Basically, this is more of an oddity than a bug. Whenever there is a flash of lightning, shortly after the period of white, I can't see my character, hireling, summons, or other players for a few seconds, as they are all replaced with whatever is on the corresponding point on my desktop. Basically, if i was working on a paper for school, took a break, and a lightning flash hits the game, the outline of my druid remains, but instead of his imgae, it is a block of text. I don't know how lucid I was here, jsut thought it an interesting point to bring up. Ciao, see you all on the servers. :wacko: ugh, or maybe I'll just stick to SP.
This is almost certainly an issue with your graphics card/display drivers. Try updating the video driver for your graphics card.
You should take a SS of it and send it to the STSI. :D
No way man that's awesome....don't ever update your drivers!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
It IS pretty darn trippy if you're sick, or stoned... Either way, seeing things.... Nah, I'm cool with it, jsut thought it'd be interesting to bring up and see if anyone else has experienced it!
It happens to me once in a while on my laptop (D2 machine ;) ) when I alt + Tab back to the game while another application is starting or ending....Ive noticed that there are strange things that will occour from time to time when Im using Win-amp as well...Ive seen the text chars you speak of though :)....alt + Tab back to your other application then back to the game usually resolves it ...at least with what I got

*NERDmanWhippy on Us East
I don't want to recall some of the wierd things that my computer has done between diablo and winamp, like the time I closed winamp and diablo played one song over and over, or winamp hadn't closed, or *something* but yeah... wierd stuff happens with soundcards and stuff.

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