Diablo [LOTR] Style
Hey, ive been "lurking" around the lurker lounge for a few weeks now reading posts and visiting the IRC channel every now and then. But i started to lose interest in diablo, Multi player just wasnt interesting anymore (just to many hackers with [F-E] and this up and coming hack clan called (HK) ) Then I remembered the "MOD" section of this websight, and i chanced it a visit. I was scrolling down, reading the description(and oh ya at this point I should mention i do not have hellfire and dont know where to find a copy, because stores dont carry them anymore) and i stumbled upon V&K's Middle Earth MOD for diablo. Me being a fan of lord of the rings descided it was worth checking out. So I began playing it today and I realized that I love this MOD. Its so fun and I love the way the Axe's have increased attack speed. I would just like to thank you guys at lurker lounge for this MOD (and id like that thank V&K) and im wondering if anyone ever wants to check it out you should. Then if anyone wants we could attempt to do it multiplayer over IP connection or something.

Anyway, Please post any give me some feedback on your idea's/opinions of this MOD.

Awwww, Newbiness, another unfortunate side effect of hunger.....

Note to self: Eat a snickers before playing Diablo
I don't know where the ugly rumor started that internet discourse involving multiple paragraphs is somehow a bad thing, but rest assured we're big boys and girls here. More than one paragraph won't shatter our psyches.

Quote:Multi player just wasnt interesting anymore (just to many hackers with [F-E] and this up and coming hack clan called (HK) )

They're cheaters. Hackers are something different.

Quote:(and oh ya at this point I should mention i do not have hellfire and dont know where to find a copy, because stores dont carry them anymore)

In recent memory, I've only heard of people picking up copies at internet auction sites (ebay, half.com).

Quote:I would just like to thank you guys at lurker lounge for this MOD (and id like that thank V&K)

Heh. Thank V&K, not us! They whipped that thing together. ;)

Quote:Then if anyone wants we could attempt to do it multiplayer over IP connection or something.

Diablo doesn't support TCP/IP games like D2 does. You'll need a game server, like Kali.

Quote:Please post any give me some feedback on your idea's/opinions of this MOD.

(Man, I remember when you could play this on Bnet.)

It's been said Middle Earth is a mage's mod, and I'm inclined to agree. Characters are very item-dependant, and item recovery with non-mage classes is a real *cough!*. Many of the unique items are useless, particularly outside of normal difficulty. But it's got some great features, and it's certainly a change of pace from the normal game. Plenty fun for co-op.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
You wimp :D

CR'ing with a warrior is half the fun of Diablo (and esp. ME)! Xergon, Master of the Balrog lure! Doctor of Town Portal Placement! Climber of Many Staircases!

Oh, for a High-King's Morgul Knife of Haste.

And so much more fun than Diablo II... B)
I am playing the mid earth MOD with a warrior at the moment but not only is it fun but its not as difficult as you made it out to be, Lemmings. On the contrary, it started out easy and now as I climb down the labby it seams to still be. I use an axe with this warrior, and it seams he swings that thing at an ungodly pace, lol, i love it. If you could give me any tips for a warrior in that MOD they would be extremely helpfull and appreciated.

Oh ya, thanks for the "Kali" idea, I just checked out the sight and downloaded it. Ill be checking it out right after im doing righting this thread....hmmm, i wondering if there is anyone on at 1:30 in the mourning.

Awwww, Newbiness, another unfortunate side effect of hunger.....

Note to self: Eat a snickers before playing Diablo
Quote:I am playing the mid earth MOD with a warrior at the moment but not only is it fun but its not as difficult as you made it out to be, Lemmings.

I'm not plural!! :p

With respect to difficulty, you're not deep enough yet. Wait until you meet Balrogs, particularly on higher difficulties. Or try a naked recovery in NM/Hell with Frost Demons breathing down your neck: They walk faster than you, and their lightning attack cleaves off large chunks of life. It's rough.

Quote:If you could give me any tips for a warrior in that MOD they would be extremely helpfull and appreciated.

Nothing other than standard stuff. You might get decent AC for normal, but getting it for NM or Hell is more difficult. Resists are vital in ME mod, and never be without sufficient ToHit.

Here's DView output of the mod: http://lurkerlounge.com/lemming/medata.zip

Contains data on monsters, bosses, items, uniques, affixes, and char stats.

Quote:Oh ya, thanks for the "Kali" idea, I just checked out the sight and downloaded it. Ill be checking it out right after im doing righting this thread....hmmm, i wondering if there is anyone on at 1:30 in the mourning.

Diablo players on Kali are fairly few. You're better off setting up games than waiting for them.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
Im looking at the MOD statistics, and there is a whole lot of stuff there. I'm sure this will come in handy once I do start having trouble, so thanks for the link :D and if anyone wants to play some diablo LOTR i'd be more then happy to set up a game on Kali. e-mail me at: nicklotr@hotmail.com if you want to play sometime. And one more thing, I know that all of the Uniques are different now, but is there a unique equivalent to arkaines valor? because, i just got done doing that quest and i picked up a unique axe that does crazy damage but doesnt really do anything for resistances and such. And, what happened to Loric? Did they just take that quest out?

Ok, nevermind, I just did the bone chamber and there wasn't any Loric, just lots of Pretty monsters :o
and i gained the arcaine ability "Guardian" which is completelty useless, where it takes 50 mana to cast and I have 9. :blink: Anyway. I was wondering, I have put absoultly SQUAT into magic, meaning I have 0 for a Magic stat, will I be able to complete the game or should I start laying some backup armor on the ground now, so im not caught with my pants down "litterally" when im naked and retrieving my items. hmmm, maybe if i get my mana to 50 i can use that guardian spell, hmmmm.

Awwww, Newbiness, another unfortunate side effect of hunger.....

Note to self: Eat a snickers before playing Diablo
which is not recommended by the developers of the mod. That would explain why Leoric is not present since that quest is not in every game. No wonder you think the mod is easy. Believe me, playing warrior on higher difficulties in that mod is not easy and you will definitely need the ac provided by a shield in higher difficulties.
It's actually getting more difficult as I get lower and lower in the labyrinth, I've actually started implementing strategies now because of the many flying missles that accidentally make there way towards me. I dont have a shield at the moment because I love the devastating damage the Axe causes, and the fact that it swings extremely fast. I have found any shield worth using, and any sword that would be worth trading out for the massive damage of my axe. I do, however, have this Ring type thingy, that gives me fastest recovery which allows me to charge the People doing long range, if it wont tax my health to much. All im doing right now is putting +3 into strength and +2 into health at every level, i got my dexterity to 32 and I have a ring that gives me +30 something ToHit% so right now im at 103% tohit i think. Hmmm, pepin gave me an extremely usefull item for cleaning the water, and thats the ring thingy i mentioned up there. Ill give you exacty statistics....

Phial Of Galadrial (Unique Ring) *note: looks like a golden elixer

+40% Light Radius

+50% Resist All

Fastest Hit Recovery

Fast Block

Hit Monster Doesn't Heal

When he gave me that Item after only cleaning the water suply i almost wet myself. I have NEVER in the past year of playing D1 ever see such an item given out by a NP, and it was the first quest of the game. Anyway, comments on this would be appreciated. Like why they would give out such a great item, so close to the begining? lol, not that im complaining, I love this thing to death, and its goiing to take a obsidian/zodiac equivalant to make me stop wearing it.

Awwww, Newbiness, another unfortunate side effect of hunger.....

Note to self: Eat a snickers before playing Diablo
Haha! So that what happens when you play the MOD in single player...free rings of the best kind! That's seriously one of the better items in the game, although I wouldn't be surprised if it vanished mysteriously on you. The MOD is really only intended to be played Multi-player (ie. LAN/Direct Connect if you're alone). Good luck with that single player thing, beware of item morphing and broken quests.
I don't understand what you mean when you say "Not meant for SP" why wouldnt you make a MOD for both SP and MP play? Maybe that is why Leoric wasn't in his home when i went to visit(but all of his favorit freinds and family were :o ) hmmm, i hope that thing doesn't dissapear, ill continue to notify you on strange happenings I guess. Like heres one, For the arkaine valor quest I got an axe, and it says its not completed. Would that be considered broken?

The Axe is:

The Trollhewer (Unique Axe)

dmg: 60-90 dur: 100/100

req: 110 strength

+300% Damage

Adds 30 points to Damage

From what your saying, I wouldn't doubt that is one of the best axes in the game huh?
One normal thing is, I actually got the butchers cleaver from the butcher, so I guess thats the only normal thing happening.
Awwww, Newbiness, another unfortunate side effect of hunger.....

Note to self: Eat a snickers before playing Diablo
Quote:When he gave me that Item after only cleaning the water suply i almost wet myself. I have NEVER in the past year of playing D1 ever see such an item given out by a NP, and it was the first quest of the game. Anyway, comments on this would be appreciated. Like why they would give out such a great item, so close to the begining?

You were given the Phial because of the way the game handles quests. Quest rewards are distributed based on their position. (That is, game refers to a particular "unique item position" to toss out a reward.) The Phial took over Ring of Truth's position (4), so Pepin gave you the Phial.

Similarly, the following may occur for other quests:

pos      d1reward                  me-item
0         Cleaver                      Cleaver
1         Undead Crown          Tuor's Mail
2         Empyrean Band         Gorak's Maul
3         Optic Amulet              Barahir
4         Ring of Truth              Phial
5         Harley Crest              Anduril
6         Veil of Steel               Anguirel
7         Ark's Valor                 Trollhewer
8         Gris's Edge                Master of Storm

Like Thenryb said, the mod isn't meant to be single player. Playing it as such will cause weird results.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
Quote:I don't understand what you mean when you say "Not meant for SP" why wouldnt you make a MOD for both SP and MP play?

Mods tend to be biased toward multiplayer for a number of reasons. The first and foremost being most modders, and indeed most Diablo communities, are/were avid multiplayer folk. Modders and their audience didn't want single player.

Secondly, ignoring single player allows modders more freedom. If code relating to SP becomes irrelevant, it can be overwritten and whathaveyou. Notably, you'll have noticed this in the unique items -- only the Butcher's Cleaver remains. Additionally, replacing non-unique quest items (blood stone, anvil, etc.) allows modders to add more base types by replacing old ones. "Breaking" SP elements allows more multiplayer elements.

That's the gist of it.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
I have just gotten to the caves, and Have finnally gotten rid of my axe. Right now im using this really great Unique Maul(Ill edit and add the stats when I can) and this really nice shield that has 12 AC but adds +52 to hp, i bought it from gollum(aka wart.) Combined with the Phial of Galdrial ive found out that the fast block gained from this item makes my Char almost unhittable, (hill trolls just bash there way threw my shield, they broke my helmet and my body armor.) Anyway, im still having a blast with this MOD even though I guess its not meant to be Single Player, Ill post if I see anything weird or what not. I seam to be getting along fine in the caves without any magic, I hope ill be able to stand up to the creatures in hell once i get there *sigh* well, I will be looking for some more constructive critisism :D thanks for talking in my post.

To Lemming: That MODs being bias towards MP play thing is kinda interesting, it makes for a very fun/bizzare SP play.

Well, I think after I beat this with my warrior It will be time to retire from Diablo. Ill keep you posted on any epic battles in the mean time. Hmm, wait heres an interesting thing, I was walking threw the cats completely decapatating anything that came near me when *WHAM* I open this door and like 50 Poison Creatures(in this MOD scavengers spit the poison) just start firing at me, Well I high tail it away from that doorway and crouch behind this corner waiting for them to follow. One comes around the bend, *slice* scavenger stew anyone? then another, and another, but then one gets smart and goes around, pinning me up against the corner of this door way like space im standing in. and it starts spitting, another one follow rank, and i have to run around the block, make them all follow, get to the same spot, rinse and repeat. Then I realize the unique is what is causing all the trouble so I charge that, and slice it to peices. It drops some magic item that I later ID and sell. anyway, after getting rid of the unique, the spit seamed to not cause so much damage so i just chased down the remaining scavengers and hacked them to smitherines.

Ok, now I finnally make it to caves and im equiped with my really nice Maul and shield and im hacking threw big giant hill trolls, when I run into the mother load. Lead by another Unique this pack of mother trolls, quickly corner me and I think this is it, my first die on this MOD, but wait! I found the weakest link, while going threw reds so fast I had no time to click the mouse, I quickly hacked away at this one troll and dived out of the ambush. With 1 red left i descided that instead of going back to town and healing and all that girly diablo stuff, I would beat down the entire pack AND the Unique wiht this one red. So, I led them to a door way, and made them come threw 1 by 1, untill finnally me and *he who cant be named because i forget his name* we will just call him bond, james bond....i mena the unique, we went at it, slash, bam, he knocked me back, i ran forward, he knocked me back, i ran forward, he knocked me back, i got smart, stood there, held shift, and swung wildly hoping he would be luered into my trap, of, faning air at your oponent so they think that the air conditioner is over there so they come forawrard and *WHAM* he runs into my maul going full speed, it stuns him, he cant recover, he falls over dead. He drops this really nice unique shield that is now part of my reading glasses collection. Stats for it when I edit. I heal, fill up my pots, stand by my TP, save the game, and quit. Ill play again, later, right now its break time. Anyway, looking forward to see some feedback, like always.

Awwww, Newbiness, another unfortunate side effect of hunger.....

Note to self: Eat a snickers before playing Diablo
When I used to do mods, that is exactly what I did. I changed as much single player code as I could that would crash the game. Sometimes people don't listen when the developers tell them not to do certain things =P

Hey where can I find the Middle Earth mod?

Nomad25055 :P
R.I.P. Pete! I can't believe you're gone. Sad
Nick[LOTR Wrote:,Aug 8 2003, 01:30 AM] Combined with the Phial of Galdrial ive found out that the fast block gained from this item makes my Char almost unhittable,
In Diablo, Warriors have a built in 'fast block' so that ring shouldn’t make any difference to your blocking speed.

Unless this has being changed in the mod that you are using . . .

You can play a multiplayer character and game without playing with others. Even if you can't find people on Kali, when you create your next character, choose "IPX" or "direct connect". The game will consider this multiplayer, even if you're offline and never connect to anyone else. Perhaps you'd find the mod enjoyable enough for more than one time through if you tried that?

Why can't we all just get along

Check the mods page.


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