The Two Towers (extended DVD) content news
Some snippets of info regarding the extended DVD released reportedly to be released in November.

From: http://www.usatoday.comfe/movies/news/2...-11-rings_x.htm

Quote:'Towers' collectors' DVD runs a spell longer
By Susan Wloszczyna USA TODAY
Boromir lives!
Admirers of manly actor Sean Bean will rejoice, if somewhat briefly, when the three-hour, 43-minute extended cut of last year's No. 2 box-office hit The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers reaches shelves in a four-DVD collection on Nov. 18. One of the year's most-anticipated DVD releases is timed to the release Dec. 17 of The Return of the King, the final film based on J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved fantasy trilogy.

  Sean Bean's Boromir is resurrected in a lengthy DVD flashback. 

USA TODAY got an early preview in Wellington, New Zealand, last week at director Peter Jackson's private screening room. Though a two-DVD set with the original three-hour Towers arrives on shelves Aug. 26, Rings completists will find plenty of fresh Middle-earth fodder in the longer version.

Bean's ring-craving Boromir, slain at the end of 2001's The Fellowship of the Ring, is resurrected in a lengthy DVD flashback after brother Faramir (David Wenham) finds a boat bearing his body.

Not only is there more Bean to savor, but the twisted emotional ties that ensnare ruler Denethor (New Zealand actor John Noble, who officially joins the cast in King), his favorite son, Boromir, and scapegoat Faramir also are exposed. The scenes also help explain why the noble Faramir is rather rude when he meets heroic hobbits Frodo (Elijah Wood) and Sam (Sean Astin).

Other DVD additions to the middle tale that heighten the drama and lighten the mood:

• Rohan horseman Eomer (Karl Urban) finds his mortally wounded cousin Theodred and brings him home, where his subsequent death goes all but unnoticed by his spell-stunned father, King Theoden (Bernard Hill).

• The plight of Eowyn (Miranda Otto), Eomer's sister, deepens as she sings a mournful dirge during Theodred's funeral. Meanwhile, her unrequited passion for visiting warrior Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) is further inflamed when he tames an unruly horse by whispering sweet nothings in Elvish.

• There are more tree treats as the once-truncated encounter between ancient Treebeard the Ent and hobbits Pippin (Billy Boyd) and Merry (Dominic Monaghan) stretches its limbs. At one point, Treebeard's droning rumble of a voice causes the halflings in his branches to become drowsy.

• Jackson injects much fun with food and beverage. Eowyn, not especially deft in the kitchen, serves Aragorn a vile-looking bowl of homemade stew, which he politely chokes down. Boromir and Faramir share a couple of victory brews, and one declares in beer-ad fashion, "Today, life is good." Pippin and Merry greedily guzzle the magical elixir known as Ent-draught, adding inches to their wee stature.

The most surprising revelation in the longer Two Towers? That hale-and-hunksome Aragorn is 87 years old. Maybe it's something in that stew.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Didn't read the spoilers, but I'm really looking forward to the extended DVD :)
I really enjoyed the extended version of the first movie. I didn't see any of the audio commentaries, but I saw all the "behind the scenes/making of"-stuff, which was great!

I loved Sean Astin's movie with Peter Jackson as the bus driver :P
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Isn't it interesting how most of the "spoilers" have the book-fans saying "Well of course, how could they NOT have that in there?".

I'm glad to see more of Eomer (who was robbed, imo). He's one of my more favorites, and I was unimpressed that such a good casting of his role got so little screen-time (not to mention losing most of his dialog to Theoden).

More of Sean Bean is never a bad thing. He does Boromir to a "T". Any linking of him with his brother and father would be something worth seeing.

More singing! That's a good thing. So far we've only been treated to one Hobbit beer-drinking song, and a snippet of the Lay of Luthien (at a very mumbled volume). Considering the amount of lyrical content in the actual books... I'm happy about any inclusions.

Quote:her unrequited passion for visiting warrior Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) is further inflamed when he tames an unruly horse by whispering sweet nothings in Elvish.

What IS it about Equines and the feminine lust potential? I just don't get it. Zoom, over my head. Or am I on a tangent here? Is it more to do with Aragorn displaying empathy? Women love to have an empathic partner? 30+ years of dealing with the opposite sex... and I'm still at a loss. :blink:

Ent-draught and Gondorian ale. Yeah, I can live with that.

Quote:The most surprising revelation in the longer Two Towers? That hale-and-hunksome Aragorn is 87 years old.

Not surprising to anyone that actually picked up the books.

Good stuffs! Will no doubt follow in the vein of the Fellowship's extended version (ie: You'll never watch the other shorter version again).
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Quote:More singing! That's a good thing...


Over on another site that some of us look at now and then, I posted the Songs that were Cut from LotR the Movies. [People tried to ignore it so I'd stop HAH!] Originally the movies were to feature well-known songs from the 60's and 70's with the lyrics adapted to the movie. However, since Michael Jackson owns many of those songs, and he wanted too much money for their use, the songs were ditched. A shame really. Well here's a few, judge for yourself.


The original lyrics for this song have been on TV in recent years in a really stupid communications company ad. But you already knew the song...
Come Together

Here come old Sharky he come rude and disdainly
He got juju see-ball he one Grayass-whopper
He got hair long white shiny
Got to be a wizard he just do what he Sees

He wear no point-hat he got tower staff-ball
He got Press-On finger he shoot snowball fall-ya
He say 'I have you, you join Me'
One thing I can tell you is Orthanc is not free
Come together right now you join Me

He orc production he make Uruk-hai guys
He got Orcish sidekicks he one snowpass tracker
He got smiths down below his trees
Hold you in his chamber you can feel his unease
Come together right now you join Me

He big white hander he got Entish warning
He got muddy water he one Isenfilter
He say 'One is gone and so are we'
Got to have the munchies 'cause he smoked hard some 'Leaf
Come together right now you join Me


Unfortunately the loss of the following song meant that the use of Buddy Ebson (sp?) for the role of The Gaffer became meaningless, so they ditched that, too. It was slightly disconcerting to listeners because the rhythm of the 2nd verse matched that of the 1st, unlike the original song.

Cleverly Underhillbillies

Now listen to the story of Bag-End Frodo
Got no job but he seems well-off ya know
Then one day he was showin' off his ring
And up pops a mage says Put Away the Thing!

The Ring, that is
Isuldir's Bane
Sauron's Hope

Well the next thing you know it's off to Rivendell
His kin folk bought his place it went to hell
So what does he get for bringing Ring in hand?
They make him a courier to the Evil Land

Mordor that is
Zombie pools
Molten fires


Can you Imagine Elrond singing? In English? With little-circle glasses?

This song would have been cut anyway, because no one could come up with a meaningful line to replace the place-holder line "live like dogs with fleas", a reference to all the unwashed hair in the movie. Test audiences didn't get it (understandably). You could say this song died from a lack of imagination.


Imagine there's no Havens
It easy if you try
No place to run to
Westward only sky
Imagine all our People
Cannot get away

You may say I'm immortal
But I'm not the only one
I hope you'll choose to join me
And we'll leave this dive as one

Imagine there's no kingdoms
It isn't hard to do
No one to wait to die for
No real evil too
Imagine all our People
Live like dogs with fleas

You may say I'm immortal
But I'm not the only one
I hope you'll choose to join me
And we'll leave this dive as one

Imagine we're all equals
I wonder if you can
No need for pride or disdain
A brotherhood with Man
Imagine all the Peoples
Sharing Middle Earth

You may say I'm immortal
But I'm not the only one
I hope you'll choose to join me
And we'll leave this dive as one


And of course, with Southrons appearing in the third movie, you must have Neil Young's "Southern Man"! Oh well, coulda-woulda-shoulda.

Southron Man

Southron Man better watch your back
Don't forget that you're just the flack
Southron host gonna brunt attack
Now your Boss is all burned and black
Southron Man

Led by Nazgul and they'll die fast
Tall white towers and horses massed
Southron man will deal them a big blast
Wingsteed screamin' and their hope won't last
How long? How long?

Dear Dernhelm, your hair is long and blond!
I've seen the Black King land aground
Swear by God you're gonna cut him down!
Hobbit screamin' and headless dead crown!
Eowyn? Eowyn?


Finally, this one is Griselda's personal favorite. Yes, she actually said so!


Lovely SAM!
Wonderful SAM!
Lovely SAM!
Wonderful SAM
Lovely SAM! Lovely SAM
Lovely SAM! Wonderful SAM


©2003 VDP. Parodied works retain theirs, obviously.


Quote:What IS it about Equines and the feminine lust potential?

Well, the typical guy answer to that would be "How would you end this phrase: Hung like a ....?" but I suspect the real answer is that horses: 1. have the most beautiful eyes, 2. have large firm muscles, 3. actually listen when you talk, 4. don't say stupid things, 5. can take you places you want to go, 6. are content with just nuzzling, and 7. don't leave the seat up.

Oh, since you brought up Eowyn and horses, I'll post one more, one that otherwise is too much like the original song ("American Woman") to make postworthy.

Rohirrim Woman

Hey Rohirrim Woman
Stay away from me
Hey Rohirrim Woman
Mama let me be
Don't come hanging around my door
I don't wanna eat your stew no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time taming horse for you
Now woman
Stay away
Hey Rohirrim Woman
Listen what I say
Hey Rohirrim Woman
Get away from me
Hey Rohirrim Woman
Mama let me be
Don't come knocking around my sword
I don't wanna soothe your horsies no more

Pretty hair can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else's eyes
Now woman, get away
Hey Rohirrim Woman
Listen what I say

Hey Rohirrim Woman
Said get away
Hey Rohirrim Woman
Listen what I say
Don't come knocking around my sword
Don't wanna eat your stew no more
I don't need your war-maid dreams
I don't need your cross-dress schemes

Pretty hair can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else's eyes
Now woman, get away
Hey Rohirrim Woman
Listen what I say

Hey Rohirrim Woman
Stay away from me
Hey Rohirrim Woman
Mama let me be
I gotta go, I gotta get away
Baby, I gotta go, I am dying
I'm gonna leave your Rohan

Hey Rohirrim Woman
You're no good for me
And I'm no good for you
Hey Rohirrim woman
I'll look you right in the eye
And tell you what I'm gonna do
You know I'm gonna leave
You know I'm gonna go
You know I'm gonna leave
I'm gonna leave you Rohan
Goodbye you Rohirrim Woman
Well I see the audience has left again, so I guess that's my cue to pack up my karaoke machine and my Radagast The Brown costume and find the next lounge down the road. That'll give me some time to work on the next number... hmm...

Now sit right back and you'll hear a tale
A tale of fateful trip
.... okay that's good...
That started from this Homely House
.... no the trip started earlier... hmmm
That started from this Hobbit Hole
... yeah, that's good, good...
And gave some hoods the slip
... hmmm, hoods not really good enough for Black Riders ...
... and maybe too early in the song, too...
And gave Dark Hordes the slip
.... better, better ...
The mate
... hmm, not mate ....
The scrub's a burly guy named Sam
... heh ...
The Bearer brave and sure
Four hairyfoots set out that day
A three farthing ...
... tour? hmmm ... walk? that doesn't rhyme
... hmmm...

... maybe I'll switch to a Tom Bombadil song...
Hooahoohaha Hooahoohaha
It's the Tommy Bomdiller song
Hooahoohaha Hooahoohaha
.... hmmm, needs a lot of work...

Oh! there was one i wanted to work on!

It's no fun
Being a hobbit on the run

bah, nobody listens to collins anymore ... *sigh* ... now if I did Nirvana songs maybe people would recognize them more, but they're just so depressing ... kinda like Pink Floyd ...

Run to the bedroom
In the suitcase on the left
You'll find my favorite sword
Don't look so frightened
... nah

... *sigh* ... people just don't realize how hard it is to deface other people's works properly ... maybe I'll work on my novel...

They found the dwarf and unburied him, only to have him sink back into the deep snow. "It's as if someone doesn't want us to go any further," said Leggylass. "That would be me," grumbled Scam.

In a tall tower far away, Gurlyman raised his arms, closed his eyes, and chanted solemnly.

Oh the weather 0utside is frightful
but here it's so delightful
And since you've no place to go
let it sn0w let it sn0w let it sn0w

Vandiablo,Jun 15 2003, 06:13 PM Wrote:... *sigh* ... people just don't realize how hard it is to deface other people's works properly ... maybe I'll work on my novel...

Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Good to see another parodier, rhymes with cavalier sort of, here at the Lounge.

What's that, I feel a song comming on!

Here is one from Lynyrd Gamgee:

Now these feet keep on walking
Hair on top and I got no shoes
Now Pippin's singing 'bout some barmaid
While Merry's teeth grit, face all blue,

Tell ya true

Sweet Home Er i a dor
Where the sky is so blue
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Rose I'm comin' home to you

That wizard said he flew a Balrog
Now he's been know to tip a pint or two
And that Man from Gondor sure is tone deaf
Get's just one note when plays 'Orc Blues'

Well, aint it the truth

Sweet Home Er i a dor
Where the Grass is so Green
Sweet Home Er I a dor
I just a Gardner, no Marine

(Instrumental break, Legolas plays the bow . . . fiddle!)

Just met a scum bag name of Gollum
Whoo Whoo Whoo!
He talks to himself, and Smeagol too
whoo Whoo Whoo
Old Frodo thinks he knows what bugs him
If you'd married a spider, you would too!

(And his balls are blue)

Sweet Home Er I a dor
Where the biguns dont come to
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Oh Rose I'm comin' home to you!
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Let's build on that inspiration, Van!

Now sit right back and you'll hear a tale
A tale of fateful trip
That started from this Hobbit Hole
Just to give nine hoods the slip

The scrub's a burly guy named Sam
The Bearer brave and sure
Four hairfoot fools set out that day
On a three volume tour.
(Or your original A three farthing tour!)

Somewhere in there we get

The elven prince, and his dwarf,
Then Boromir, the Ranger and dear Arewn
Here on Saruman's Isle!

I need to go find the Gilligan's Isle song to get the middle part.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Preferably a reeeeeeeeally looooong one. :unsure:
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Naturally, I am very excited for the Extended DVD version.

Unfortunately, unlike FotR in which I've felt some of the locations truly needed to be more explored ( as in the woods of Lothlórien ), the most outrageous problems in TTT have more to do with the adaptation itself.

Sure, sure. We have Arwen replacing Glorfindel and Strider without Anduril in Bree, but take a look of what we have in TTT:

Théoden being exorcised? Haldir in Helm's Deep? The everlasting Entmoot with such a ridiculous plot? ~300 civilians against 10K Uruk-Hai? Faramir turning out to be a badly done xerox copy of his corrupted brother? Gandalf The White meeting the little ones at the forest of Fangorn at that exact time?

I am terribly sorry, but I can't swallow neither of these. The movie truly was a shame. PJ disappointed me. TTT, unlike FotR, is no adaptation, I would call that a version.

Still, some of the possible modifications really interested me:

-One of my favourite sequences ( in the book ) is when the two little ones drink the Ent's Water at Treebeard's house. What PJ did to the Ents was a shame. It seemed to the general audience that they had no role at all except in the end of the movie during Isengard's offense. I've even read a movie review in which the author stated that the Entmoot was the perfect occasion to buy popcorn or go to the bathroom.

The Ents need more characterization. I hope to see more scenes with the Ents, just like the one I've mentioned.

-Éomer and the rohirrim were by no means the fate of victory during the battle at Helm's Deep! The Huorns are the ones who deserve the entire glory! And hopefully, there are going to be a couple of sequences of them stepping on the orcs...
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).

Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"
Well, it's really difficult to write a song by committee, even John and Paul would generally have one guy write it all first and then have the other critique it...


I had an idea!
The part that's:

The weather started getting rough

would be:

At Weathertop it got real rough

and maybe followed by:

One stabbed and nearly lost
If not for the courage of Lord Aragorn
The One Ring would be lost

I guess the prob is that there's just too much action to put into one theme song.

Hmm... maybe a medley of 60 and 70's theme songs, with gilligans isle being the pre-rivendell, then on to the Brady Bunch for the Fellowship

There's a story
of a grey-cloaked wizzy
That this group
Must somehow form a Comp'ny
and that's the way that they became

and then for Galadriel, we have The Mary Tyler Moore Theme of course

Who can turn the world on
With her smile
Who can take a small vial lit
And make it a parting gift?

But why stop at the 70s? we could add Three's Company

Come and knock on our door
We've been waiting for you
I'm the Mouth of Sauron Sauron Sauron
Got tokens for view

but then the obvious

Gonna fly with the Eagles
Off to see
Gonna fly with the Eagles
Pick up Frodo and Sammy

is NOT a theme song, technically

and and oh god this is so horrible what have i done? ... but it's so SO bad, it's, it's beautiful *sniff*

and it's too late at night now, I can't remember any other themes that had words ... what's that clapping noise??
Vandiablo,Jul 2 2003, 07:15 PM Wrote:what's that clapping noise??
That would the response after Elrond says, "We must take must take this babbling person and cast him into the fires of Mount Doom!" :angry:
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War

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