Should I feel bad about this?
I traded 15 chippies for a Ribcracker today. I also traded an IK Maul for a Wizardspike and an Ali Baba socketed with 2 non-mf jewels.

How can I live with myself after this?

(I don't suppose this counts as a trading post)
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Screw the uninformed.
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
It could even be a dupe that'll go 'poof' when 1.10 comes out.

- Dagni
I bought The Atlantean for the cost of a Nef rune not so long ago. :huh: Well I suppose it made sense seeing as that player had a Werewolf with a 2-socket Russet Armor and a Lum rune, plus maybe a case of ants in the pants. :unsure:

Suited me though. B)
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Yeah, I was wary about the trade because they might have been dupes. But between my friend and I, we have 4 IK Mauls. I think it was wise to risk one of them just this once =)
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Quote: I bought The Atlantean for the cost of a Nef rune not so long ago.

Heh, that was a good trade all-around. I got way more use out of that "Smoke" Russet Armor than I ever would have from The Atlantean.

My best ever trade was a Bloodletter for a Baranar's Star. My worst was a +1 Lightning Skills Grand Charm for a measly Bartuc's. I guess I just tend to trade "what I have" for "what I want", just the way I'm sure Blizzard intended.
Hmmm, I have mixed feelings about the morality of trading for what might be dups. Certainly the primary immorality exists in knowingly creating the dup, and continuing to use a dup if it is detectable.

The problem I see with things like SOJS is that it would be like if there were only a limited release (say 100) $3 bills, and then they were counterfeited a thousand times over. If you accept a $3 bill, is it wrong if you cannot tell the difference even though the odds are you have one of the counterfeits. First one would expect the (Secret Service, or Blizzard) to swoop in and remove the $3 bill from circulation. And, you would expect any honest citizen or merchant to refuse to honor any $3 bill as it has obviously been compromised.

On the other side, in good faith you exchanged 3 dollars worth of goods or services for the $3 bill. The $3 bill is in effect only a paper marker taken on faith as worth 3 dollars. You would certainly have the compulsion to turn around and use the $3 bill in another transaction.

So in Diablo terms, if you trade 20 chips for Natalya's mark, even though it is in your favor, you seem to be contributing to the devaluation of the item. But, if you exchanged some item of equivalent value then you are maintaining the market price. Now of course with a flood of counterfeits, the market becomes saturated and anyone who wants one has one, then the price drops, and drops, and drops.

Lately, the realms economies have been acting more like that of a country with a failed government, with no sense of monetary control. What we need is a strong benevolent dictatorship to do some CD key banning.

So, IMO, we need more intervention from Blizzard, and we need more morality in merchants. Neither will probably happen, intervening would cost time and money, and as for the merchants, they have already shown their spots, and are not likely to change them.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

We need a chunk of, say, silicon that all the merchants sell that costs $1 million gold. It does nothing at all, it's just worth the time investment required to garner a million gold.

Dammit Blizzard, that alone might build a stable economy. An agreed on, built in monetary unit seems rediculously easy to implement, and I will be sorely disappointed in Blizzard if they don't recognize this.

Heck, I'd be happy if stamina potions stopped dropping and simply cost $1 million dollars. Presto! A stamina potion -based economy.
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
<bad joke>

If Blizzard were to implement the silicon system, the Amazon would definitely have a head start advantage...

</bad joke>
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
It's unlikely that those are dupes, so there's really not that much to feel bad about.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)

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