You Walk the Walk, but . . . ?
. . .do you talk the talk?

The following is a quiz for Classic Diablo Multiplayer AND Single player! (No D2! No D2X! No Hellfire!) courtesy of Attika. The theme this time: NPC's (and books) and their conversations. You can learn the answers to all these questions by simple talking (enough times) to the NPC's (or clicking on books to read them) in the game, and then either doing (or not doing) what they ask of you. Sounds confusing, but it's really not -- you'll see!

No grades here; answers to be posted in two weeks time or so. Good luck!

(PS, this quiz will do absolutely nothing to improve your Diablo skills, and is pretty silly to boot! Just enjoy!)

1. There are four people presently in Tristram (so Laz doesn't count) who have entered the Labyrinth at least one time. Name them. Of these four, who is the person who admits/is known to have entered the Labyrinth on at least _TWO_ separate occasions?

2. Ogden's wife is also called:
a. Nova
b. Canace
c. Garda
d. Ariel
e. Eunice

3. Wirt's mother is also called:
a. Nova
b. Canace
c. Garda
d. Ariel
e. Eunice

4. Gillian's Grandmother is also known as: (more than one answer)
a. Nova
b. The Grand Dame
c. "her gammer"
d. "her Matriarch"
e. "her elderly grandmother"
f. "that old bitch"

5. Fill in the blank: "The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, . . ."
a. to join my Legion of the Undead!
b. to meet your DOOM!
c. to serve my master for eternity!
d. to die and be reborn!

6. Lachdanan is/was:
a. The Sergeant of the Guards
b. The Lieutenant of the Guards
c. The Captain of the Guards
d. The Colonel of the Guards
e. The Sergeant-at-Arms

7. Which foes is _most closely_ associated with the following quest(s):

i.) "I can see what you see not . . . "
a. Dark Ones, b. Horrors, c. Illusion Weavers, d. Blinks

ii.) "What? Why are you here? All these interruptions . . ."
a. Black Knights, b. Advocates, c. Cabalists, d. Counselors

iii.) "My blade sings for your blood, mortal!"
a. Doom Guards, b. Blood Knights, c. Steel Lords, d. Counselors

iv.) "Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber . . ."
a. Horror Captains, b. Ghouls, c. Gargoyles, d. Obsidian Lords

8. What NPC activates/starts each of these quests:

a.) The Tavern Sign
b.) The Poisoned Water Supply
c.) The Curse of King Leoric
d.) The Anvil of Fury
e.) The Black Mushroom

Extra Credit:

Everyone knows :) about the Cow Level, the Cow King, and what a prominent role cows play in Classic Diablo. Do you recall the specific role _horses_ play in Diablo? List it, and the character(s) who informs you of it.


That's it! Hope you enjoyed!


PS Hiya, Jane!
Can't say no to random trivia now can I?

1. Griswold

2. Canace

3. Eunice

4. "her gammer" and "her elderly grandmother"

5. "... to serve my master for eternity?" -- this is a guess, I'm usually preoccupied hacking & slashing at this point in the game ;)

6. Lieutenant of the Guards -- no clue, but the other choices don't sound "dark" enough :P

7. i) Illusion Weavers
ii) Counselors
iii) Blood Knights
iv) Horror Captains

8. a) Ogden
B) Pepin
c) Ogden
d) Griswold
e) Adria

Horses? Would that be the lack of horses which prevented the townsfolk from escaping Tristram? :unsure:
The more of it there is,
The less you see.
Hitting the extra credit, Odgen makes mentions of "Dark Rider"s who ride into town and attack the village.

In addition, Griswold mentions the caravan that was transporting the "sky rock" was hit by mounted attackers.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
Hi Attika ;-)

I cannot even begin to answer some of these questions ...
Wirt's mom? Ogden's wife? These people are all strangers to me.
Got very close to using Gillian's grandma's room once, but that besides the point. I dunno her name either...

Why is it that I only remember what the bad guys tell me ?

How much do you have to get right to pass your test?
Cause I think I would not lol.

Must socialize with town folk more ;-)
1. Griswold, Pepin, Wirt, Ogden. I think Gris entered at least twice...

2. c. Garda

3. b. Canace

4. a. Nova & e. "her elderly grandmother" -- Ok, so I'm not that great at the names.

5. a. to join my Legion of the Undead!

6. c. The Captain of the Guards

7. i.) c. Illusion Weavers
ii.) d. Counselors
iii.) c. Steel Lords
iv.) a. Horror Captains

8. a.) Ogden
b.) Pepin
c.) Griswold
d.) Griswold
e.) Adria

Whew, that was rough. I think I did alright. I hope.
Is grace enough to build a bridge once burned, to fill that which is hollow with the substance of virtue,
Though the wings of a dove have wiped a tear from my eye, my tongue has fanned the flames of transgression,
But love suffers long and rejoices in truth, and this imperfect creation is striving none the less for that which is eternal...

- Hopesfall - The Broken Heart Of A Traitor
1. Griswold (once with the others led by Lazarus, once to save Wirt), Wirt, Farnham...who's the fourth one? Ogden? Pepin?
2. Garda
3. Canace
4. "her gammer" by Griswold, "her elderly grandmother" by Pepin or Ogden
5. to serve my master for eternity!
6. IIRC "the Lieutenant of the Guards"
7. i)Illusion Weavers
7. ii)Counselors
7. iii)Steel Lords
7. iv)Horror Captains
8. a)Ogden
8. b)Pepin
8. c)Ogden
8. d)Griswold
8. e)Adria

In his first speech, Ogden tells you that "Dark Riders came and destroyed our village".

Hail Attika,

Just one thing:
Lachdanan was Captain of his Knights. Not Lieutenant of his Guards or sth.
He's saying something like this when you meet him:

'Don't kill me - just hear me out. I was once captain of King Leoric knights...'

The others got the other points quite right, I think.

Greetings, Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
1. There are four people presently in Tristram (so Laz doesn't count) who have entered the Labyrinth at least one time. Name them. Of these four, who is the person who admits/is known to have entered the Labyrinth on at least _TWO_ separate occasions?

The Slain Townsman (Codename: Stiffy), Wirt, Farnham, and Griswold. Gris went in twice.

2. Ogden's wife is also called:

c. Garda

3. Wirt's mother is also called:

b. Canace, Gawd rest 'er soul.

4. Gillian's Grandmother is also known as: (more than one answer)

c. "her gammer" (By Ogden, in his typically faux Cockney way)
e. "her elderly grandmother" (By others. Cain in particular, and she's been wanting to get her hands on his Horadric Staff for years.)

5. Fill in the blank: "The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, . . ."

c. to serve my master for eternity! Hah! Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

6. Lachdanan is/was:

c. The Captain of the Guards. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!

7. Which foes is _most closely_ associated with the following quest(s):

(Ugh. Not entirely sure of the exact base monsters. I know Zhar acts like an Advocate but isn't, and I'm not sure what type of tin can Bartuc is. And I'm far too proud/lazy to check JG.)

i.) "I can see what you see not . . . "

c. Illusion Weavers

ii.) "What? Why are you here? All these interruptions . . ."
d. Counselors, but with Fireballs like Advos. Weird.

iii.) "My blade sings for your blood, mortal!"
a. Doom Guards? 'tis Bartuc, nevertheless.

iv.) "Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber . . ."
a. Horror Captains. I kill dead people.

8. What NPC activates/starts each of these quests:

a.) The Tavern Sign

Ogden. The ungrateful bastard never put the sign back up after I went through all that trouble to get it back.

b.) The Poisoned Water Supply
Bikke the Pirate, yar! Uh, no, wait, it's Pepin.

c.) The Curse of King Leoric
Ogden again. Chatty git.

d.) The Anvil of Fury
Everyone's favourite Rent-a-Santa, Griswold.

e.) The Black Mushroom
Eh... The Fungal Tome actually activates the 'shroom quest, but you need to take it to Adria first.

Extra Credit:

Everyone knows ;) about the Cow Level, the Cow King, and what a prominent role cows play in Classic Diablo. Do you recall the specific role _horses_ play in Diablo? List it, and the character who informs you of it.

"Thank goodness you've returned. The village needs your help, good master. Much has changed since you lived here my friend." (At this point Sorcerors and Rogues stare at the poor fool with an expression that quietly screams "Who the feck are you?")


Um. Also at this point I forget the rest of Ogden's little litany. My bad. And while Tolkein may be dead, his lawyers aren't. It's hard to keep a good lawyer down, no matter how many times you hit them over the head with the shovel.

Incidentally, caravans (Probably pulled by horses. Or grubby servant children with onions tied to their belts, as was the style of the time.) are mentioned by Oggy and Gris on several occasions.

Is it that, or would it have something to do with a certain WAV secreted away in the MPQ? ;)
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Doesn't Adria refer it Gillian's grandmother as "her Matriarch"?
I am pretty sure I heard her say that last time I played...
Bartuc is a Steel Lord boss. If you're playing Single Player and hit Steel Lords as the denizens of Level 14, then you know you're likely going to get the Warlord of Blood instead of Lachdanan.

By the by, I'm quite certain Lachdanan is technicaly a Blood Knight, since it is Blood Knights that you encounter on a level that is occupied by Mister L when his quest is spawned.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
1. There are four people presently in Tristram (so Laz doesn?t count) who have entered the Labyrinth at least one time. Name them. Of these four, who is the person who admits/is known to have entered the Labyrinth _twice_?

Wirt, Griswold, Farnham, and the Wounded Townsman. Griswold entered twice, once with Lazarus and company, and a second time to retrieve Wirt. Although Cain admits to tracking Diablo, he stops short of saying he actually entered the labyrinth (the coward!).

2. Ogden?s wife is also called:
c. Garda

3. Wirt?s mother is also called:
b. Canace, as mentioned by both Gillian and Cain

4. Gillian?s Grandmother is also known as: (more than one answer)
c. her gammer (Griswold), d. her Matriarch (Adria), and e. her elderly grandmother (Cain)

5. Fill in the blank: ?The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, . . .?
c. to serve my master for eternity!

6. Lachdanan is/was:
c. The Captain of the Guards

7. Which foes is most closely associated with the following quest(s):
i.) I can see what you see not . . .
c. Illusion Weavers
ii.) What? Why are you here? All these interruptions . . .
d. Counselors (this according to Jarulf)
iii.) My blade sings for your blood, mortal!
c. Steel Lords
iv.) Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber . . .
a. Horror Captains

8. What NPC activates/starts each of these quests:
a.) The Tavern Sign--Ogden
b.) The Poisoned Water Supply--Pepin
c.) The Curse of King Leoric--Ogden
d.) The Anvil of Fury--Griswold
e.) The Black Mushroom--Adria(and the Fungal Tome)

Extra Credit:
Do you recall the specific role _horses_ play in Diablo? List it, and the character(s) who informs you of

Turns out there are two characters that allude to horses -- Ogden at the very beginning talks of "the
Dark Riders" that destroyed the village, while Griswold later talks of a caravan (camels? It was
headed to the East) that was ambushed by "cloaked riders".

That's it; hope you had fun with it.

Attika,Jun 19 2003, 04:07 AM Wrote:. . .do you talk the talk?

The following is a quiz for Classic Diablo Multiplayer AND Single player!  (No D2!  No D2X!  No Hellfire!) courtesy of Attika.  The theme this time: NPC's (and books) and their conversations.  You can learn the answers to all these questions by simple talking (enough times) to the NPC's (or clicking on books to read them) in the game, and then either doing (or not doing) what they ask of you.  Sounds confusing, but it's really not -- you'll see!

No grades here; answers to be posted in two weeks time or so.  Good luck!

(PS, this quiz will do absolutely nothing to improve your Diablo skills, and is pretty silly to boot!  Just enjoy!)

1.  There are four people presently in Tristram (so Laz doesn't count) who have entered the Labyrinth at least one time.  Name them.  Of these four, who is the person who admits/is known to have entered the Labyrinth on at least _TWO_ separate occasions?
Gris (rescued Wirt), Wirt (lost his leg), Cain (banned Dia down in dlvl 16?!), Farnham (Was everywhere anyway)

2.  Ogden's wife is also called:
a.  Nova
b.  Canace
c.  Garda
d.  Ariel
e.  Eunice
Garda, as far as I remember

3.  Wirt's mother is also called:
a.  Nova
b.  Canace
c.  Garda
d.  Ariel
e.  Eunice
Donno, maybe Cabace?

4.  Gillian's Grandmother is also known as:  (more than one answer)
a.  Nova
b.  The Grand Dame
c.  "her gammer"
d.  "her Matriarch"
e.  "her elderly grandmother"
f.  "that old bitch"
"that old bitch" sounds great, but it's Diablo ... so my answer: "her grammer" plus ... donno

5.  Fill in the blank:  "The warmth of life has entered my tomb.  Prepare yourself, mortal, . . ."
a.  to join my Legion of the Undead!
b.  to meet your DOOM!
c.  to serve my master for eternity!
d.  to die and be reborn!
c.  to serve my master for eternity! - I'm pretty sure about that, althou there is "Hahahaha!" missing.

6.  Lachdanan is/was:
a.  The Sergeant of the Guards
b.  The Lieutenant of the Guards
c.  The Captain of the Guards
d.  The Colonel of the Guards
e.  The Sergeant-at-Arms 
Leader?! of the (kings) Guards, I never was in the army, so no clue

7.  Which foes is _most closely_ associated with the following quest(s):

i.) "I can see what you see not . . . "
a. Dark Ones, b. Horrors, c. Illusion Weavers, d. Blinks
Illusion Weavers, I found the Optic Amu there :)

ii.) "What?  Why are you here?  All these interruptions . . ."
a.  Black Knights, b. Advocates, c. Cabalists, d. Counselors
I only remember that he shooted with Firefalls, so I would  say: Advocates

iii.)  "My blade sings for your blood, mortal!"
a. Doom Guards, b. Blood Knights, c. Steel Lords, d. Counselors
Ah, that one "protected" the room with the 4 weapon raks and 2 armor raks. He's the warlord of blood, but something tells me to answer: Steel Lords

iv.)  "Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber . . ."
a. Horror Captains, b. Ghouls, c. Gargoyles, d. Obsidian Lords
I loved that one, gave me the Guardian Spell :) So "a. Horror Captains" is right. although there were also some runners, but I dont think they were "obsidian"

8.  What NPC activates/starts each of these quests:

a.) The Tavern Sign
b.) The Poisoned Water Supply
Started? Hum, maybe the brown fountain in town.
c.) The Curse of King Leoric
erm, entering the tomb?
d.) The Anvil of Fury
Grissy :)  (I think)
e.) The Black Mushroom
Finding of the black mushroom, Adria had to something with it, Pepin too

Extra Credit:

Everyone knows :) about the Cow Level, the Cow King, and what a prominent role cows play in Classic Diablo.  Do you recall the specific role _horses_ play in Diablo?  List it, and the character(s) who informs you of it.
Never heard of horses in d1, I'm sorry


That's it!  Hope you enjoyed!


PS  Hiya, Jane!

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