Plastic Coated Popcorn
Well... it's been a while since I cooked popcorn. It used to be a cheap snack but today has proved otherwise...

Attempt 1:
Microwave popcorn in icecream container... Icecream container melted... may need new turntable... re-engaged brain...

Attempt 2:
Attempted to cook popcorn and caramel in the one pot... I now own one less pot <_<

Attempt 3:
Just popcorn and butter this time to prove that I could actually cook it... it worked.

Attempt 4:
Perfect caramel popcorn which I'm munching on now.

Ah well, so at least I got better, but as far as snacks go I think it's going to be about $60 so far :o

Well, at least you finally got to eat the popcorn :D

Since our old microwave burned out and we got a new one with all the bells and whistles, my favorite (unintentional) trick is fixing bags of popcorn using the tea setting (don't ask). I haven't, quite, had one burst into flames (yet). :)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

When I first started having to "cook" for myself, it took me about 5 bags of microwave popcorn to reach the conclusion that 90% good/10% unpopped is better than 10% good/90% lightly charred, and adjust my timings accordingly :)
I don't think it was timing on the microwave, more thermoform vs. thermoset plastic. Oh well, I'll be eating popcorn for lunch for the rest of the week... ah the life of a programmer :)
Yep, bags don't seem to be interchangeable. It's pretty difficult to cram one of those popcorn bags into the teapot, and the tea it makes doesn't taste very good.

(BTW, my perfect popcorn is about 5% unpopped and 20% lightly charred. I *like* the lightly charred ones. However if I go for more than 20% I start getting into "heavily charred" which is not only inedible but is also a fire hazard.)

I can't help but reply to this because I see similar mistakes at my work all the time (I work in a restaurant). We have these wicker baskets with metal lining inside them, but all the time when the waiters and waitresses are in a hurry and need some hot dinner rolls, they stick them in the microwave for 30 seconds with a paper underliner inside the basket. As you might imagine, the highly flamable basket literally sparks and begins to catch fire rather quickly and the paper underliner bursts into flames almost instantly when this happens. Usually one of the workers sees this and instantly stops the mircowave and put out the fire, but whats amusing is that after seeing this happen, oh, about 15 times in the last year, you'd think the wait-staff would of learned, if not from their own mistakes, then from others :lol: . Oh well, tis life, and no doubt the same reason four of my amazons died to "baal" while in the worldstone keep... because I wasn't paying attention ;) .
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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