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04-04-2003, 01:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2003, 01:06 AM by Archon_Wing.)
Normally, nobody dies to monsters such as fallen and most regular monsters. (obvil knights are one exception) It's usually the act bosses and unique monsters that shred adventurers to pieces. This, in my experience, applies to both new and old players.
However, still there are certain monsters that nobody dies too. One of these examples of such monsters is Pindleskin.
And yes, I actualy died to him once. Conviction and LE suprised me like no other.
I also had a close call with a Fanatic/LE Corpsefire in hell mode. He took off roughly 350 HP a hit, so needless to say, it was a long struggle ;)
So, what was your most shameful death?
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
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A catapult.
*sets the scene*
"Honey, dinner's ready."
*victim turns from monitor* "Pardon me?"
"I said that your dinner's ready!"
"Oh! Be right there... " *insert girly paladin death-scream*
*victim stares at monitor* :blink:
... shaddup about it.
Garnered Wisdom --
If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
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By far my most shameful death was just a few days ago.
I'm starting up a sorc on a new account to get to hardcore, and I hadn't added any points to vit yet by level 6, so I had something like 50 health.
Well... I got a little excited with the static button when I ran into Rakanishu.
The pain, the pain, the agony.
Bayleen has been slaied by Rakanishu.
I am Baylan
Hardcore is the way to play!
You'll find me on US-East, on the account name Baylan (for now, I'll add more as I get my accounts up and hardcore-capable).
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Hail Archon Wing,
In DI, it was EVERY SINGLE TIME I hit an exploding barrel with a low-level Sorcerer. Boom, splat, $#@! ;)
In DII? Well, I have an all-Vitality Elemental Druid with decent resistances one-hit-killed by that Super Unique four-armed guy in the Palace Dungeons (Act II). Forget his name...Fire Eye? Something like that! At any rate, I was one-hit-killed by the blighter, about 30 seconds after I stated that my Druid was invincible :P Never did see his stats, as I came back and BLASTED him to pieces in my fury, but I saw the familiar aura of Holy Shock before my Druid died.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
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04-04-2003, 04:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2003, 04:28 AM by Obi2Kenobi.)
Barb, level 13... pumping strength just a little too much, so 0 more vitality.
"Sashed_Crack was slain by fallen.
My corpse! Embarressing
Sashed_Crack was slain by fallen shaman.
Sashed_Crack was slain by fallen.
Take this!
That was embarressing..."
In my defense... I was in Bishobosh's Camp. And we all know how deadly he is. :(
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I'm trying to remember an embarrassing one . . . I've seen others do some incredibly funny swandives though . . .
Anyway, there was one time my Huntsman in Hell got hit by those poison throwing cats in Act 2. Should I try to counteract the effect with red pots? Nah, I'll be ok. With the dogs way out in front the character will sit happily at the back on 1 life point.
So he keels over and I do the corpse retrieval thing for the first time in that difficulty, then finally kill the LEB cat boss with the invisible bolts. <_<
Well it was my own silly fault that one.
Another blunder: There was one time I took a character up against a Lightning beetle champ down in the Maggot Lair. He normally wouldn't have sparked that thing . . .
Except I forgot about Cleglaw's Knockback. d'oh! :lol:
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
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Ha! Level 97 sorceress visits nightmare Travincal because her mistress wants to test out something she read on lurker lounge. Lag at the time is about five fps, but that should not matter much. Sorceress teleports to temple steps...
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Before there was a casting delay for Hydra, I once was in a dueling game where a sorceress was sitting outside the blood moor completely surrounded by them. I threw up a fire golem right next to her. Funny thing is, it was nearly invisible in all those hydras. Apparently, the sorceress didn't notice she was losing life...
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Hello to all,
I also have a story to tell (from when I first started playing the game)
I'm playing with my first ever barbarian, happily running around, whacking stuff with my handaxe or some similar weapon. At this point in time, I hadn't come near a lightning enchanted monster, so I thought I was doing fine. NOT. I enter the Stony Field with my merc and see Rakanishu. I quickly run up, not caring what that "Lightning enchanted" quality means. I hit him once, I get shocked (in both ways :D ) I start running,and Rakanishu follows. My bowman merc is shooting; I get hit with all the sparks; I die.
Not a pleasant way to go down.
Black Lightning:
- Hell's thunder
- It'll strike anywhere
- It'll come down any time
- It'll hit ANYTHING...
(Run for the hills!
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Level 1 to Diablo. Accidentally parked the guy in FRONT of the X, instead of safely behind it (lag made me and the other person in the game see him as behind that X, grr...). Doubly shameful since it's obvious I was rushing him :)
Both my deaths in hell have been to a bosses minions when I was slightly distracted. I go to hit potions before I realize my life is low enough to need a purple and thus die having drank a red. I hate that!
Barbarian in Act 5 normal to a catapult also sucked. I was playing Ironman and wasn't finding a lot of potions so I let my health stay low. Oops.
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My frenzy barbarian was responsible for killing the 7 other members of his party once on a zombie boss.
Charged in with frenzy going full boar and double-swinged him a few times . . . Multishot holy fire lightning enchanted (you take the holy fire damage on a lightning bolt hit as well as the lightning damage, plus there were like 9 million bolts instantly on the screen).
Lucky me, I had like 2-3k life, 90% resist all, and tons of life leech :) I loved saggyspeed. *sniff* I didn't even get injured and 7 other people died. hahahaha. Other than being really angry with me for attacking without checking stats first, they were pretty embarrased to all be insta-killed by a zombie.
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I lost two amazons in the Worldstone keep (well, three actually, but I'm only talking about two right now) due to Baals lightening attack when you stand still. The first time I just bought LoD and transfered my Hardcore amazon to LoD Hardcore and tried out the new level. I had no idea my death would come within 1 or 2 hours of installing LoD. My second pathetic death came the exact same way when I neglected to remember I was in the dreaded worldstone keep. My friend and I were doing Baal runs for some experience and items before the cows became the next biggest thing and *wham*, I was dead again.
There is a THIRD time one of my amazons died this EXACT same way, but I told that story in another thread. I don't know why I keep forgetting when I'm in worldstone keep.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
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My friend had a really embarassing death as well.
His account got banned, but someone made him a new one. So, he's dueling on Bnet (before his account got banned), and then, he was dueling an amazon with a poison damage charm, etc. As a said, he kills the zon, but is left at one hp. He's in the Blood Moor on NORMAL. He gets too close to a quill rat.... dead. The sight still haunts him to this day.
Generally speaking: Exterminate ALL Quillrats!
Black Lightning:
- Hell's thunder
- It'll strike anywhere
- It'll come down any time
- It'll hit ANYTHING...
(Run for the hills!
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D2X: Worldstone Keep, werebear druid with major life. I'd just waypointed in when I got an IM. Flipped to chat a moment, flipped back... got to watch fuzzy die to lightning. Oops.
D1: First time playing the game (at a friend's house), and I'm doing quite well. Down in one of the Caves levels (or just entering Hell, I forget which) my rogue gets beat up pretty badly by a pack of Balrogs, so I flee back up the stairs. No potions left, out of mana and nearly out of life, I swap her bow for a staff of town portal so I can restock.
Next thing I near is the rogue's death scream.
I could only stare in shock at the red screen for a few moments before realization dawned: the bow was some kind of bow of the stars (or similar +all affix). When I switched out the weapon, I lost all the extra hitpoints that were keeping me alive.
I was killed by my own haste.
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MY most shameful death........
Ah i was a lonnng time a place far, far away.... (well aCTUALY a week ago...)
My barb was rushing a friend. Ah brave young his mid 70's...
Well it was normal...and i thought 'no problem...' and, out of total ignorance, i switched to beserk 'ill just have some fun' says I. I foolishly attacked lister the tormenter, without remebering that beserk brings your defence down to zero.....The next thing i hear is ARRRRRRGH
Tyrock has be slain by Minion Of Destruction.
Another stupid die....
I was on Tyrock again...and it was at nm cows....for a lvl 71...ahh no problemo. I swich to my echoing blades and warcry.........................And foolishy forgot to change them back...So poor me fought a buch of cows using daggers......'Hey wtf i aint doin any damage.....???"
Tyrock has been slain by Hell Bovine.
To learn how to keep an idiot busy, look down.
To learn how to keep an idiot busy...look up.
Blabbering nonesence,
Quote of the month: If I had 1 dollar for every brain you DIDNT HAVE, I'd have 1 dollar. <_<
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04-06-2003, 05:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2003, 12:30 AM by Sir_Die_alot.)
I have you all beat!
I was playing in a game with my 97 druid. A paladin in his low 60s or so says you must have to be pretty careful to get that high of a level. I say "kind of but the real difference between being stupid and brave is just if you live or not." (or something very close to that). So he aparently tries to go on a meph run and runs into a boss he can't handle and joins me in act 5 killing baddies. We go through all the ice cave areas. Face fanat frenzytaurs, Frozenstien is leb/conviction, Snapchip is holy freeze, all no problem between my uber druid and his auras.
SO I get it in my head to go kill that boss for him and do a meph run. First I look at my gear and decide against the shako I'll go with Jala's for the resists. Then I head down the wp. The boss is just what he said and a little more, leb, cold enchanted, cursed, little f-ing doll of hell. I'm sure you can guess what happened next. :blink:
In hindsight I think I should have used the shako it might have cut down that 3k+ hit some. Also what I regret more is not saying "I guess that time I was stupid not brave" instead of just the "lol" I left the game with. :D
Edit: I still think I have you all beat, this was with a NINTY SEVEN character. I was something like #93 on the west druid ladder at the time. You can still see him there "FlexYourPower". (Yes I am from California :lol: )
Lol Sheep if your paladin was a little higher level I might say you had my death beat there. :D
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:( :angry: :blink: :unsure: :huh: :o <_<
The many emotions of seeing "XXXXXXXX was killed by an evil force" or "XXXXXXXX was killed by a trap"
or "XXXXXX was killed by fire"
Well I've heard em all.
(1st happens in Durance of Hate level 3, 2nd about anywhere, 3rd happened to me on the Catacombs level 4, just outside Andy's room)
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."
-Leonardo da Vinci
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I had THE most shameful death.
I was with my lvl 50+ werewolf killing baddies with a friend on the ice caves (MF'ing actually) and I get pissed off because of his damn merc getting the kills on all the bosses and stopping me from MF'ing, I go to town with him and tell him to get rid of his merc, he says he can't, so I tell him I'll kill him.
I go outside town, he hostiles and bring his merc, two jabs and I'm dead :blink: , I'm talking about a lvl 5 Feral Rage, 2k HP more or less.
What happened? Well... it was in the days when mercs did full damage to characters and I forgot to took my MF gear away (I thought it'll end differently...).
Thank god he looted me and I got my stuff, but I was laughing my arse off for the next half hour about it (some times crying at the loss of my favorite, highest level character :))
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
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04-07-2003, 02:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2003, 02:22 PM by Wapptor.)
You fools!
My martyr (ForTheLight_II) was hacking away in act one and came up against a stone skin vampire boss in the catacombs. I eventually killed off all his minions and kept hacking away, it was slow but he was dying and it was easy, I forgot to watch my life ball...
whack-whack-whack-whack-whack "ARGHHHHH"
"ForTheLight_II has been slain by ForTheLight_II"
-Wapptor (one should not forsake life leach, lest they lose their own life)
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
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04-07-2003, 03:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2003, 03:49 PM by Sickywicky.)
This just came in, when logged in my acc I saw my lv27 ama died on hc,I stopped before after a "connection interrupt" with that char, this is one of worst deaths on hc I think, when they see this in the following split seconds "Arcinia has been killed by tresh socket" (3secs pause) "Arcinia dropped due time-out" :lol: It's ok though only lost 1 manald and greyform (the rest isn't needed to mention) :P.