The Matrix
I personally think that there are alot of surprises instore for us in The Matrix Revolutions.

I loved the whole part on the freeway. The music, the action, everything. I just loved it. Talking about it more just makes me want to go see it again. The whole movie is just so great.

* Goes to check theater showings for tomorrow
"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellem"
[Image: Ax.gif]

Please. Some people need to enjoy movies for what they are instead of watching them and saying:

I am actually dumb enough to believe the producer when he says his movie will be better than SEX WITH ANGELINA JOLIE! It clearly was NOT, even though I have never had SEX WITH ANGELINA JOLIE, and therefore have no idea what I am talking about! There was also way too much kung fu in it for a sequel to a movie that had lots of kung fu! Also I wanted Neo to fight Dracula and werewolves and crap AND HE DIDN'T!!!!! WAAAAAAANHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I am not joking about that last part either. He actually wanted to see Neo fight werewolves and vampires. Read the following link to see such idiocy for yourself.

WARNING: The following link contains not only loads of spoilers, but lots of giant blue text and whining, as shown above. View at your own risk.

Here is an interesting review/whatever on Reloaded. Summerizes all of the key and important things, also some things that are not very obvious. As to the hidden meaning in the names of the people in the movie.

"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellem"
[Image: Ax.gif]
Hail DralaFi,

Aye, that's another thing I enjoy about these films: all the ancient names that come up :D Nebuchadnezzar, Persephone (whom I had only written about the morning before I saw this film :P ), etc. Very cool :)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
That guy's writing was on the money ...solid recaps of crucial stuff the viewer would like to remember...

He missed a couple things though... ;)
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
WarLocke,May 15 2003, 08:48 PM Wrote:I hate you all.
* Brimstone echoes that sentiment. As I type, at the console table, in the data center, AT WORK :angry:, the midnight show is kicking off. Tomorrow night? Yeah, I'm working then too. Odds of doging ALL the spoilers between now and Saturday? (With at least two of my four roomates seeing it tonight?)

Nil. <_<
Welcome to the Lounge. Hope you brought your portable bomb shelter. - Roland
Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday :ph34r:

I wanted to see it midnight on wednesday/thursday, but my parents wouldn't go for it. They wanted to wait until sunday when my dad is off work so we can all see it together <_<

If it wasn't R and I wasn't 16, I would walk the ~2 miles to the theater to get tickets for myself, and then walk(run) there again on wed/thurs. Hmm maybe I should learn to drive.

Sunday :ph34r:
I Demand Pie.
I almost choked on my Sierra Mist when she told me, but get this: My friend's dad was invited last night to a private screening of Matrix 2 with Keanu, Laurence, and Carrie-anne. And he turned it down. He said: "Yeah, well I'm not interested in that sort of thing."

Oh, and to top it off, this morning he had breakfast with Miyamoto, the guy just-about-singly responsible for Mario Brothers, Zelda, Metroid, etc.

*commences re-choking on Sierra Mist*
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
He did fight vampires, at least.

I don't share anyone's excitment here. I think they really complicated the plot far more than necessary. I don't mean that in the sense that it left too much open for the next film; that is fine. They started with a good story. The human race is inslaved and bound by the Matrix, there is still one city left underground that serves as the base of operations, the One has been found and will eventually set the people free. But now there are multiple Zion's? It can be inferred that there have been previous Zion's that have been destroyed, but they could also all exist at the same time (the machines keep digging after Zion is destroyed). There could also have been multiple Matrix's - even layered (i.e. Smith getting into a human). In fact, for this series to make any sense there have to be layered Matrix's because Neo stopped the sentinals). The monitors show Neo giving mixed reactions to the architect (presumably from past "the One's") but they could all be simultanous. Even if it makes sense in the end, it was over done. I think they were just trying to get people back in the theaters to see it again (Boo!). That's OK though, the first few shows weren't even sold out :)

And what is this crap with a "Keymaster"? That is just cheesy - he actually carved real keys, give me a break! "Are you the gatekeeper? I am the keymaster!" - Ghostbusters. I also thought the "programming backdoors" were pretty cheesy. Talk about lame: they did the same bullet-stopping trick with Neo. Not only was it done, but it was really the only trick "the One" did. About all else he could do was sense the agents and fight well. Not so impressive for someone who could "make the matrix whatever he wanted it to be".

Then there was the CGI. Some of it looked really bad. When Neo was fighting the Agent Smith's, there were those obvious parts where it was completely animated. And you could tell too. Neo was rendered horribly in these shots - it lacked texture of any kind and the motion was not very fluid. Very cartoonish. I wasn't very impressed when the two Semi trucks collided either. Especially considering the first film with the shots of the exploding helicpoter and the fire flowing throug the lobby. All the flips were sad as well. Have they forgotten that projectiles move in a parabolic curve? If you have ever seen a backflip in your life, you would know that the the back is completely arched so the head comes around way before any other part of the body. In the movie they just seemed to rotate however they felt like it. Think back to when Neo's backflip in the subway in the original. We get a lot more of that. Sorry, guys, but a kung fu master choreographer can't help you in that department, should have looked elsewhere.

The worst part of this movie (and virtually every action movie released since the Matrix) was the complete ignorance of physics. I hate this idiots who make movies and don't know how the world works. I am seriously considering becoming a physcis consultant for action movies because of this. Let me give you some examples:

Think of what would happen to you if you jumped onto a moving treadmill. You fall, right? Yet when Trinity and the Keymaster jump from a stationary overpass onto the truck moving at over 65 mph, they just land like nothing (image jumping on to a treadmill set for 65 mph, it's not pretty). How about when Morpheus is fighting the agent on top of the truck. The drag from the wind would knock them off if they were standing. But no, in the movie there is hardly a breeze. The agent's blazer hardly even flutters (especially when his tie is cut, it just falls down)! Next time you are driving down the freeway, stick your hand out of the window just to get a taste - then imagine if it were your whole body. I don't care how many rules you can "bend or break", they can't ignore wind (and thus the drag force). Then there is when Trinity jumps off the moving bike and lands in that cat-like pose. I am sorry, but if you jump of a moving vehicle you contiue to move. It is called inertia. And if you think it is because she *jumped* off the bike backwards, then try this: Go jump of a large building with only a skateboard. When you are about to hit the ground, simply jump off the skateboard, and let me know how the landing goes. Now how about when one of the twins teleports from the highway to the car. Aparently when he gets hit by the seat, he just sits down, but he had to "dematerialize" through the front of the car so he wouldn't get hit. Sorry twin sir, but it is the same thing. The car seat is moving at 65 mph just like the hood is.

Depending upon how the last one turns out, I may just pretend it was never a trilogy at all.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
the Langolier,May 15 2003, 09:41 PM Wrote:He did fight vampires, at least.
They were "ghosts", not vampires, and they weren't really ghosts, were they? The point that Harry missed (or ignored) was that certain programs had abilities that created those legends, because people couldn't think of another way to explain them. It didn't mean that those guys that could only be killed with silver bullets could turn into wolves when the moon was full. Maybe they could, but he really shouldn't bitch and moan when he doesn't get to see it, since this isn't Dracula vs Frankenstein.

Also, I thought you might like to know that the screens in the Architect's room showed choice. They showed the infinite number of choices Neo could make, which is why several of them showed him acting like a complete idiot, because those certainly were choices he could make. There were far more than 6 screens, and since there had only been 6 incarnations of him, the screens clearly didn't represent those 6. Furthermore, we have no reason to believe that the other "Ones" looked anything like Neo.

As for all of the rest of your comments, you are welcome to your opinion, but I warn others not to have the kind of expectations you apparently had.

To everyone else: If you want to enjoy the movie, I recommend not expecting it to follow the laws of physics when people can punch through a brick wall, fly, leap tall buildings in a single bound, and dodge bullets. I'm pretty sure that if they can do all of those things, they might be able to ignore a little air resistance, or do a back flip without arching their backs. Maybe they can't, but if you are going to be that critical of movies like this, you might want to stick to dramas.

I also recommend not expecting Neo to have more powers than he does. "He was able to remake the Matrix as he saw fit" was a legend passed down since the beginning of this version of Zion about his last incarnation, not some kind of mandate about what Neo is going to be able to do. It is entirely possible that his last incarnation wasn't able to do that either. He still is quite the badass.

I personally loved the "complicated" plot. The Wachowski brothers do not cater to the lowest common denominator, and I was quite happy to have some new revelations in the storyline. Expect new information that will likely change the way you look at Neo, the Oracle, and the Prophesy.

As for the CG scenes, we have yet to reach a level of technology that makes CG look exactly like live action. Try not to be too critical.
Quote:He did fight vampires, at least.

You think so? :huh: Vampires have have taken many forms throughout modern literature, but one thing that's always present is a parasitic element to the vampire as a character. If I assume you mean the twins then I will note a certain demonic appearance spectral form, but hardly anything I'd describe as a "vampire". Likewise the agents don't really match the term too well either, although their assimilatin tactics make them appear much closer than the twins IMO.

Quote:In fact, for this series to make any sense there have to be layered Matrix's because Neo stopped the sentinals).

You got me there. What does Neo's control have to do with proving that there were multiple Matices? As part of Smith made the jump to control a human, so too a part of Neo is one with the Matrix and by extension of his code control he gains some control over the machines.

But all that's conjecture. It won't make proper sense until the rest of the story gets dumped into our heads in November. :P

Quote:The monitors show Neo giving mixed reactions to the architect (presumably from past "the One's") but they could all be simultanous.

They actually clued us in during the scene itself that they we're simultaneous. The trick used was the same one as the Smith/Neo interrogation scene and the TV screen in the construct both in The Matrix.

Quote:And what is this crap with a "Keymaster"? That is just cheesy - he actually carved real keys, give me a break! "Are you the gatekeeper? I am the keymaster!" - Ghostbusters.

Keymaker. :P A pity that the occasionally-observant twit who wrote that linked article a few posts up wrote it as both "keymaker" and "keymaster" and a bigger pity your observation of of the film is too restricted to nitpicking physics to get the name right yourself, but it was definitely "Keymaker". Ergo your Ghostbusters remark reads, "Follow the red herring and see how far this hot air goes!" :P

Quote:Talk about lame: they did the same bullet-stopping trick with Neo. Not only was it done, but it was really the only trick "the One" did. About all else he could do was sense the agents and fight well. Not so impressive for someone who could "make the matrix whatever he wanted it to be".

1.) Bullet stopping
2.) Speed for Overdrive Combat
3.) Precognition sight
4.) Flight
5.) Matter Control for cunning bullet removal trick and resusitation technique
6.) Awareness of the code allowing agent detection, aura reading etc.
7.) Strength
8.) Agent Smith assimilation goop resistance
9.) Sentinal Control outside the Matrix

I count a few things more than "really the only trick "the One" did". Tell me something. Did you at any stage get the impression you might have nodded off to sleep at any point?

Quote:Then there was the CGI. Some of it looked really bad. When Neo was fighting the Agent Smith's, there were those obvious parts where it was completely animated. And you could tell too. Neo was rendered horribly in these shots - it lacked texture of any kind and the motion was not very fluid. Very cartoonish. I wasn't very impressed when the two Semi trucks collided either. Especially considering the first film with the shots of the exploding helicpoter and the fire flowing throug the lobby. All the flips were sad as well. Have they forgotten that projectiles move in a parabolic curve? If you have ever seen a backflip in your life, you would know that the the back is completely arched so the head comes around way before any other part of the body. In the movie they just seemed to rotate however they felt like it. Think back to when Neo's backflip in the subway in the original. We get a lot more of that. Sorry, guys, but a kung fu master choreographer can't help you in that department, should have looked elsewhere.

You know, there's not really too much I can criticize there. In fact I would recommend you present your profound expertise to these lacklustre professionals and show them how it's really done! :lol: The animators and stuntmen will be really impressed with your superior guidance! :lol:

Quote:The worst part of this movie (and virtually every action movie released since the Matrix) was the complete ignorance of physics. I hate this idiots who make movies and don't know how the world works. I am seriously considering becoming a physcis consultant for action movies because of this.

Wow! Consultant too? That's fantastic! :lol:

Quote:Yet when Trinity and the Keymaster jump from a stationary overpass onto the truck moving at over 65 mph, they just land like nothing (image jumping on to a treadmill set for 65 mph, it's not pretty).

Trinity's already established herself as someone who can leap across an alley to punch her body through a tiny window and you're worried about how she lands on a truck? Also it's Key-MAKER. With a "K", not "st". "Maker". Can spot a long series of physical impossibilties in a world that's fiction and can't even get a particular repeated consonant right. Sheesh! As for how a rogue program is supposed to repond to the laws of physics of an artificial environment he/it has gone rogue from is anyone's guess.

m-a-k-e-r . . .

Quote:How about when Morpheus is fighting the agent on top of the truck. The drag from the wind would knock them off if they were standing. But no, in the movie there is hardly a breeze. The agent's blazer hardly even flutters (especially when his tie is cut, it just falls down)! Next time you are driving down the freeway, stick your hand out of the window just to get a taste - then imagine if it were your whole body.

I take it you've also failed to notice how the Matrix is an artificial and imperfect construct where things don't quite gel with reality as we know it? Such as the green tinted sky, the subtle speed differences when viewing things inside cars compared to scenery outside, impromptu cracks of thunder that follow Morpheus' every ominous statement when he stands in gothic settings (And he didn't even have to go "Mwahaha" - Go Morpheus!).

Oh yeah. And how the wind is never right anywhere in the Matrix since the start of the first movie?

Quote:I don't care how many rules you can "bend or break", they can't ignore wind

Explain the colour yellow to a blind man. Explain Beethoven's Fifth to a deaf man. Now explain wind to a binery code and see if it has a good enough understanding considering the obvious lack of reference points to get it 100% right.

Quote:Then there is when Trinity jumps off the moving bike and lands in that cat-like pose. I am sorry, but if you jump of a moving vehicle you contiue to move. It is called inertia. And if you think it is because she *jumped* off the bike backwards, then try this: Go jump of a large building with only a skateboard. When you are about to hit the ground, simply jump off the skateboard, and let me know how the landing goes. Now how about when one of the twins teleports from the highway to the car. Aparently when he gets hit by the seat, he just sits down, but he had to "dematerialize" through the front of the car so he wouldn't get hit. Sorry twin sir, but it is the same thing. The car seat is moving at 65 mph just like the hood is.

Funny. I seem to recall being able to pull off all sorts of inertia defying stunts in various computer games . . . which is rather similar to what the Matrix is in many ways. And you're saying that because it looks sort of close to real that it absolutely has to match the laws of physics out here in the real world too?

Um. Why?

Perhaps you should email Blizzard and complain to them too, because I'm sure all the Barbarians should have puking animations added to their whirlycoptering and the Druids will need spinal surgery by now. :blink:

Quote:Depending upon how the last one turns out, I may just pretend it was never a trilogy at all.

Can you pretend not to come here and complain (badly) and then actually pull the same stunt in reality too? Or perhaps it's the rest of us who are supposed to pretend you are not posting at all. :lol:
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Hail WarBlade,

"You think so?"

I do: I consider Smith a vampire now. What do vampires do in *every single interpretation* of a vampire? They kill something, and through its death it becomes another vampire. Smith kills people, and they become new Smiths: works for me ;) By the way, I never would have thought they would make his character that much cooler in the sequel ;)

"You know, there's not really too much I can criticize there."

Of cause you cannot: everyone knows that the CG in The Matrix films is pathetic. If only they had the skill required to use MS Paint, then the movie would have been that much better :lol:

"Perhaps you should email Blizzard and complain to them too, because I'm sure all the Barbarians should have puking animations added to their whirlycoptering and the Druids will need spinal surgery by now."

Hahaha! Love that comment :D

By the way, did anyone else pick up on Morpheus' Katana moves? He'd clearly been given a little training, as they were correct movements, however not a lot, as they were not very fluid. Not that I'm complaining: I am actually impressed they went to the detail they did there: I was half expecting him to thrash away wildly, as if he had a Bastard Sword (like Neo).
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Elric of Grans,May 16 2003, 08:31 PM Wrote:"You think so?"

I do: I consider Smith a vampire now. What do vampires do in *every single interpretation* of a vampire? They kill something, and through its death it becomes another vampire. Smith kills people, and they become new Smiths: works for me ;)
Curious. I came out of there thinking he was just having a crack at being the new Borg Collective after Janeway smacked up the last one. :huh:
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Hail WarBlade,

*shrugs* There could be a Borg reference: I'd not know. I have not seen a Star Trek since 3 was new... I don't think they had Borg back then.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
...full of spoilers is right.

I agree about the CGI, some parts were up there with Spiderman's 'bouncy' kind of look. But did it make the film disappointing? Not really. It simply requires a shred of suspended belief on the part of the viewer... its known as 'getting into it'. As for the rest:

Zion was not destroyed. Only the ships & soldiers who went to attack the sentinels were.

The worst part of this movie (and virtually every action movie released since the Matrix) was the complete ignorance of physics.

OK, the "Simpsons" have a name for this kind of thinking, and its called the Comic Book Guy. Movies like "Empire Strikes Back" start to look pretty stupid if you consider sound doesn't travel in a vaccuum - would you have every laser dogfight occur in complete silence? How retarded would the end of "The Last Dragon" be if Leroy was simply shot in his face and killed in the last scene? Why do all the grunts in "Aliens" speak in modern-day slang if its supposed to be hundreds of years in the future? On and on...

edit: Google and I found another site you might like to post in:

:D (all in good fun Langolier, honestly. Ya don't know what you're missing - Matrix is awesome!)
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
Quote:If you have ever seen a backflip in your life, you would know that the the back is completely arched so the head comes around way before any other part of the body. In the movie they just seemed to rotate however they felt like it. Think back to when Neo's backflip in the subway in the original. We get a lot more of that. Sorry, guys, but a kung fu master choreographer can't help you in that department, should have looked elsewhere.

My daughter does backflips all the time in her tumbling class. Not all backflips are layouts. The layout is the backflip that requires an arched back, whereas a back tuck is performed with the body in a ball, 'and your feet/heels tumble over your head during a tight rotation. There are also a variety of combination moves that involve using the shoulder as a pivot point, rather than the hips or head, some of which incorporate a twisting motion.

In summary: I have seen 'backflips' performed in a wide variety of ways, and wonder at the point of your gymnastic critique. Was your complaint that just because a backflip was not a 'layout' it is unrealistic?

As to fights on top of trains: they have been filmed or staged by Hollywoodfor a number of years, and most of them do little justice to the force of the wind on an erect/upright human. Mission Impossible was a superb example of 'oh, come on!' Typically, a 70MPH wind can be withstood, however, it takes a certain body posture and concerted effort to do so. Mild inattention to the forces being applied to the body usuall result in a tumble. Yet Hollywood for years has ignored that little bit or physics, I must ask what makes The Matrix any worse a film in that regard?

Oh, and Since Neo can fly, apparently, in the Matrix, and that girl can defy physics and jump from one skyscraper across a street to another (first film) then why can't other physical laws also be BENT in the Matrix insofar as the twins and cars, landing on one's feet after jumping off a moving car ? (I would hope for a rolling dismount, personally) The precedent was set in Film 1 that in The Matrix, one can bend the laws of physics a bit.

PS: Did you also complain that the Balrog in The Two Towers' opening was falling too fast, and that given the effects of terminal velocity in a fall of the duration shown, neither he nor Gandalf should have survived the impact with the water? Hitting water at 125 MPH is rather akin to hitting cement, insofar as the damage to the body, water not being all that compressible. The two of them should, by the law of physics, have been killed, or at least severely injured, by blunt trauma and hence in no condition to have the fight on that mountain top. Ya know, the way that the leapers from the Golden Gate Bridge tend to die on impact, so that they don't just swim off and climb back up the bridge to engage in fisticuffs with the cops?

Methinks you are looking for ways to be disappointed. :)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however I very much enjoyed the movie! It sounds like you went into the movie "expecting" something and were left unfulfilled, however I went in expecting nothing, and left satsifyed. I also enjoyed the Dungeons and Dragons movie because of this while others in the D&D community riped it to shreds. However, there are a few points you made that I'd like to attempt to counter:

Quote:I think they really complicated the plot far more than necessary.

I disagree completly here! The plot twists were excellent IMO and just enough to get me really excited about the upcomming movie. I always thought that the AI in the matrix was all on the same side, but since it's AI, they have free will to disagree, just like humans. So I was surprised to see multiple free willed AI's holding information, disregarded AI, such as the twins, etc... Blew my mind. And the oracle being a program... would of never guessed! The whole key-maker, Architect thing seemed a little cheesy at first, albiet, however I began to enjoy it for what it was when I thought of them not as programs, but as AI... that was their purpose inside the matrix and that is how they interacted in the matrix.

Quote:But now there are multiple Zion's? It can be inferred that there have been previous Zion's that have been destroyed, but they could also all exist at the same time (the machines keep digging after Zion is destroyed). There could also have been multiple Matrix's - even layered (i.e. Smith getting into a human). In fact, for this series to make any sense there have to be layered Matrix's because Neo stopped the sentinals).

What?!? What movie were you watching? Thats not what was said at all and I think you completly missed the point! *Ahem*, you see, the Architect said every couple hundred years there was an Anomolie that was born in the matrix, and that people would be freed. He said the people needed hope so when the Anomolie "the one" finally found the Architect, they would destroy zion and its inhabitants completly and then select 32 random people from the Matrix and place them in zion, allowing them to believe they had been freed. From then on, theses 32 people would rebuild zion and have more children who would eventually turn zion into another nation, like it was. This cycle continued every couple hundred years indefinatly... until now perhaps? When the architect said he had to choose door #1 or door #2, he was not going to destroy the matrix, I believe, but that was a 'control' measure to try and show "the one" who is really in control here. I believe the matrix and its energy is too valluable to the machines.

Multiple matrixs'? What? I don't know what to say here. How did you concieve this? I didn't get that from the movie, but thats why there are multiple opinions on same subjects, because no one percieves the same thing the same way.

Neo stopped the sentenals the same way agent smith entered the "real world". How does it work? I'm not sure. I'm assuming it has to do with the way neo interacts with the matrix. If he can control the programming inside the matrix, then why not outside it? He is an anomolie. He is the one. The multiple agent smith angle was a bit weird, but hey, its not my movie. I still enjoyed it.

Quote:The worst part of this movie (and virtually every action movie released since the Matrix) was the complete ignorance of physics

LOL, friend the Langolier, havent you realized that after the first movie that the "rules" of physics don't apply to those in the matrix who are aware that they can bend the rules? I mean, wtf? Neo can fly and your talking about physics? HAHA, sorry, I mean, you can't be serious! Oh well. Some critics are just too hilarious, going into a movie with HIGH EXPECTIONS that are left unfulfilled, that makes them angry and nit-pick at minute details the movie that are pretty much self explanitory to the average watcher; no offense the Langolier. As I said before, everyone is free to make their own observations with their own opinions, but I do think a little bit of control can be exercised to ensure people enjoy most movies they watch, namly expecting nothing out of the movie. I really enjoyed the movie, but as I said before, I also liked the D&D movie :P
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

Quote:From then on, theses 32 people would rebuild zion and have more children who would eventually turn zion into another nation, like it was. This cycle continued every couple hundred years indefinatly... until now perhaps? When the architect said he had to choose door #1 or door #2, he was not going to destroy the matrix, I believe, but that was a 'control' measure to try and show "the one" who is really in control here. I believe the matrix and its energy is too valluable to the machines.

Okay, the machines are logical beings - why the hell would they let a certain few out of the matrix to cause trouble? That doesn't fit with their obsession with "perfection". I think the multiple matrices theory is flawed - my theory is that the "real world" we have seen in the first two films is in reality another part of the matrix. Three reasons I have seen so far -
1. Agent Smith getting into the real world. Smith IS a computer program, how could he exist within a human mind? Answer - he isn't.
2. Neo knowing that the sentinels were throwing a bomb at the ship - after the conversation with the Acrchitect, Neo sees that Zion is the security trap for minds that to not easily submit to the matrix - they are "freed", but not really, so they are satisfied. Neo sees this, and once he starts to see the signs of the matrix in the "real world".
3. Neo stopping the sentinels. He says "something is different" becuase he now has limited power in this (probably powerfully-encoded) portion of the matrix - That is why the sentinels reach about two feet away from him before stopping - he only can exert limited control.

Now the only thing I can't explain is why Neo goes into a coma after stopping the sentinels. Any thoughts?
Jumping onto a tuck that is moving means that you were initially moving at 10 mph then instantaneously began to move at 65 mph. There is a force associated with this, and it would be immense. BTW, the force in this case is the friction between the truck and the character's feet. If they are able to ignore this, why can't they ignore the force of a punch? They just seemed to choose which rules they could break and when. My main gripe is the consistancy.

When Neo stops the sentinals, that has to mean they are in a matrix that is in a matrix. He could "feel" them just like he could normally feel the agents in the martix. Neo is just a normal human being in the real world. No matter how much of the code he understands from the matrix, once he is out of it he can't just stop machines in their tracks only because he understands their code. Anyways, he wouldn't understand their code in the first place because they are not part of the matrix and have completely different code. The only way he would be able to stop them is if even in the "real" world the characters were in matrix.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!

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