcome to the world of the unique hunter.

I've managed to dig up countless Dreamflanges, CCs, Bows of the Dead, Rings of Engagements, Constricting Rings, Nightcapes, Rainbow Cloaks, Leathers of Aut, Messerschmidt's Reavers, Lightsabers, Black Razors, Wisdom Wraps, Thinking Caps, and Flamedarts when all I want is an RC and a spare NLP.

Perhaps I should start building a BotD economy like I proposed last night. Three Bows of the Dead will buy me an RC :)
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Quote:My last one, before I decided to just retire for tonight, I found my second obsidian ring of the zodiac in my diablo career ever.. This one's 38% and +18.. Now only if I could find that royal circlet.. 

I'll trade ya ;)
Quote:Only one of those runs Laz dropped a Fool's crest! I'm being humiliated by book droppings..

Books don't go to the bathroom, last tim eI checked... but I know how you feel, hunting for specific items. I can't seem to find my jade//brilliance shield to go with my Dreamflange... I did, however, find Obsidian (studded leather) Armor of Sorcery on one of those runs (at least I think it was a laz run...) :P I'm looking for a Ob/wiz mail (if that's possible) also, but I guess with my prizes, the going gets rougher because I'm not hunting Uniques, but enchanted equipment. If I ever find a Royal Circlet, I'll (most likely) trade it to ya for something B)
I knew it! You actually bothered to read this signiture!
Quote:I'm looking for a Ob/wiz mail (if that's possible)

It's not :)

The highest +Magic suffix that can spawn on armor is Sorcery.

Blame Buzzard for not making FC "Cap" base and Overlord's Helm "Full Helm" base. ;)

"Let's cram as many uniques as we can on the same base type and demonstrate our super-keen understanding of our own drop code!"

But ya gotta give 'em some credit compared to Sierra. "13 unique rings that all use the same base type is a fantastic idea!"

[o: *LEMMING* :o]

But ya gotta give 'em some credit compared to Sierra.

Yep. Buzzard is one of, if not the, best game companies out there. Makes you shudder, don't it? ;)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I knew it! You actually bothered to read this signiture!
Hello all,

(Grr, just as I was about to finish posting, diablo crashed and I now need to retype this over again)
Thank you for your information! I've finally gotten ahold of the Royal Circlet into my hands again at last. These runs I made total up to about 250, more or less..
Now my warrior Seijuiiro is ready for full time combat! Following the guide of Bolty's information.
[Image: seijuiiro.jpg]

A side note: I did a bunch of logging down of the uniques dropped; these runs were all done by a sorcerer whom started them at clvl 26, and is now 33 (finally retired of his digging job today :))

I made a side list of the items dropped for those who may be interested in finding certain items, but are unsure where to look.
All these runs were in Normal mode, usually strictly on destroying any unique bosses in dlvl 13-15, but sometimes 16 (Sir Gorash).

If an unique is not listed, then that appears that I did not receive it in these runs.

3 Gladiator's Bane
1 Leather of Aut
2 Naj's Light Plate
1 Nightscape
1 Rainbow Cloak
1 Scavenger Carapace
3 Sparking Mail
2 Wisdom's Wrap

1 Celestial Axe
1 Hellslayer
2 Messerschmidt's Reaver
4 Stonecleaver

2 Blackoak Bow
1 Bow of the Dead
2 Flamedart
1 Deadly Hunter
1 Windforce

2 Celestial Star
3 Dreamflange
3 Gnarled Root
3 Schafer's Hammer

1 Fool's Crest
1 Gotterdamerung
1 Royal Circlet
1 Thinking Cap

4 Ring of Engagement

2 Blackoak Shield
2 Split Skull Shield
1 Dragon's Breach
1 Holy Defender
1 Stormshield (Tower, 60STR Req)
1 Stormshield (Gothic, 80STR Req)

1 Gleamsong
1 Mindcry
1 Naj's Puzzler

1 Doombringer
2 Executioner's Blade
1 Grandfather
1 Gryphon's Claw
4 Inferno
4 Lightsabre
1 Shadowhawk

Magical items of interest:
Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac
2 King's Bastard Sword
King's Sabre of Gore
King's Great Axe
Garnet Amulet of the Zodiac
Saintly Full plate of the stars
Saintly Shield of the Wolf
Blessed Full plate of the Stars
Obsidian Full plate of Sorcery
Saintly Gothic plate of Harmony
Metoric Broad Sword of Speed
Crimson Ring of the Heavens
Sapphire Ring of the Heavens
Obsidian Ring
Obsidian Amulet of the Wolf
Jade ring of Perfection
3 Prefix Ring with suffix of Lion (cannot recall them)
2 Prefix Ring with suffix of Tiger (Sapphire, and another)

2 Chain Lightning
5 Firebolt
1 Fireball
4 Flash
2 Healing
1 Heal Other
3 Mana Shield
2 Fire Wall
5 Telekinesis

A side note:
It seemed when my sorcerer started the runs at clvl 26, the uniques usually had a higher chance of dropping for some reason - about every 8 of 10 runs ended with a unique falling. As I progressed leveling (sometimes destroying hordes of monsters blocking the way) the chances of the uniques seemed to drop - by clvl 30 it seemed as if the uniques dropped atleast 2 of 10 runs.. Is this a streak of bad luck, or is it because of more magical properties being made for my character level?
I'm not sure, and I've decided to start making runs for my lvl 32 sorcerer. Mabe I shouldn't, and I should start a new mage? Hmmm... turtle mage, perhaps? Oh well. I digress.

I didn't think it possible to have more than one prefix on an item, however... how is that possible? Or better yet, what page in Jarulf's guide might I find that info on?
I knew it! You actually bothered to read this signiture!

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