My visit to the hospital! *very long*
ok.... my hospital stories.... hhmmm so many. i suppose my favorite was when the paramedics were called for a bit of a heart scrare. nothing of note really other then i have a slight atrial tachacaridia problem but no heart disease otherwise.

well my heart was racing soooo bad and it won't stop. so i'm laying down and it's still not stopping. finally, the HMO says to call the paramedics.... oooooo be still my heart. (yes, female.) nearly dropped off the floor from their cutenesses. oh well, i hate hospitals more. but finally, we go to be sure. trust me the halter exam was the worst. i'm allergic to tape and broke out in the worse kinda rash you can imagine.

(now you all have to promise to not tell the husband about the cuties.)

the other times i was in the ER was for three different kidney infections. talk about your bummer.

so a clue is if you have any kind of pain or nausea with a fever over 101 is to go to the ER. chances are it's an indication of something infectious like in a more serious nature that can't wait.

and what was that camp thinking? did they get sued? please tell me they did....
Your friend,

[Image: tufchicblackmat.gif]
Wow, I've been around a few horses but I've never had the luck to get trampled by one! Those are some scars to brag about kandrathe!
Hmm. This is not the most painful, but, it is rather funny.

I was trying to help a woman get a big TV arial up top her house. (This is the 70's mind you... TV arials were needed to get good reception, cable did not exist yet.) Anyhow, I was up on the roof and all was going well, and there was this sudden breeze. I got gusted a bit but was fine. I turned sideways to the wind and continued working on the mounting bracket. Once I had that screwed in place, I stood up and prepared to place the arial into the bracket. This time, 'twas not a breeze, but a very stiff gust of wind. I lost my footing (Was a shale roof) and tumbled off of the roof. As I fell, I tried hurling the massive metal arial away from me, but with no luck.

I landed on the ground, was blacked out for maybe a few seconds or maybe a few minutes, got the wind knocked out of me (So I thought) and slowly picked my self up. Having a little trouble breating, but, I feel ok, no broken bones or anything. Just a real tightness in my chest. I walk around the house to where the lady is sitting on her back patio, she takes one look at me and begins screaming bloody murder. She points at me, and, I look down, and, can't see anything wrong. I seem to be ok. I notice I am starting to hurt a bit more now, feeling a little dizzy. In her hysterical screaming I make out the word "shoulder" so I look over at one shoulder, don't see anything wrong, then look over at my other shoulder and what do I see sticking up like a second head? About 5 feet of shining steel rod that broke off from the arial. Jammed down into my shoulder God knows how deep.

Now the fun begins. First off, I don't fit in the ambulance. They don't have anything to cut the rod down to make it shorter, and they staunchy refuse to pull it out, or let me pull it out. Not knowing what to do, the lady's neighbor offers to drive his flat bed truck with a 9 foot bed to the hospital to carry me. So, I get strapped to the back of a flatbed like some roadkill deer and every bump on the way I could feel the steel rod inside of me vibrate and bounce around. Is my fun over?

At the hospital, the door closes on the metal rod, causing me to gasp and curse and say stuff that just aint fit to say around women and children. Of course, it's my luck, I show up on a day that a bunch of new resident doctors fresh from the classroom are getting oriented, as well as a bunch of student nurses. One of the nurses takes one look at me, throws up, and promptly faints.

Nobody seems to know what to do. A trauma surgeon is called in, meanwhile, I get to lay on my back for a few hours starting at the pasteboard ceiling and counting all the holes in the tile.

The trauma surgeon comes in, gets more xrays, asks me a few questions, informs me it impaled me right through my lung, grazed my liver, and skewered my intestine. One of the nurses (A hardened veteren this time) tells me to look into her little flashlight thingamabob, and, when I do, the doctor grabs the metal rod, gives it a good stiff yank, and jerks it right out of me. I go into surgery a little while later that night, and, come next morning, feeling fine and dandy.

Getting impaled sucks.

I was sure glad when cable became available!
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
See, this is why I never jump into these "who had the worst accident/injury" threads, because I lurk over at RB and know Doc will be able to one-up just about anyone else. If tenacity is a measure of character, Doc must have enough for a football team. Are you back to eating solids again, Doc? :(

In regards to the replies about my post:

Yes, Dad was horrified at the shape I was in when I got home. I guess he was getting the generic "Yeah, he's fine, and having a great time" replies from the camp owner/councilors. He's always had the "I'm your dad so I kow what's right" problem though, although after that summer he's been much more reasonable with his decrees.

Yes, we (or I should say he; I wasn't really consulted at the time and was probably too young to really take part) sued the camp, but they folded before anything really came of the lawsuit. I guess I wasn't the only one to have had problems.

- WL
I thought if your appendix ruptured, you died?

Heh, I've just broken my arm a couple times, sliced my other arm open pretty deep on a rather large rock, and uh, that's about it.
Is grace enough to build a bridge once burned, to fill that which is hollow with the substance of virtue,
Though the wings of a dove have wiped a tear from my eye, my tongue has fanned the flames of transgression,
But love suffers long and rejoices in truth, and this imperfect creation is striving none the less for that which is eternal...

- Hopesfall - The Broken Heart Of A Traitor
Well, you can die if it ruptures, it depends on how fast your infection speads etc. Luckily I am 16 and in very good health until this incident so I am doin just fine. I went back to school today, that was fun seeing everyone again. Thanks for the thoughts and stories everyone! Keep them coming! :)
Well, you can die if it ruptures, it depends on how fast your infection speads etc. Luckily I am 16 and in very good health until this incident so I am doin just fine. I went back to school today, that was fun seeing everyone again. Thanks for the thoughts and stories everyone! Keep them coming! :)

EDIT: Sorry, my browser messed up so I didn't see it already posted, admins, a little deleting power please? :)
A few years ago the "cool" thing to do around my area was jump bicycles. Now frankly I've never jumped off anything more than perhaps a foot high, but my friends built a track with several big jumps about four feet high with gaps between the up and down ramp. I took one look at them and said there was no way I'm going off those but after seeing how easily they managed, I decided I would try one of the smaller ones. Do I even need to say what happened? Well I went to the doctors tha afternoon to have my arm checked out and I was told that I had a bruise only and nothing was broken and as soon as I felt able, I could reture to play baseball. Well I being so "tough" went back the next game, got a hit my first at bat, and had my hand stepped on by a 300 pound (literally) first base man while diving back to avoid being picked off. I was about 2 hours from home so we went o the local ER (my thumb was quite obviously broken in the biggest bone) and the doc x-rayed me and when he came back and told me the obvious, he also said, "by the way, have you recently injured your lower arm, because it appears to be broken as well."

go figure...
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
Worse case ever i had

when i was 10 my father and mother seperated on my birthday 10th birthday, so my father says your comming down to deleware with me for the summer greyson with your brother tim okay i say

we go to ymca summer campi get introduced to my first 10 hand high horse he was a palmino horse with a brown arrow formation in his fur " his name was arrow"

anyway i start to ride my first horse while they let the smaller childern ride donkey while supervised not me yahh riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight worse thing they could have done a donkey comes out of the trail on my left total hidden from the horse eyes this in turns spooks the horse and we do the famous pose hi ho siiiiiiilver away but i do the famous geting bucked and kicked and to make it worse the horse snaped my wrist and i dont mea a clean break i mean broken in 3 places it looked like u after they said dont look, what does everyone say that thast going to make you look lol

so any ways the ambulance comes they said i was crying for my horse they said that i said" where arrow is, arrow okay?"...last thing i saw of arrow was it took 6 farm hands to hold him down and trank him he was that scared later i learn that donkey was not suposed to be there!! stupid ymca..... man i love that horse, he was so gentle and so friendly to ride
[Image: chandelier.gif]
[Image: greyson.jpg]
[Image: demtorch.gif]
Wow man, did you ever consider being an English teacher? :P


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