Level req bug?
I found a Jagged Small Charm the other day. +1 max damage. Level 73 requirement. Anyone ever seen this before?
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Vash,Jul 27 2003, 09:16 PM Wrote:I found a Jagged Small Charm the other day.  +1 max damage.  Level 73 requirement.  Anyone ever seen this before?
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
It can't really be considered a bug, as it is actually like that in the MPQ. +1 max damage (Jagged) small charms require level 73, and +1 min damage (Red) small charms require level 82. These are both below the power/requirement curve, especially compared to the +1-3 max damage and +10-20 attack rating (Fine) small charms with a level requirement of 21, but it's a game design flaw, not a bug.

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