Noob question on Hell Bovines
How much defense have Hell Bovines on Hell in 1.10 beta patch?

And do they have anything that influences their chance to be hit eg. something like hitshift?

Regards, Hunky
I am famous for my Memory - I have no Memory
According to this site, Hell Bovines have 1075 DR and 28% chance to block. Don't know anything about hitshift though.
In my mind, my dreams are real. No one's concerned about the way I feel.
Hitshift isn't something you need to be concerned about unless you're trying to calculate the damage output of some skills. An example here:

Cows are not capable of blocking without a shield, and they don't spawn with one, so you don't have to worry about them blocking your attacks either.
I still can not match my Attack rating with the defense that Cows have on Hell.

I am short about 255 Defense on them.


Regards, Hunky
I am famous for my Memory - I have no Memory
HunkyDory,Jul 30 2003, 10:22 AM Wrote:I still can not match my Attack rating with the defense that Cows have on Hell.
Show us your working please, Hunky
Testchar level 99

All items dropped in 1.10 or cubed in 1.10

Dexterity 531
Penetrate level 16 is 185% bonus
Attack Rating (charscreen) is 7481
Chance to Hit Hell Bovine (charscreen) 93%

Attack Rating is ((513 * 5) - 7 - 23) * (1 + (185 / 100)) = 7481

Chance to Hit :

200 * (AR / (AR + DR)) * (AL / (AL + DL)) or

200 * (7481 / (7481 + 1075)) * (99 / (99 + 81)) or

200 * (7481 / 8556) * (99 / 180) or

200 * 0.87 * 0.55 = 95

Do I make any errors in the math or is it really 95% ?

Regards, Hunky
I am famous for my Memory - I have no Memory
Your math looks right to me. Although in the AR formula you accidently wrote your dex as 513, rather than 531.

Assuming that the character screen happens to be right this time, the Hell Bovine's DR would have to be somewhere from 1293-1395, oops, 1218-1320 to get the 93% chance to hit, if the monster level of 81 is right. Or if the DR is indeed 1075, then a mlvl of 82-84 would give the 93% to hit.

Edit: Oops, fixed the DR range to correctly show that the DR Ruvanal calculated (of 1264) would give 93% to hit with HunkyDory's test character.

- Dagni
I calculated the hell bovines DR by hand and got the folllowing.


The site is using the wrong columns in monlvl.txt for calculating the stats of DR, AR, HP, Damage and EXP for the monsters. At this time view all data of these characteristics on those pages as too low for what they actually are. Since they did not correctly account for how blocking is handled either, most of the information that they have on the monster is not accurate.
Ruvanal,Jul 31 2003, 11:48 AM Wrote:I calculated the hell bovines DR by hand and got the folllowing.


The site is using the wrong columns in monlvl.txt for calculating the stats of DR, AR, HP, Damage and EXP for the monsters.  At this time view all data of these characteristics on those pages as too low for what they actually are.  Since they did not correctly account for how blocking is handled either, most of the information that they have on the monster is not accurate.
Thank you Ruvanal for clearing this up.

I had my suspicions about the data but I am not skilled in reading the MPq files.

1264 hits the spot as the chance to hit is indeed 93% :D

And thank you Dagni too for looking at my poor numbercrucnhing skillls.

I still have problems accessing the Lounge so forgive me I use the same post as it takes me 15 minutes to make one now.

Regards, Hunky
I am famous for my Memory - I have no Memory

I don't suppose you could take this chance and explain to us how monster XP, HP, AR, DR, and damage output should be properly calculated from the MPQ files, could you? :D

Looking at your example for DR, I presume the "L-AC(H)" column in "monlvl.txt" records the base DR of any Hell level monster in the D2 expansion, in contrast to "AC(H)" for classic hell? The "AC(H)" value for Hell Bovines in "monstats.txt" would then denote what percentage of the aforementioned base DR a Hell level cow would possess?

If I extrapolate from your example and calculate HP, I would look up "L-HP(H)" in "monlvl.txt" at level 81 to see 5,722, then find "MinHP(H)" and "MaxHP(H)" in "monstats.txt" for Hell Bovines to be 220 and 270 respectively, and calculate the HP range for Hell Bovines to be 12,588-15,449? (D2Data.Net lists them at 9,442-15,449, obviously using "HP(H)" in "monlvl.txt" for minimum life)

Now for XP, "L-XP(H)" at level 81 is 45,759, and "Exp(H)" for Hell Bovine is 80, so we get 36,607 XP per hell cow kill? (agrees with D2Data.Net)

As for damage, "L-DM(H)" is 93 at level 81, and "A1MinD(H)/A1MaxD(H)" for Hell Bovine is 130/180, so their damage output for a type 1 attack is 120-167? (agrees with D2Data.Net)

Finally for AR, "L-TH(H)" is 3,256 at level 81, and "A1TH(H)" is 130, so the AR for a type 1 attack is 4,232? (agrees with D2Data.Net)

One last question too, I've found the "NoShldBlock" column in "monstats.txt", but I can't seem to find one that would indicate whether a monster can spawn with a shield, or what chance it has to spawn with a shield. Do you know which column in the various MPQ files records this property?

Zath, the difference between the columns with "L-something" and "something" is that the ones with the "L-" are for use in ladder games and the other columns are for non-Ladder Realm games.

It looks like you did the calculations correctly. Bear in mind that there may not be a difference in the two sets of figures (Ladder vs. non-Ladder values) but if there are then you will be getting the wrong results if you are using the wrong columns. I did not check at the time to see which sets of columns had differences or how much they would be. The important point is they were not using the correct set of variables and could be presenting a lot of bogus information without realising it.

Quote:One last question too, I've found the "NoShldBlock" column in "monstats.txt", but I can't seem to find one that would indicate whether a monster can spawn with a shield, or what chance it has to spawn with a shield. Do you know which column in the various MPQ files records this property?

The information that you are looking for is in monstats2.txt. The column for the shields is SHv. For the case of the skeleton1, SHv="nil,buc,lrg,kit,sml". This works out to be 5 possibilities for an equal chance of each in this case. It will only matter that do have a shield (4/5 of the time) to allow them the blocking chance shown in monstats.txt, the type is only needed for the game to know what graphic to use without reguard to the effectiveness. For an example of a more complex distribution look at the right hand weapon, RHv="axe,fla,hax,hax,hax,mac,mac,mac,scm,scm". This would give 1/10 of axe, 1/10 of flail, 3/10 of hand axe, 3/10 of mace and 2/10 of scimitar. In all cases the damage would still be the same. This is not the same as the method that is used to give equipment to some of the monsters such as the rare Short War Bow that Blood Raven gets or the various items that Valkyries get.

You would also need to check the animation information itself (animdata.d2) to be sure that there actually is an animation that is used for blocking. I know that the act 3 mercs do not have an animation for blocking in spite of the fact that they are still assigned a shield. I have not bothered to check which monster do off hand as it would take more time than I care to spend cross indexing the monster tokens and the data on which have BL codes for the their animations. It is probably just easier to test if the ones that do get shields actually can block a shot. I know that th various skeletons, corrupt rogues and saber cats can block if they get a shield.
Epi got in contact with

Their information should be accurate now :)
Thanks, Ruvanal!

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