Looking For Hellfire
Had I realized it would be so hard to find Hellfire, I would have accepted the free copy offered to me 3 years ago. Hindsight being what it is, I wonder if there is anyone out there who knows how to obtain a copy.
From the forum FAQ.

>4) Where can I buy Hellfire?
Unfortunately, Sierra doesn't carry it any more. You'll have to track it down. First, check at your local software store. If it's not there, try internet auction sites (ebay, half.com, amazon.com).

The local "Electronics Boutique" stores in my area, (North America) seems to have one copy all the time. From what I've read at least, people in the UK have a very hard time finding it in store.
It seems that the US version of the expansion is pretty rare as it doesn't pop up in ebay daily and when it does, it always scores a high price (saw one recently for 15 bucks).
The European version of the expansion is pretty common...I currently have two of it...although the cd looks crappy compared to the us version.

Try looking in several stores...there might be one having Hellfire for sale.
Or check eBay regularly...unfortunately this is the most expensive method of getting Hellfire.
You might want to check eBay.de, too. The Euro version of Hellfire appears very often and isn't too expensive...if you're lucky you'll find a seller shipping outside of Germany.
Mystery,Aug 14 2003, 06:37 AM Wrote:The European version of the expansion is pretty common...
Ironically, the UK version of the expansion is rarer than rocking-horse crap. There isn't a store in all the countries of the UK that sells it, and it comes up on eBay.co.uk with half the regularity as it does on eBay.com.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Interesting...so there seem to be three versions of Hellfire?
Could you tell me more about them?
I know of the german version which has german text on the cover, lords of magic ads inside and a rather crappy looking cd (marble background with red text)
Then there's the US (or is it the UK?) version of the game, featuring (of course) english text and a better looking CD with yellow font and the Hellfire symbol on the CD (as seen in the title screen and in the menu background).
What about the third version? How is it different?

I suppose there is only one run of each country's version.
Diablo was released multiple times...at least in Germany I know of eight versions (nine if you count the PAL pax version) released during the years.

Or are there also re-releases for Hellfire?
I know that Diablo+Hellfire were once re-released in Germany as a double-feature, but at least Hellfire is absolutely identical to the first release.

Do the US and UK versions have a printed manual?
Quote:Do the US and UK versions have a printed manual?

The US version has a printed manual. It's one of those that slides into the front of jewel case, like the Brood War manual.

[o: *LEMMING :o]
Last I saw of the UK version, the cover was the same as the US version but without the yellow corner saying something like "The Official Expansion to Diablo™" but my mind is a little hazy on the fact. After all, I last saw it back around '97 (Unless of course HF was released in '98, in which case that was when I saw it) when I wasn't even interested in Diablo, so I never gave it a second glance.

Story of my life. I've only seen one copy of HardWar on sale too...
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
I think i have this u.s version or English version of Hellfire, it has the the yellow font on the c.d like you said. It does have a little manual containing information about the Monk and the new spells and the new storie line about the dark mage. I purchased my hellfire for about £5.00 (without transportation cost) on ebay.co.uk. I also forgot to say, it does have the written in the corner saying "The only authorized Diablo expansion pack".
"Darkness and evil shall fall back to the burning hells within and light shall rule the lands of the good."
Hmmmm, I may have mistated myself. I'm looking for an evaluation copy. Something on an FTP or something similar. Perhaps a download. I have little problem supporting the original company who made the product, but purchasing from someone else is another matter entirely. I evaluated Diablo 2 for about a year before I bought two copies of it. So sad that people want to make money on a product that is no longer in "new" circulation. I prefer sharing.
Yeah I also think it's wrong to pay for used cars that are no longer produced by the company.
So I simply steal the Ferrari I want, to "evaluate" it for a couple of years. So sad that people want to make money on a product that is no longer in "new" circulation.

Wow...that's the weirdest excuse for w4r3z I've ever seen.

So if you have anything you don't need anymore you throw it away or give it away for free, no matter how much it cost you? Nonsense....

Ever heard of the NeoGeo? It's some really freaking video game system from 1990 and the home versions of the games will cost you some hundred bucks if not 1000+. Better get tHe r0mZ to "evaluate" 'em, right?

Nobody thinks that it's wrong to buy or sell "used" games...nowhere.

If you act like this you might copy quite a lot of Games and play them and end up only really buying one or two of them.

I really don't get your point...
Quote:Hmmmm, I may have mistated myself. I'm looking for an evaluation copy.

You mean a demo? No such thing for "Hellfire."

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
I don't think he's talking about a Demo...or can you imagine playing the Diablo2 Demo for a whole year?
I mean it's basically the stress test which got boring quite soon as long as you wanted to stay in the ladder ;)
LemmingofGlory,Aug 14 2003, 07:16 PM Wrote:The US version has a printed manual. It's one of those that slides into the front of jewel case, like the Brood War manual.
Talking of Starcraft, If anyone on here would like a game then I would be glad to play you, just msg me at: Scar_Tissue

Brood War of course . . .
Quote:I don't think he's talking about a Demo...or can you imagine playing the Diablo2 Demo for a whole year?

I decided to give him benefit of the doubt.

When you have four computers you don't want to buy four copies until you know how it plays. I never suggested that everything be treated the same way as the games, however if I had a copy of a game I no longer played I usually do give those away, along with several other things including ram, cars, stereo equipment and the like. These things didn't have much value to me, however sometimes you can locate people who do find value in them. By the way I do buy the games that I play a lot, many times several copies of them. Tanstaafl, no free lunch.
I think the "european version is the same as the UK version, at least as far as game file goes. Not aware of a version where the game is actually in german though. Several individual countries might still have individual boxes and perhaps even additional meterial on the CD and such but game version wise (in english), two exists. The patch end up with the game files being the same though, that is, there is only one that patches both versions to the same end result.
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