Magic: the Gathering
I, thankfully, was never swept up in the actual physical Magic craze. It cost way too much money, and I had way too little. I can't even remember how old I was when it first came out, but by the time I could start affording it barely, I felt I was too far behind to catch up.

Anyhow, being a responsible older brother and a consummate stategy gamer, I ended up getting caught up in my first CCG when my brother got caught up in the Yugi-Oh craze. I had always been interested in reading Magic strategy articles even though I'd never played, and I wanted to help hone my brother's skills at strategic thinking...anticipation, prediction, awareness, and planning. Oddly enough, I have my own Yugi-Oh deck sitting on my desk right now and I need but glance to look at it. My brother constantly asks to practice by dueling me.

My deck is very cheap. I custom built most of it for about 40 bucks. Not too bad when I hear about the fortunes some kids spend on it. Lucky blokes with their parents with bottomless wallets.

Recently, I've been exposed to an application that allows you to play MTG for free online, which is probably piracy, and as such...if Bolty or some admin thinks I shouldn't even mention it, feel free to edit this paragraph out of this post! I just know I would never have played Magic unless I became a millionaire without this thing. Thank god for that too, because I would've sunk a fortune into it, which I guess is the point...because it's so damn addicting. I gravitate away from it as much as possible, the last thing I need is to get sucked into that. My time is divided enough to begin with!

Kwansu, dudes! - A whole bunch of Patu San citizens.
I've just started the next round of selling-off my cards. I started playing in 1994 but haven't played in years. Although dear to my heart, they are just collecting dust, and more money is always good. I'd have to say that M:tG is up there with chess and Monopoly™ as one of the all-time best games I've ever played. I had to do some research in order to price what I put on eBay, and I was stunned to see how many sets have come out since I got out of the game. I might get into the online version, but only if it is decidedly cheaper than its tangible ancestor.

For all you guys out there who didn't have the oppurtunity to play M:tG before they made tournament rules, let me tell you, it still was addicting. I miss playing for ante :( .
BigGrim,Aug 2 2003, 09:43 AM Wrote:Recently, I've been exposed to an application that allows you to play MTG for free online, which is probably piracy,
Apprentice is not piracy, is free, and way faster than MoDo. Finding opponents is probably tricky nowadays though.

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