Where can i find........
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but i'm desperate. Where is the best place to do runs in order to find a Hydra bow? I'm just looking for a plain bow. I remember seeing a table that showed how Mlvl and Ilvl drops interacted but i can't seem to find it now. Any help would be appreciated.
I believe Diabloii.net has a table for that somewhere. Alternatively, there's a link on the Diablo2 Front page for this site(go to lurkerlounge.com, click Diablo 2, read the announcement by Bolty) to a Norwegian(?) site with an affix calculator. They may or may not have the ilvl listed there. Regardless, as long as the monster you kill has a higher mlvl than the ilvl of the item you want, it's likely that it can drop it(doesn't mean it WILL)

I hope that helps.
Actually it does very much. I'm off to do Act 2 sewer hell runs. Thanks for the help.

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