Slight venting of frustration
Sorry, I haven't been around very much recently.

I just finished a game(quit in frustration) after some newbie paid me back for helping him in Act 1 by stealing all my emeralds(1 Perfect, 1 Flawless, 2 normals, 1 Flawed) and a Fiery Grand Charm when I was off in one corner cubing them up. :( I asked him to return them to me, but either he doesn't understand English, or he's a thieving little rat bastard who was out to make my life miserable. Whatever the case, I'm never gonna help people with my characters with full inventory. :(
What was his account name so i can pk the little rat?
Don't feel bad. I just lost my only perfect gaze due to realm down. :wacko:
I lost a string, gore riders, and a dual-leech ring due to one of my "friends" deciding he needed them. < <

edit: If you need some perfect gems msg me *layzd . I have a ton :P
editedit: (i need to be less compulsive) USEast is where you can find me
Current project: Werebear (lvl 50)
Future projects: TMNT!!
Obi1.10Kenobi,May 12 2003, 05:11 PM Wrote:Don't feel bad. I just lost my only perfect gaze due to realm down. :wacko:
That must've sucked as much as when I lost my Stormshield due to realm down as well... 5 seconds after drop, I id it, and *wham*. :(
<span style="color:orange">Account: jugalator // <span style="color:orange">Realm: Europe // <span style="color:orange">Mode: Softcore (kinda inactive nowadays though)
Loyal Diablo fan since 1997 :-)
Ugh, I've gotten realms down before. Lost a couple of low level uniques. Sigh. Some days I wish I knew enough programming, so I could have a self-regulating system that regularly boots scammers, spammers, and thieving rat bastards. But then again, that would probably cut my profits by about 99% :lol:
While playing on a level 47 paladin, I attempted to take on act2 alone. Deep into Tal Rasha's Tomb I died. On my way back, I must have accidently clicked a pair of boots, or gloves. Either way, I died in the room where my body lay..

Sure enough, on the way back I was greeted by a beautiful Realm Down screen.

Thankfully I did lose too much. But I must say it was rather disheartening. :(
Gotcha all beat. Lost my account. ;)
I once lost a shaftstop in a botched mule. My only one, that I found, just left me like that.
Some evil bastard stole my chipped gems.
Larzuk insists on selling me Cruel Bastard Swords. Yes, Larzuk, you are what you make.
And a leech stole a ribcracker that dropped. I still remember that even though it was a year ago. I shall have my revenge. :)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Heh, something similar happened to me in like 1.04, but it had a much happier ending.

I was just entering the Plains of Dispair to take on Izual with one of my pubby allies. Right at the entrance I died. I made my way back to my corpse but I happened to pick up a Poleaxe on the way back. Needless to say I died again, spewing my items all over the ground with the pubby standing right there. I pressed ESC and my heart started pounding. I thought "Oh great there goes 4 months of building this Necro." Much to my surpise, when I returned the pubby had killed all the monsters and said, "Here pick up your stuff." My jaw hit the ground. I then continued to have what turned out to be one of my most enjoyable experiences in puibby games.

Just goes to show that not all pubbies are bad. Then again, I probably just used up my luck quota for my entire life in that one instant :)

The government makes paper airplanes out of our lives and files us out the windows. (Obasan)
Something like that happenned with me, only it was in hardcore and they gave me back my items after looting my corpse for me. :)
So, don't lose hope. There are decent people on :blink:
Got ya beat...gave all my stuff away...

I tend to do that alot. Wapptor has met my one and only character, a lowly level 26 bowazon starting act 5 NM. Just practicing my non-rushing-actually-play-the-gameness for 1.10.......

EDIT: FOOD in buttons...
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
I've got you beat!
You see, back when I first got the game, my friend wanted to play it too, and he only had the expantion (for reasons I don't know). So I lent him my copy of D2. I had no idea we couldn't be on at the same time if he uses it. He hasn't been on in a long time now, so I had forgotten about it. Now he is back on (currently) and I think that he may be "one of them" that uses cheats... so my CD might get banned when/if cheat detection gets higher. :o :( :angry:
And he has moved away, so there is no way to communicate to him. Especially since I forgot his account name. <_<
(Edit: I wrote this based on my experience of rarely having anyone trustworthy to help me with muling, thus I was forced to do it alone. If you know someone trustworthy who can help you, by all means, have them help you!)

Ugh. I've heard these stories a lot and feel sorry for the victims. I just returned to last night after a four month hiatus and they STILL have random realm disconnections. *sigh* My sorceress will have to slay Blood Raven another day.

Anyway, some things I have done over the years to make sure I don't lose items to lag or other players:

1) Mule in private, passworded games.
2) Mule alone or with trusted friends only.
3) Wait five minutes in a newly created game before muling. Test by leaving and re-entering the game. If it works, start muling. (This used to work, but I've been away a few months...)
4) Try to mule during non-peak hours.
5) Mule quickly. Make decisions on what goes where prior to the actual process of muling, that way you aren't wasting valueable time.
6) If realms are acting funny when you first log in, don't risk muling. If you see other players complaining about getting booted, disconnected, or whatever, don't risk muling.

By doing these things, I have managed to not lose anything during realm muling since D2 first hit the stores.
There's still a risk, but it's reduced quite a bit if you are prepared.

Now, I have lost things to interrupted connections while playing. I once lost my extra skill point from killing Radament to such a thing. I couldn't get another book because the quest was marked as done. Lesson: Read the Book of Skill immediately after picking it up. Don't carry it to town with you like I did.
1) find another player who has some free inventory space
2) give them the items
3) both leave
4) make a new game
5) have them give the items back

Thus even when you haven't got the items, they are saved on the account of the other person, even if the realm goes down in the middle of it - one of you is holding the item(s)
(nb, or you could rejoin the same game)

Best is to mule with a trustworthy friend, that's for granted (high value stuff will go into the friend's inventory).

If there's no friend available I prefer to ENTER a game that has been for (at least) 5 minutes with a high/low level players so I could mule in it without their knowledge even (I prefer getting my mules to act 2 at least and mule behind the palace, hardly anyone ever look there) and if I get a realm down there is a bigger chance of the players still playing in the game (notice, you shouldn't mule in a game with above 4-5 players) thus still saving your precious items where you dropped them.

Note: none of the characters should be in the act you're muling in or the game name is connected to the act you're muling in (even if all the characters currently at the game are not in that act anymore).

Edit: oh and I lost Silks of the Victor and tearhaunch around 1.05 in diablo 2 classic where these were pretty much the most uber (unique) items to be found due to character item popping (stupid diablo)
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"

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