Check Out This Online Flash/Shockwave Game

It was posted on the Bnet forums. Just thought some people may enjoy playing it.

Hint: Get the blue rectangle into the exit.

Currently stuck on lvl 23 can't stop playing... and I need to go to sleep. Ah just one more level.
"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellem"
[Image: Ax.gif]
Never been a very mechanically inclined person. After an hour of play, I'm stuck on level 20. You got me addicted. :P

To anyone who has ever avoided games like this, try it. I always hated them, but now that I gave this one a shot I'm happy I tried it. Its a bit past my bedtime here on the eastcoast, so be forwarned, its addicting!

Thanks for the link DralaFi
I have the board version of this game.... called "Rush Hour" (i think...) very addictive
I'm stuck on 13. Man this is a brain teazer! Thanks for the link!

EDIT: Last night I stopped at lvl 25 and I am getting ready to move on! Wish me luck!
On level 29 right now, and my brain hurts :ph34r:
I Demand Pie.
Thanks! This game is fun. On 32 now, but gotta say, 31 was HARD!

[edit] finished (35) :) but I definitely had the hardest time with 31.
Oh this is a very cool game... but what's up with level 36? I was able to move the rectangle in the lower left hand corner off the board.:o With that rectangle gone I finished that level with two more moves!

Anybody else able to move rectangles off the board? I'm sure this is a bug.
I had to stop after level 33. level 13 and 31 were hard.
That was really fun. Nothing earth shattering at the end. Level "41" shows up as just the border with no tiles.

Some levels did take longer than others... but it may have been because I just didn't stumble on the solution as fast. I didn't really have much of a strategy or anything. Although there were some tiles that obviously had to be moved to a certain location. For example many levels had a tall 1x3 tile on the far right side. You know that that tile had to (eventually) be moved all the way to the bottom because there are three spaces below the exit but only two above it. (Any position other than all the way on the bottom would block the exit.) Knowing that usually leads to some conclusions about where other adjacent tiles have to go. After that I just start madly moving blocks around untill something opens up.

But level 13, and one or two of the levels in the upper 30's, did take noticable longer than other levels.

Thanks for the link, DralaFi
Yes, level 13 was anoying, but after that they went easily...until level 25, I have been stuck there since last night and I can't seem to find a way out! Grrr...back to the grid. :angry:
Everything past level 35 is marked as (Not Finished) in the options.
Have you gotten past level 35?
I finished 35, but 36 is broken.
Hmm, if I ever get past level 25, I'll let you know if it is just you or not. Grr!
Yay, I reached 41. :P
Nice game. :)

Level 31 was indeed the hardest one, it took me about 1200 moves to finish it (still don't know how I finally made it though).


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