Anyone lose a fortune?

Magi and I went out for Chinese last night. At the end of the meal we got the traditional cookies. Opened mine up and it said, "You are kind-hearted and hospitable, cheerful and well-liked". Will the person who *should* have gotten that cookie please claim it. And give me mine, 'cause that sure ain't it. ;)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

... "Your caustic wit and sharp tongue shall be legendary."

I think that was supposed to be yours. :lol:

- WL
Fortune cookies? What "fortune"? What oracular function?

*sharpens pencil*

"You shouldn't have had the combo. It's a Monday, that beef was 5 days old at least."

"The gentleman seated with the lady along the far wall is sizing you up."

"Remember that date last week? She lied."

"When you leave the restaurant, pull out your keys and be prepared to run. Just trust me."

"The waitress spit in your Wor Won Ton. Tip at your peril."

"Psst. Barn door's open."

"I'm being held hostage in a Asian Pastry Factory in the downtown. SEND... HELP!"

*tips helm*
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Hail Pete,

I thought you meant /usr/games/fortune :P

To be honest, I've never seen one: perhaps we don't have them in Australia or something? Or perhaps I've just always gone to the wrong places.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
ohhh, I love fortune cookies, they taste good.

Problem is that the only times I go to a restaurent who has them the "fortunes" are in chinese :)
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
...they're an American invention dating back to the building of the Railroad in the mid 1800s. Although you could trace their historical relevance back to the "moon cakes" and their story (or myth) linking them with the establishment of the Ming Dynasty out of the ashes of Mongol occupation.

Add it to your list of things to do in a lifetime, Elf. I'll reciprocate by adding "Watch an entire Cricket match with interest" on my own list. ;)

*tips helm*
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Well, Pete, I'm sure you'd like to believe it wasn't meant for you, be we all know that underneath you're just one big softie.

p.s. don't forget to add "in bed"
A few days ago I got a fortune:

"Life is a surprising and exciting adventure for you."

I think I may have gotten the wrong one as well, was this one yours?
Being a college student, chinese delivery services were greatly appriciated throughout the semester. So while I've seen a great deal of fortunes, they are mostly mildly humorous bits of paper laying inside the trash can.

One, however, still resides inside my wallet, behind my driver's lisence (grr... spelling...).
It reads "Your family is one of nature's masterpieces."
...and anyone who's ever had the misfortune of dealing with several Chilkotowskys at once could tell you it's absolutely true.
Call HCGoodbye(gl,hf,dd)

I'll reciprocate by adding "Watch an entire Cricket match with interest" on my own list.

When informed that the Seattle and Vancouver sides had been playing since the 1890's, I inquired how soon they thought the match would be over :)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I can only say that the match isn't really over until the drinking is done.

Hmmmm, I'm still drinking . . . and how many overs am I over the limit?

Oh, and I always wanted to ask, how did those blasted wickets get so sticky, did someone spill lime juice on them? Playing wicket keeper when age 36 is best done while wearing a mouth guard, which I did, just in case . . . I wanna keep these teeth!

The only down side to the cricket matches was that bowling ruined my ability to throw a softball/baseball for a good five weeks, screwed my golf swing for about a month as well. Doc said something about a poorly trained, or very strained, rotator cuff. After a few tries at the pure overhand curveball, I realized that to be a decent spin bowler, a bit of practice is required . . .
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

p.s. don't forget to add "in bed"

Believe it or not, I didn't learn of that 'till grad school. :) Judging by the source, I thought it was a New York thing.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Well it begs the question; do you believe in fate?

-Wapptor ;)
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
The question we should be asking is does fate believe in us :)
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
:o You got a good one ! Mine always say "Sorry , please try again " .... ;)
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto
Hail Occhi,

Overhand? You were doing orthodox spinners? Impressive! I used to bowl unorthodox, but now I just umpire. If you wanted to be a good golfer too though you should have taken your hand to batting: it's quite common for good batsmen to have extremely low handicaps in golf. Indeed, I know several who swear that doing a cover drive when playing golf adds a few extra yards :)

Oh, and Pete, the longest cricket match ever was 14 days long, and called a draw because the South African side had to catch a boat: never underestimate how long a match can last ;) (I know you were joking, but wanted to show that it *is* a long sport) Oh sure, they've since changed the rules to prevent that from happening again...good thing too! After four days, my legs and back are aching: beats me how the professional umpires can do all them five day matches!
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Well, I didn't learn about that until last year (2nd year of college) so you're not alone about not hearing about that for a long time. :)
Quote:Believe it or not, I didn't learn of that 'till grad school.  Judging by the source, I thought it was a New York thing.

I doubt it, because my father does the same thing, and we're Louisiana-based.

- WL

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