Hello, a couple months back I found a link to what I think was an archived section of the DSF. Well today a few of my friends and I got into a discussion about it. So I tried to find the link again to no avail. My question is does anyone know of where at least parts of the DSF could be archived? I'm pretty sure I found the link on this site but it might of been another. Thanks a lot for any help.
There's lots of stuff over at Virgil Tibbs' place
Mmm, if you look in Dako-ta's site, under the Archives of Chaos, you see some threads from the DSF and such.


The entire site is great; you could spend hours there reading even if this isn't exactly what you asked for.

Hope it helps.

In addition, if you're feeling extraordinarily lucky, you might want to try:


Also, you can use Google's cache, but that would rely on you actually knowing a search string that will return a DSF page AND that it's still cached on Google's servers. Still, I managed to drag a lot of old long-vanished websites back from the depths using both the Archive and Google.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
That's a great site, Nitefox. I remember someone (Nystul?) posted a link to that once and it sure was a trip to see old DSF threads still preserved.

This is what came up on a quick search using their Way Back Machine:


Thanks for the link :)
The more of it there is,
The less you see.
(Get ready for a shameless plug.)

I've been working since January on a DSF/Diablo history. If there's something in particular you're looking for, like specific strategy or something, I can dig something up for you.

There's also Woody's Variant Asylum board, now defunct, and Bolty still has the Lounge's very first message board saved someplace. (Did you know that the Lurker Lounge takes its name from that first message board? This place used to be called Bolty's Diablo Strategy Compendium, or something like that. Memory is fuzzy.)
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
That brought back some memories!
Just seeing the forum index in all its black green and grey glory :)

* Feryar is busy reading old threads

and suddenly it was all yellow instead of green. Did they change the layout sometime between
Feb 99 and Sep 99?
I'm pretty sure I made my way there back in 1999, but it was green when I first started reading it.
Strategy Forum Archives by Varaya

A link that just went down some time ago... link above was retrieved from the Way Back Machine using http:/ /www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/1992/archiv.html as the address.
I archived the final state of the DSF, dunno if that's what you're looking for.

The green did not last long at all. Blizz had just changed the forums all around (Ogden's Tavern mysteriously got lost in the shuffle :P) and had someone pop in to see if people liked the new look. Some of the DSF crowd did not appreciate the new StarCrafty look of the forums, so the Diablo forums got changed to a yellowish color more similar to the original woodgrain theme. The rest of the site kept that green color for quite a while. IIRC they had also switched to a proportional font, which did not last long on DSF either. Kind of funny that they listened to complaints and changed back to a fixed font on the forum, but yet still have display glitches in the game caused by using a proportional font...
I believe the DSF forum look changed in February 1999, which was when Ogden's Tavern was removed :ph34r:
The more of it there is,
The less you see.
I remember Babs being so sad that Oggies was gone that the DSF got spammed for a good 2-3 hours.

Thanks everyone, the links have been extremly useful.
Me correctly quoting something from JG

Me doing half-way reasonably at a quiz

Pirengle, and a whole bunch of other people telling Oboe to take thier sites off his list

LPL ripping strips out of my site

Plenty of arguments, but not all with me at the center

"Vini Viti Fireballi"

Quick someone stop me before this ego-trip continues *slaps self*

It's strange to look at that now, as if we're examining an experiment with all of us in petri (i bet I didn't spell that right) dishes.

I also observe that my typing has gone down the pan since then :(


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