Is there a new pk hack?
At clvl 65, my hc barb with 1700 life, 20% life leech, 20% mana leech and 25% Dmg Reduced was killed by well "unknown".

As I was doing nm bloodyrun run and killing monsters with WW, some how I spoted a pally doing nothing with his might on. While I was looking at him and I still doing WW at the pack of monsters, I didn't realize my red ball is sinking fast. When I notice it. It has gone down to about 10%, but it was too late cast a tp and go back to town. btw, he was allied.

can someone enlight me how he killed my barb? I don't mine i got killed, but I do mine not knowing how he did it.
Was he using conversion? Was he using thorns? I doubt that was might, because the two look somewhat similar.

Occasionaly one of the catapult shots are incredibly strong, the fire one, and sometimes lag makes it hard to see.

More likely it was a conversion/thorns pk

Do not ally yourself with a thorns paladin if you are a melee character. Thorns is a useless aura that is only effective if you had minions. There is no other reason to use it other than to convert monsters and wait for them to convert back. The monster retains that aura for a second or two, and you are dead if you hit them because the pvp penalty for thorns does not apply because you are hitting a monster.

If an assasin is using mindblast and has a thorns merc, same thing.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
hm... it could be thorns. but i still don't get this part.

"There is no other reason to use it other than to convert monsters and wait for them to convert back. "

The pally was in my party, how does he used against his own party.
A day without killing Diablo is not worth living.
Hail ouyang,

Since...forever, when you convert critters with a Paladin, they get your Aura...but when they return to normal, they maintain the Aura they had before. If the Paladin had Thorns, then converted some critters, and when they returned to normal you attacked them, you would have taken massive damage with each attack. It's a very old, and not too uncommon, trick that PKs will use. It's also common amongst Paladins who are learning the game and read the official guide: apparently in there it tells new Paladins to make Thorns/Conversion builds... as you may well imagine, these new comers recieve some negative reactions ;)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
thx for the knowledge. I guess I'll need to start playing diff characters other then just sorc and barb.

ah.. cuz i was doing WW left and right, my own dmg killed me. doh. I thought the hyra pk was bad. This worst. Now I feel better since I know how I got killed, but it feel pretty stupid to kill yourself. :(

I guess I should change the subject title to "How to PK yourself" :D
Well, as said above, a Martial Arts assassin, with a Shadow Master (casts Mind Blast every other second) and a Thorns merc is a great way to commit suicide ;)
Actually, it could just be that you stumbled on a bunch of monsters with Thorns from Dac Farren. Not likely in light of the above posts, but I think it's possible. Level 23 Thorns extends from the downward stairs of Worldstone Keep till the opposite end of the bridge leading to those stairs. About that far. To put it another way, if you were to stand a Thorns Pally at one end of the bridge(the end further from the stairs)leading to the staircase down, in the Worldstone Keep, and you were to bring an allied character up from the level below, the allied character would be able to gain the aura. So it's still possible for a unique/boss monster to be far out of sight(especially if you don't play 8 by 6 resolution), or even in a nearby room, and you'll kill yourself running to kill it(The absolute WORST being a Thorns enchanted Ancient Kaa, since he would either kill you with the Thorns, kill you with his LEBness, or his minions will keep resurrecting skeletons/mummies by the dozens, and you'll kill yourself wading through them to get to him) Utterly painful exercise in futility for almost any melee character.
I have never, ever seen a boss monster spawn with thorns aura. :huh: You sure that's not holy fire? Because that would be incredibly cheesy. lvl 23 thorns is over 900%!

Besides, the aura spreading would be very obvious.

Btw, I remember this boss mummy could resereuct those wraiths. *shudders*
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Hail Archon Wing,

Correct: they cannot. It's another case of people not being able to tell Might and Thorns appart. At its easiest, Thorns is the one that spins round and round: might does not. Perhaps I should add pictures of this to my FAQ, so next time the topic comes up (and it surely will), it'll be easy to show the difference. I don't suppose anyone could donate the screenies? My Amazons don't seem to have those Auras ;)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Check the pics here.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
I could have sworn I've seen the "reflex" effect when attacking monsters which were benefitting from an aura. *shrugs* I bow to Ruv's superior knowledge though
How are monster skill levels calculated? And monster levels as well. Because at Arreat Summit it says Death Lords are 43(I thought they were only 40 according to another site I read), and then, on another page, it says that in Hell, monsters have 66 more levels and 7 more skill levels. So does this mean that a Hell diffiulty Death Lord is level 99? Also, does it mean that if it's Might/Fanat enchanted, it's using the skill at slvl (43/4)+7=17/18 or is it slvl (99/4)+7=31/32?
Base monster level cap = 90.
Unique Monster = +3 levels
Champion Monster = +2 levels

Thus, hell death lord (act 5 frenzytaur) boss = level 93.

Might = mlvl/4 = slvl 23 (levels are always rounded down)
Fanaticism = mlvl/4 = slvl 23

The skill level bonus of +3/+7 in nm/hell applies to some monster skills, but not auras, I think. Jarulf and Ruvanal know better.


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Elric of Grans,Mar 28 2003, 02:59 AM Wrote:My Amazons don't seem to have those Auras ;)
If you had the correct merc, then your pointy-eared amazon would have the auras. ;)

*mumbles something about how paladins are better than amazons* :)
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
Hail Striker,

You see, a good deal of my Amazons are actually Amazonians, and they know better than to have any men following them - weaklings that they are. Nay, they all have Rogue company...well, except for the Barbarian Amazonian, as she does not like the firey juju that her Rogue kept using.

*cough* Green pants are so passe
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.

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