Answer these questions plz
Yes! Yes! I did it! I made my first succesful Laz run and killed Mr.D. himself(noting that I was level 29 rogue at this moment-nothing spectacular,but not for me-it's my first Diablo slaying)
I have searched the Net for anything related to D1 and have found a page with fanfics(Tales Of The Boojum,if I remember correctly) That enhanced my understanding of this fabulous game,of course.
Well,on to questions:
1.Are Staves blunt weapons?
2.How can I beat Diablo at l.20-Normal,l.25-Nightmare,l.30-Hell?What are the requirements?
3.While I looked down your forum's history of threads,I have noted a name-Charred_Scar.Just in case-he,together with a player called MOKA,killed my level 6 Sorceror(themselves being level 20-23).In connection with this,is there a wide-known list of player-killers and how can I post there?
4.I heard that there are so-called "guilds" or "clans"(e.g."Doom Masters").How can I join them?
5.I heard that some peoplecreae characters-"shoppers".Who are they?
6.A completely noob question-what does "to-hit"give? I have searched every guide I could-please explain simply.
7.In some of the D1-related fanfics I read there are some names that do not appear in the game-like the name of the Wirt's mother,Kanace,the daughter of Cain,Nova,and so on.I could say that the authors invented them-but they appear too often.Perhaps there is some biography of NPC's (issued by Blizzard)?
8.Which level does it have the most sense to make Gris and Wirt runs on?
9.What weapon and AC must my rogue have to enter Nightmare/Hell and Hell/Hell?
10.What does it mean that the creature is resistant/immune to something? Does it mean that it can't be harmed by such magic or some harm is inflicted,though?
11.I have a scroll of Infravision.If I cast it while having on the screen my skill(Trap Disarm),shall Infravision be the same level as my level? And if I have A Healing spell on level 12,how can I cast Infravision level 12?
12.Is Phasing random,or can I somehow manipulate it?
13.If I stun Diablo with my bow on Normal,shall it be the same on Nightmare and Hell?
14.Can I bind my own sayings on F9-F12 in classic D1 multiplayer?

Well,that's all that's unclear for me for the moment.
Wow, you sure do have a lot of questions there!

I'll try and answers some of themn starting at the bottom of your list :-)

14. you search for a file named diablo.ini in your diablo directory, open it with notepad and replace the text into any of your liking. I don't think you can access that file with diablo running, so shut the program down before you start messing with the ini-file

13. That depends on what bow you are using in the first place

12. To my knowledge it's completely random. The teleport spells is the form that you can choose where to go.

11. I think that is possible, but is considered bug exploiting i.e. cheating. I don't know how it's doen exactly

10. If a monster is immune to e.g. fire, it feels no pain when you hit it with fire spells. If it resists fire, the monsters feels less pain, but you can harm it with fire. Just takes longer to kill them with fire.

9. er ...what style are you playing?

8. depends on what you are looking for

7. no idea what so ever but I doubt Blizzard would do that sort of thing.

6. chance to hit gives you a chance ( percentage wise) you will hit a monster. If you point you cursor to a monster and click you will not hit it every time. Something you will just swing next to the monster. The higher you' chance to hit, the more likely it becomes if you swing at e monster , you actually hit it.

5.A shopper is a character you make with only one purpose: making games and visiting Griswold, Adria or Wirt in order to find some item. You have noticed that the things they sell change, right? So if you want to buy an item and it is not in the store at the time you are there with your main character, you start a new game with a shopper and go look for it. if it's not in the shops, you start another game and so on until you find the item you are looking for.

4. most guilds or clans have a webpage where you can find the info to contact them. You basically just ask in e-mail or on b-net whether you can join or not. Depending on the clan/guild you are applying to, you will get a mission or trial period to proove yourself worthy of it.

3. PK', tend to change names so quickly that lists like that would be outdated very fast. I don't know of any list like that. There are however some lists of people you CAN trust around.

2. this question is a bit to vague for me

1. er I don't think so. Blunts are maces, clubs, morningstars and flails to my knowledge. I should check Jarulf's on that but I have to run ...

Hope to have solved some of the enigma's. The best way to learn more about diablo is playing it by the way. You will learn more when you get more used to the game. And you'll remember it so much better if you found out yourself ;-)
BTW, you should download jarulf's guide if you don't have it already. A lot of the answers are there. Just don't ecpext to breeze through it. It takes a lot of concentration to understand it.
Quote:2.How can I beat Diablo at l.20-Normal,l.25-Nightmare,l.30-Hell?What are the requirements?

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking about here, but;

To make a game on Normal difficulty, you can be of any level.
To make a game on Nightmare difficulty, you are required to be level 20.
To make a game on Hell difficulty, you are required to be level 30.
Note that this is your character level, and that it only works in multiplayer. You can't make games of higher difficulty in singleplayer unless you exploit a bug that requires you to have a high level character in multiplayer. (which kind of defeats the point of playing singleplater on higher difficulty ;))

The only requirement that exists for killing Diablo at for example level 30 on hell difficulty is that you are able to do it :) Doing that is called a 3@30 and was a very popular feat (for all I know maybe it still is) back on the DSF forum. You can read about some 3@30 here:

I never tried it myself, but I'm sure beating Diablo in normal at level 20 (1@20) and nightmare at 25 (2@25) is possible as well. It all depends on how well you plan your character really.

I hope this answered your question :)
1.Are Staves blunt weapons?

No. Staves do the normal amount of damage to all creatures. The game doesn't treat them (or bows/axes) as blunt or sharp. They really ought to be blunt, but it's not the case.

2.How can I beat Diablo at l.20-Normal,l.25-Nightmare,l.30-Hell?What are the requirements?

There are a lot of possibilities here, but it really depends on the character.

3.While I looked down your forum's history of threads,I have noted a name-Charred_Scar.Just in case-he,together with a player called MOKA,killed my level 6 Sorceror(themselves being level 20-23).In connection with this,is there a wide-known list of player-killers and how can I post there?

There is no such list. Such lists proved futile because there are tons of PKs, they can create new characters at any time, and (since 1.05) they can change character names any time they want.

4.I heard that there are so-called "guilds" or "clans"(e.g."Doom Masters").How can I join them?

Well, you can either find a guild member and talk to them about it, or you can look for guild web pages and try to join one that way. Unfortunately, most guilds are poorly organized and completely worthless. A select few are really good. Personally I don't know of any really nice guilds that are still actively involved with Diablo though.

5.I heard that some peoplecreae characters-"shoppers".Who are they?

A given item can only be bought in town with a certain range of character levels. There are a lot of nice items that can be bought only by characters of moderately low level (particularly at Wirt). A "shopper" is a character who stays at the level needed to buy a certain item, is given enough gold to buy anything good that might be available, and visits Wirt/Gris repeatedly hoping to get the desired items.

Normally someone wouldn't create a character specifically for this purpose, but they might keep a character stuck at that level for a lot longer than they otherwise would for this reason.

6.A completely noob question-what does "to-hit"give? I have searched every guide I could-please explain simply.

The higher your "to-hit" is, the more likely you are to hit the monsters :) This is oversimplified, but the general idea is to take the "to-hit" percentage, subtract the Armor Class of the enemy, and the result is the percentage chance of a successful attack. For example, if you had 100% to-hit and attacked another player with 60 AC, you should hit about 40% of the time. There are other factors involved, but this gives you the general idea.

7.In some of the D1-related fanfics I read there are some names that do not appear in the game-like the name of the Wirt's mother,Kanace,the daughter of Cain,Nova,and so on.I could say that the authors invented them-but they appear too often.Perhaps there is some biography of NPC's (issued by Blizzard)?

If there is, I'm not familiar with it. If the fanfics in which these names appeared were on the same site, it is possible that they were created by an author there. Even if there are multiple authors who have used those names in works hosted at that site, it would be likely that those authors read each others works and played off one another. Roleplayers in particular like to include each other's characters in their stories in an attempt to tie the entire set of works into a single world in which the game takes place. Diablo has inspired a *lot* of fan fiction, so if you like it, keep searching for more!

8.Which level does it have the most sense to make Gris and Wirt runs on?

That depends on what items you want to get. If you really want an answer to this question, try to work through the appropriate sections of Jarulf's Guide, and ask here for help on specific points in it that cause difficulties for you.

9.What weapon and AC must my rogue have to enter Nightmare/Hell and Hell/Hell?

Some players here can clear hell/hell as a rogue with NO weapon and virtually NO AC. Stonecurse is that powerful. However, if you could get 200 AC and 48+ min. damage for nightmare, and 250 AC with 64+ min. damage for hell, things would be much, much easier. Resistances, mana, and other things are just as important as these factors though.

10.What does it mean that the creature is resistant/immune to something? Does it mean that it can't be harmed by such magic or some harm is inflicted,though?

If a monster is immune to an element, such spells literally won't even hit them. If you shoot a firebolt at a fire immune monster, it will miss every time. If a monster is resistant to an element, it is the same as a player having 75% resistance. So instead of taking 400 damage from a certain fire spell, a fire resistant monster would take 100.

11.I have a scroll of Infravision.If I cast it while having on the screen my skill(Trap Disarm),shall Infravision be the same level as my level? And if I have A Healing spell on level 12,how can I cast Infravision level 12?

This pushes the border of asking how to cheat. You shouldn't try to manipulate the game interface to make a spell more powerful than it's meant to be. Just cast infra when you want to use it, and ignore the rest of this process you are asking about.

12.Is Phasing random,or can I somehow manipulate it?

The distance you phase is always the same, so it's not completely random. But, there is generally no way to control the direction you will phase.

13.If I stun Diablo with my bow on Normal,shall it be the same on Nightmare and Hell?

Probably not. Compared to normal, you need 15 more damage to stun him on nightmare, and 30 more on hell.

14.Can I bind my own sayings on F9-F12 in classic D1 multiplayer?

Yes. There is an .ini file in the diablo directory that contains these lines, and this can be edited with a basic program like Notepad.
#6. The ToHit% is, in a way, your ability to pierce the armor protection of a target. The Armor Class (or AC) is directly correlated to the ToHit%.

The game engine is tied to give you a 5%-95% chance that a weapon swing (or arrow hit) will actually count as a "hit" and inflict damage to a target. If your stat screen says you have a 75% ToHit and you attack a creature with an Armor Class stat of 0, then you have a basic 75% chance that your weapon shot will actually score as a hit.

But let's tack on some armor to that guy you're hitting. Say, a piece of armor with 25 Armor Class stat. Take the 25 AC of the target, and subtract it from your ToHit% (75). You're left with a 50% ToHit against that particular target, and the reult is that you have a 50-50 chance that your sword swings will inflict damage. Now, if that guy had 75 AC (or even more than that), the Armor Class will outstrip your ToHit% and reduce the chances you'll have at hitting the target with each shot down to a meager 5%.

But let's flip the coin: you're attacking a target with 100 AC. How can you improve yuor chances? Increase your ToHit% by increasing Dexterity, or using weapons (or jewels) that increase your ToHit%. Say that you pump your ToHit up to 250% (which is quite possible). Subtract the 100 AC of your enemy against the 250% ToHit, you still have a hefty 150% excess ToHit, correct? Not quite: remember, the range is 5%-95%. Your chances at hitting the target with each sword swing is capped at 95%. But still, that excess ToHit% guarantees a good chance of getting past the defenses of a target sporting some very high Armor numbers. You may see now just how a high ToHit% is used to counteract an enemy's high Armor Class rating.

Magical spells aren't in the equation. Armor Class has no effect on the chances of a magic spell hitting and hurting you (or the enemy), and the ToHit% of a magical spell is tied to how high the Magic statistic of a character is. That's one of the reasons why a Sorceror is so much better at using magical attacks than a typical Warrior is: a Sorc's high Magic means he has a higher ToHit% with lightning or fireball-type attacks.

And as to shoppers, let me illustrate an example: a Jade Bow of Swiftness is a rather nifty weapon for a level 35 (or higher) Rogue. Her natural Dexterity and high Character Level (clvl) means that she doesn't need much in the way of Damage or ToHit% boosting stats on her bow. A Jade Bow of Swiftness allows her to have two important things: an attack fast enough to stunlock most anything in the dungeons; and ample Resistance supplied by the bow, meaning she would not have to look for such stats in her armor or jewelry pieces (freeing her armor up for higher AC, and her jewels for more Mana). Yep, such a bow would be an excellent choice for a high-level Rogue...

...problem is, Griswold doesn't sell those bows to high-level Rogues! The stats on such a bow are available through the smith for a mid-level Rogue. A clvl 35+ Rogue can shop all she wants and get many nice bows from Gris, but she'll never, ever get a Jade/Swiftness one from him. Only a character currently at clvl 19-22 has any chance of getting such a bow from him. So, if you happen to a character at those levels, they can shop for your Rogue for that bow.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
Puma,Jun 5 2003, 09:16 AM Wrote:2.How can I beat Diablo at l.20-Normal,l.25-Nightmare,l.30-Hell?What are the requirements?
Since all of your questions have been answered, I have a challenge for you (when you become more proficient in Diablo). Instead of the things you mentioned, try these runs:
  • 1@17: Kill Diablo with no help from other people in Multiplayer on Normal difficulty when your characters is level 17 (this is the level that allows you to go into hell directly from town without using a Town Portal from another player). Note, however, that to achieve this, you'll have to keep the killing to a minimum or you'll achieve level 18. My warrior was just 30k experience points away from 18 when he did it.

  • 2@20: Kill Diablo by yourself in Multiplayer/Nightmare when your character is level 20. This is way more difficult than 1@17, but with good luck and lots of stone cursing it can be done quite easily.

  • 3@30: You already know about this one.
"My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes."
-- Ford Prefect
7. In some of the D1-related fanfics I read there are some names that do not appear in the game-like the name of the Wirt's mother,Kanace,the daughter of Cain,Nova,and so on.I could say that the authors invented them-but they appear too often. Perhaps there is some biography of NPC's (issued by Blizzard)?

There is no such biography, but here's a quick summary of "official" Tristramians:

(Appearing in-game)
Wirt, Gillian, Ogden, Pepin, Cain, Griswold, Adria, Farnham, Cows, Anonymous Wounded/Slain Townsman

(Mentioned but not seen)
Canace, mother of Wirt; Garda, wife of Ogden; Gillian's grandmother

There are no in-game mentions of Cain's daughter or a character named "Nova." Canace and Garda are certainly not invented, though. I believe Gillian mentions both of them. Cain may mention Canace.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
That will answer your questions about quite a bit of this.

The issue regarding Infravision has been described as a bug by most, and as cheating by others. Jarulf's guide explains how it works out in the spell section, and Nystul makes a good point when he asks you to reconsider bug exploitation, and why that is at the very least cheesey.

Immune versus Resistance versus nothing.

You can't stun a target who is resistant to fire with a fire attack. One neither resistant nor immune could be stunned if damage exceeds its level.

For an illustration of this point about stun and resistance: If you have no magic resistance, and the pack of spitters hits you with their balls of magic damage spit, you could be put into stun lock if your level is low enough compared to the damage of the balls, and the pools of spit that begin to collect at your feet. It can get you killed versus a spitter pack in rather short order to be stun locked and just stand there and take damage without being able to get out of hit recovery.

With even one point in magical resistance, the spit can't stun you, although it can still kill you. :)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Hi, Puma:

Check this out. Did you know about Jarulf's Guide?

[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
You cleared me on many points.
I read Jarulf's Guide and wish to know what is item level and item quality level(i ;ooked there but either my vision or my English are ssloppy)
Ilvl has to do with item creation. You can think of it as a function that determines what can be dropped/sold by different game entites (monsters, chests, vendors, and even dungeon levels themselves). The definition of ilvl changes depending on the item's source. There's a table in Chapter 3.8 that defines ilvl for things within the dungeon. Vendor ilvls are defined in Chapter 3.9.

Qlvl is closer to an actual item attribute. Base items, affixes (magical enchantments), and unique items all have qlvls just as sure as they have a picture.

Putting this into practice: normal Monsters' ilvl is mlvl (3.8). If a monster drops an item, the game determines the base item using 1 to mlvl (Ch 3.8.2). So, any base type qlvl=1 to qlvl=mlvl can be dropped.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
I had never done this, but some days ago I went down to hell with my fresh lvl 17 rogue. I wondered if this wasn't going to be too hard, so I went down carefully. The first drake I activated (don't recall the exact name) did cost me 1/3 of my potions. After defeating him, I awoke 4 other Drakes, killing me in seconds. I wasn't experienced in getting back my char, so it took me half an hour until I had all my items back (don't ask).
So - I realize it is difficult, but is it really that hard? I mean, do you twink your chars?
If it already is that hard on normal, how can you achieve your second and third dot?
I couldn't do it and went back to caves for up-leveling. Perhaps my setup is extraordinarily weak?
Here we go:

AC: 40
Life: 122
Mana: 68 (?)
Damage: 15-19
CTH: 107%

Currently using: Warrior's Hunter's Bow (15%CTH/56%Dam), Ring Mail of Precision (17 AC, +11 Dex), ? Helm of the Wolf (AC 6, +23 HP)
Ring of Precision(+11 Dex), Topaz Ring of Precision(+11 resall, +9 Dex), no Amulet (haven't found one, yet).

I cannot quite recall all my stats, but they must be something like:

Str: 55/55
Vit: 40/40

Healing is slvl 3, Town Portal is 2. Fireball is 2, too, but I don't use it too often.
Reading Glasses give me 55 Magic.

What's wrong with my setup?
Is it truly that hard?
Maybe I just have to be more lucky in finding a good damage bow and higher AC. :(

If you all play un-twinked, that is...

Greetings, Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
Cheesy way being making lots of scouting trips to hell, trying not to activate any monsters and just opening chests, smashing barrels etc. I found some neat equipment this way, and after that it was really easy with a little help from stone curse (slvl 1 so there were lots of potions involved).

I'm gonna try it with no such help though. Those scouting trips made it too easy. Oh, and BTW, if you're a rogue going against melee enemies (drakes, knights, ...), use a weapon/shield setup. Fast block if you have one (Holy Defender, Stormshield, Shield of Blocking).

Also, some dungeon layouts are better than others. If you're going for a 1@17 without getting to clvl 18, you'll probably need to avoid all monsters on levels 13 & 14 and limit the killing on 15 & 16. The experience gap between 17 and 18 is simply too small to allow much killing (44 kills if you get max exp per kill (which you probably do at clvl 17)).
"My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes."
-- Ford Prefect
I wouldn't bother with the 1@17s and 2@20s. If you play straight through the game and never repeat a level, doing full clears, you'll be around level 25 by the time you kill Diablo on normal difficulty. Trying to get these dots where you can barely kill any monsters along the way just seems silly to me.

All that aside, getting dots at low levels is relatively easy for a mage, and very hard for the other classes.

Given your setup, the best way would probably be to shop for a book of telekinesis and firewall (if you don't already have them). Then, streak to level 15, firewall Laz, streak to 16. Keep a portal up on 16 at all times, firewall whatever gets in your way, TK the 2 levers, firewall Diablo. This would involve a lot of dying and watching monsters roast in firewalls while I am dead.

For more practical purposes, I'd run through caves once, try to buy a higher damage bow, and put most if not all of my level up points into dexterity. Then I'd go very slowly on level 13, try to kill things a few at a time, and get better gear as I worked my way down, and end up getting first dot at level 20-something.

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