Ha ha ha...I have to share this with you all
My D2 playing friends and I have this inside joke about all the idiot 1337 players on B.net. They are known to us as the "OMG j00 n00b use firewall idiot" people. I always regarded the phrase as a joke...but somebody actually said it to me today! :lol:

If I had some hosting space I'd post the screenshot...but I'll just write out the conversation instead. This took place during a normal cow run with my blaze/tstorm sorc.

Moron was slain by Hell Bovine.
Moron: blaze damage?
Me: 253-271
Moron: why u use it it sux
Moron: use firewall
Me: lol
Me: you've just made my day
Me: tstorm and blaze
Moron: blaze
Me: i have no points in energy =)
Moron: lol
Moron: wow ur sorc sux ass
Moron: make a new one

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
It always amuses me when people think you are a newbie when you don't need to use the most powerful stuff to survive. :lol:
Most of those I played with in my Blazer days were rather fascinated by the sorc... especially after I told them some numbers about it (Blaze has a far greater damage potential than firewall due to duration and length of flames)
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
Obi1.10Kenobi,May 25 2003, 10:39 AM Wrote:It always amuses me when people think you are a newbie when you don't need to use the most powerful stuff to survive. :lol:
That's the great irony of the whole thing, and easily (to me anyways) the most annoying use of the word "noob". When you're actually demonstrating that you're not a newbie, since you actually can play variants or just something other than cookie-cutter.

Liza Bow 83, Polgara Tri-Sorc 82, Jane Jav 81, Kathryne Sassy 79, Bellina Xbow 78
Alfredo AxeBarb 81, Bob Pal 80, Zachary Necro 78, Merrick Werewolf 78

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
Blaze is the coolest sorcie spell, bar NONE :)
Sheesh, I thought "firewall" was the firewall used on some PC's to stop unwanted incoming and outgoing traffic. :)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
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