Simple search option needed

Is it possible to have a 'exact match' search option as well as keyword search for the forum
(Ideally also for the archived old forum).

The current keyword search does not lend itself to looking for some specific topics.
e.g. If I look for 'crushing blows' it would be better to look for exact match than both crushing and blows.
The search simply returns too many results with keyword option only as is and there doesn't appear to be a search refine option within the results possible at this point as thread list is merely returned.

There is a related issue also because a lot of the terms discussed (especially in workshop or maggot lair) are short abbreviations of longer description (fps, ias, 8/2, cb, ww, .... ;) the list is pretty endless here )
Looking for these alone is frequently futile because the search engine treats short words like 'noise words' or null parameters hence one is forced to (normally) associate them with other words in the context of what was being talked about
e.g. '8/2 breakpoint', 'ww speed', 'game fps', etc. etc.
The list of examples I could give for this is huge and while there were many interesting threads on LL in the past I fear they are now very hard to find unless one has been rampant with their own bookmarking.

Is it simply IMPOSSIBLE to have exact search included with these forum software?

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