Who the heck is killing the monsters?
I have noticed the following phenomenon on several separate occasions, and tonight my curiosity has been piqued sufficiently for me to wonder if anyone else has noticed this.

It happens in Single Player. I encounter Izual in the Plains of Despair and kill him. I return to the Pandemonium Fortress via a TP to get the quest reward. I then go back to the Plains of Despair to continue playing. As I wander into previously unexplored territory, I notice monsters on the ground. Dead monsters. With items lying around them and everything. Now, I’m playing a melee character that kills one monster at a time, so I know I didn’t kill these monsters with an AoE attack. I know it’s territory I didn’t go through before killing Izzy. It’s too far away for my merc to have run over and killed them from where Izzy died. It’s Single Player, so no one else could have joined the game and killed these monsters. Yet there they are, dead.

So who--or what--is killing these monsters?

*looks over his shoulder suspiciously and slowly moves away...* :ph34r:

Even the mountains
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.
AFAIK, this is a little known feature of Izual: Izual has a few monsters that spawn around him, and will die whenever he is killed. If Izual happens to spawn near the edge of his 'minions' it's fairly easy to finish him off before activating the monsters that come with him. They all die, leaving treasure whever he is killed.

Seems similiar to the Chaos Sanctuary when only one seal leader is left; after the leader falls, all the other monsters in the sanctuary die.

A friend of mine first told me about this feature, but I didn't believe him as I had never seen it. Try it out. Find Izual again, and kill only him. A few monsters near his spawn point will also die. I verified it in multi player, so I figure it's standard.
I always figured Izual had some explosion damage when he dies.
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
I've seen this before too. I figured it was Blizzard recycling the 'minion death' that Blood Raven's zombies suffer if she dies before they do. Rest assured, nobody else is in your game. B)

*plays Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me" for Grayloch*
If you play a "boss mod" then you would have learned about the kill everything (even Diablo) thing.
Confirmed this in Single Player as well. Izual and a few buddies showed up a moment after the Quest icon popped up, and I beat exclusively on Izual. When he died, the others around him all died, too, including too who shattered (HF merc), which was cool.

Liza Bow 83, Polgara Tri-Sorc 82, Jane Jav 81, Kathryne Sassy 79, Bellina Xbow 78
Alfredo AxeBarb 81, Bob Pal 80, Zachary Necro 78, Merrick Werewolf 78

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
Thanks to all for the info. Since I usually play ranged attackers with AoE skills (sorc, 'zon), everything around Izzy is usually long dead by the time Izzy himself goes down, which is why I rarely notice this. Even with melee characters, I'll usually whack any other monsters before concentrating on Izzy.

Thanks for putting the "phantom warrior" to rest.

Even the mountains
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.
What are you talking about? That is waayy too far fetched! This is what it REALLY is...


Twisted 1337 HaX0r (twis-ted Leet Hacks-or) - 1-This twisted version of hacker likes to scan for your IP address and hack into your Diablo II game! They like to kill lots of monsters and switch the drops to really crappy items. The reason it only happens in limited part of the game is that there is because of the "invisible areas" in the game, and when their hacked-in character enters those areas, they are invisible to everything!

Fortunately, due to their terrible hacking skills, bosses and YOU are off-limits to their attacks, which is better than you know, because they have invented a new skill called: "Death lvl 1". It kills ANY enemy who is level 1 or above. These malicious hackers also leave chip crumbs in your keyboard, and yes, THEY are the ones who broke the window next door! Too bad your parents will never believe you about that....

If you wonder why I know so much about these beings, it is because....

I AM ONE!!! Muhahahaha. See how your moniter colours aren't QUITE normal? That's me. See how your speakers are on a different setting than you left them? Also me. Did you ever wonder WHY the phone bill is so high??? Yes, that's right. I am responsible for ALL the little problems in your life! Yes.... me..... *wheeze* All.... me.... *gasp* *breath* ahhhh....

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