That may sound like a silly question, but I see links a bug report on it in these forums and was wondering what are the 7-lances? Seems like a MOD for d2, but I've never heard of it before. Assuming it is a MOD, are there any opinions on it, good or bad?
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Hail MEAT,

Seven Lances is FoxBat's Balance Mod for D2X: it has taken D2X and rebalanced it, making everything a heck of a lot better. Basically, it's everything I hope 1.10 becomes :) I'd recommend it, though personally I didn't use it too much, as I am sick to death of making new characters - I've made several hundred in the past, and cannot stand the sight of Act I any more. Try it out: you'll probably like it :)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Umm, where could I get this, and would this interefere with regular play?
Sorry, i have no clue about this modding thing. ;)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
Hail Archon Wing,

I don't know the URL, but I do know it's in FoxBat's signature, and I think you can get a link to it from the Phrozen Keep. As for interfering, most mods do, but FoxBat has this really cool start script, and install program I should add, that keep 7L and D2X completely separate. It's almost like how DI and DII are separate really :D
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
The community is centered around http://www.sevenlances.com, which is also the official webpage and distribution point for the mod since phrozenkeep moved IIRC. Hope to see you there!
Thank you all who replied for the quick responces. Seems like a very fun MOD (balance? In d2? LOL who would of thought?), however, I'm currently playing a Diablo 1 MOD. I'll probbably give it a shot later in the month, if the patch isin't out by then ;)
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
I downloaded the mod yesterday and, so far, it's great! I didn't have a lot of time to play, but tonight I'll probably give it a shot. Items seems more powerful, so are monsters. Uber skills are not uber anymore, and useless skills are made viable. We'll see if Blizzard can do better with 1.10!
[Image: lukesnewlightsaber.jpg]

An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
It's still got some issues, though. For example, in my opinion, a vitality based melee character should NEVER be one-hit killed by an inferno (he even had decent resistances!) or the explosion from a Fire Enchanted boss. I wouldn't call that balance so much as supreme annoyance. Also Wereforms (particularly Werebears) have some issues with attack speed, at least in the beginning, as you can't really get your hands on any weapons with a good amount of WIAS until later in the game.

That being said, it can be fun and a lot of the skills that have been tweaked, that I have tried, have been quite a bit more balanced than before. I would, however, refrain from calling it balanced until the one-hit kills for melee characters are removed. The game is definitely slanted toward summoner builds or ranged attackers right now.
Hmm, so if I wanted to play online, do I have to write an essay? :P

Intresting mod. Those monsters run so darn fast.

But hey, I play necros, so the harder they hit, the faster they fall. ;)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
But how, exactly, do you plan to kill the first one so that you can revive it? :huh:
Iron Madien :P In fact I appreciate the fact that the monsters are running in to kill themselves faster.

Holy crap, throwing potions are so powerful. I "owned" Andariel in a few blasts ;)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
A balanced D2, now there is an oxymoronic concept :P. 7lances is indeed good. Its different, people like change in a game such as this. It was very well done. But I believe it's too much so say that it is d2 balanced.

But I refuse to believe that ANYTHING you can do to Diablo2 can make it balanced. 7lances has its share of problems (In my opinion), But then again those 'problems' depends on the player. One will see that as a Pro, while another will see that as a Con.

Bah, ignore my overbias, opinionated, and pessimistic rant. Just enjoy Fox's excellent Mod.
Heh, I/we don't bill it as "D2 balanced" anymore. :P I'll just call it more challenging and leave it at that.

I've done probably the best job of "balancing" I am capable of alone, so future tweaks will be based upon user's balance complaints, or focus on making things more devious. B)
Jedi Knight,Apr 1 2003, 10:02 PM Wrote:We'll see if Blizzard can do better with 1.10!
Hehe, wishful thinking. If LoD was half as good as 7L, I'd still be playing on b.net. Short of completely wiping the realms clean, I believe there is little that can be done for LoD - with regards to balance anyway. The ladder character concept looks promising though...

FoxBat,Apr 2 2003, 12:21 PM Wrote:Heh, I/we don't bill it as "D2 balanced" anymore.  :P  I'll just call it more challenging and leave it at that.
Now I know you just changed that! ;)
Elric is right, it is a nice mod and does a great job of keeping them seperate and both active to use.

Seven Lances is more balanced than current D2X 1.09. In my opinion, Foxbat did a wonderful job of trying to balance the game out. I have enjoyed it greatly. :D
I am a big fan

Try it in single player and then if you like try the realm. Details of how to apply are on the website

It is quite hard. You'll notice that even on the Blood Moor quill rat damage is noticeable and the zombies can hit
Well, played it a little more. My necro's only level 20, but it was actualy kinda hard. Those spiders in the desert and blood lords in weird places are really annoying. I found myself casting terror a bit. Normally I could go along at players 5-6, but players 3 was enough for this. Fortunately my rogue merc using a 12-35 fire damage composite bow with 2 chipped diamonds works pretty well. ;) CE is less powerful... skeletons and mages are stronger... clay golem sucks.

I also gambled a unique! Unforunately the belt was trash for my necro :(
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
People keep saying its more balanced than D2x. I disagree. Its the same thing. Just like D2x, it has it's share of cookie cutters. It has the 'obvious' better characters.

And personality I think Seven Lances, is entirely cookie cutter designed. Because the skills are pretty much "Do this way or die!". People say it is balanced, because the cookie cutters are the opposite builds from d2x. Instead of Zons/Sorcs/Barbs in d2x, You get summoners ect.

Honestly, I think D2x actually has more variants than Seven Lances does.

I am basing this information on an older build. I really haven't played in awhile. So all of the above could be very wrong. ;)
7lances being balanced is party out of a person's point of view. \

7lances does compliment the powers of ''weaker'' characters in d2x and makes them equal to that of the ''uber'' chars. However, there is a problem with doing so. Some players play weaker characters on perpose, to get a feel of their powers and have a challenge, instead of cruising along killing everything with nova or multi shot. 7lances kills that possibility, because all of its chars are balanced...and perhaps too balanced.

So basically the term 'balanced' is based on the way the player plays the game. Perhaps some like to have a challenge or have it easy, just to see what kind of loot they can dig up in single player. While others would rather have all the characters equally powerful, and therefore, equally fun or hard to play.


I hope i've cleared this matter up. :)
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Blabbering nonesence,

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