Gambling in Nightmare
Are you able to gamble for items like the Demonhide boots or gloves or like the sallet or the sharkskin armor???
I will make weapons from your bones--Smith
"I am pond scum"--Bull Shannon from Night Court
The last one is a line in the show. It is a very funny line. You have to watch the episode to understand the phrase.
Hail Deadlyman,

Yes, you can gamble for such items, but your odds are going to be pretty slim for a while. I forget the exact equation now (I'm sure someone'll post it soon), but as your clvl increases, your chance of getting Exceptionals does too; in Hell difficulty, it's the same for Elites, though an even lower chance. In short, you will get Leather Boots most of the time, but occationally the Demonhide Boots you are after :)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Also (but I'm not sure of this...) I don't think that the difficulty level you are in matters. Last I knew, it is just your char level...
Hail Obi2Kenobi,

That's what I thought, though I've never gambled an Exceptional in Normal before. Could be just rotten luck, but still...
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
i'm pretty sure difficulty and act dont matter for gambling... my druid finds tiara's in th gambling screen in normal and nightmare and hell
Well, according to AS you can gamble Circlets at clvl 19.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386

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