Hi, what about a little contest??

Find the most valuable items you can get and try to become a millionaire.

Here I am so far:

Amulet : Sapphire Amulet of Titans 11.833
Ring : Serpent's Ring of Perfection 6.754
Ring : Crimson Ring of Titans 6.299
Helmet : empty (oops)
Left Slot : Emerald Sabre of Giants 16.645
Right Slot : empty (much space for improvement)
Armor : Armor of Sorcery 1.700 (that's poor)
Inventory : Knight's Staff of Blood Star 93.314 (that's IT)
Knight's Staff of Flame Wave 32.222
Knight's Staff of Stone Curse 32.600
Lord's Staff of Teleport 27.562
King's Great Axe 29.884
Amulet of Titans 5.500
Dragon's Ring 6.500
Diamond Amulet of Titans 11.529
Diamond Ring 6.083
Drake's Amulet of Perferction 9.292
Amulet of Perferction 5.356
Belt : empty (just you wait)
Gold : 254 (coming)

Approximately Max:

42 Constricting Rings 630.000
Very expensive Amu 15.000 (please help me to find the max)
Belt (obviously) 12.000
well KS of BS speaks for itself (see above)
(can a Sword/Shield combination beat this?)
Armor: 15.000
(is Demonspike's Coat the most valuable?)
672.000 (that's the goal)

If you wanna join the contest, here are the rules:

There are NO rules (you're not duping Contricting Rings are you?)

If this a stupid idea, then just forget it; I am just bored with experience point hunting.

My chars:

Porcamadonna [Warrior] ( oops the evil one) Level 44
Saphet [Sorceror] Level 45 (birthday cake is still available)
LaFlorida [Rogue] Level 44 (poor girl lost all her stuff last night due to an incapable, drunken mouse leader)

For E-mail: :

Have a nice day

PS: I am German and I am ashamed for the government of my country
Well, interesting idea but not too thrilling I'm afraid.

I can give you some guidelines how to achieve maximum value though(from my memory, too lazy to dig out JG or PriceCalculator atm, sorry). King's Staff of Blood Star can sell for over 200k. IIRC in that case it wasn't sellable though(you can't have more gold than 200k in inventory). Nits?. So do you mean what can you sell or what can you carry? So these would be the best inventory fillers too. Constricting rings actually aren't the most expensive pieces of jewels. Obz/zod (as well as Drag/Zod) can be over 25k(up to 30k?); amulets a bit more expensive than rings. The only thing that puzzles me is the helm...Götterdämmerung strikes me as the most expensive atm.
Quote:King's Staff of Blood Star can sell for over 200k. IIRC in that case it wasn't sellable though(you can't have more gold than 200k in inventory). Nits?

I can confirm that.

I once found a King's staff of Blood Star. Adria offered well over 200k gold for it, but would never actually buy it. Not enough room in your inventory

In the end, it was rather worthless.

Quote:I can confirm that.

I once found a King's staff of Blood Star. Adria offered well over 200k gold for it, but would never actually buy it. Not enough room in your inventory

In the end, it was rather worthless.

Jarulf says that "You can't sell an item at Griswold if you will be given more money than can fit in your inventory. At Adria, however, any excess gold will simply be discarded." I guess items that sell for more money than can fit in your inventory total an exception to this rule. This makes the master's (41/117) war staff of blood star (53 charges) I found today, which sells for just under 160,000, pretty close to the most expensive item in the game (if the numbers were a bit higher I could actually break the 170,000 mark).

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