Abysmal multiplayer
I would like to play Abysmal mod with my friends via b.net or other internet server. We found some information about Kali server, but it's not (i think) free of charge.

Can anybody post here some guide how to play Abysmal multiplayer?

-- Alaitos (Diablo retail cze-1)

I'm really glad to see you here. I saw you name on the visitors list here earlier and wondered if you had been lurking here for long ;)

Since I'm not much of a tech person, I can not give you a good answer but just some guidelines.

It started as a paid service and was temporarily made free for a period. At the moment there is a one time fee of $10 - lifetime membership.

I think your best bet is to play Abysmal on a private Realm that does not perform version check. As for how to set it up, I have no idea...I just know it can be done and has been done. If the person I have in mind decides to share the information on his realm, it might be possible for you to play there.

Although I couldn't answer your question, I'm still very happy that you found your way here. There're lots of great players on CZE-1, I hope to see more of them here =)
Thanks for your help Cytrex, we'll try to play it on a private realm. If we are succesful, i will write here something about our experiences.
I'm looking forward to your next visit of retail CZE-1, see ya.

P.S. I know that my english isn't good, so I'm sorry :)
where did you get abysmal mod and what is it like? :P :P :P :P :o ;) :D :lol: <_< :rolleyes: B) :) :angry: :( :ph34r: :blink: :unsure:
"Darkness and evil shall fall back to the burning hells within and light shall rule the lands of the good."
I have two suggestions.

First, sometimes it can pay off to look for something for yourself before asking. It took me 5 seconds on http://www.google.com to find this link: http://www.planetdiablo.com/abysmal/

Second, excessive use of smileys is not always a good idea :unsure:

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