Schaeffer's, IAS, and 4 frame zeal
How much ias do you need (other then the 20 schaeffer's has) to get a 4 frame zeal with 36% coming from fanat (level 23).
I'd appreciate the help...
Hail Saga Keeper,

I'll list the Legend Mallet Breakpoints, following the application of 23% SIAS:

0%IAS - 7 frames
5%IAS - 6 frames
35%IAS - 5 frames
120%IAS - 4 frames

Therefore you need 100% additional IAS to reach four frames :)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
okay I did my math correctly then, yay me.
That's also what you'll get from this calculator ( Mainly just posting so that people who don't know about it will see it. Very handy tool.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Elric of Grans,Apr 5 2003, 11:48 PM Wrote:I'll list the Legend Mallet Breakpoints, following the application of 23% SIAS:
Err, Elric he has 36% SIAS

Is this a typo?
Hail Brista,

That's a brainfart: I got my numbers mixed up. He has slvl23, which gives him 36%SIAS... NOT slvl36 for 23%SIAS :P
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.

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