why does no body play diablo1 on its like an internet ghost town
Hail steakloaf,

Firstly, people do: I know several people that play DI on, and from time-to-time I join them. However, very few people do because, well, the game is rather old: most people have moved onto all kinds of other games. Once something new comes out, most people move on from most games: simple fact of how things are in the industry.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Elric of Grans,Aug 15 2003, 10:19 PM Wrote:simple fact of how things are in the industry.
Yeah, any bets on when the MMORPG scene will fall apart because of this fact? I've got £10 on 15/04/2005.

I'm still playing, or rather it would be more truthful to say I'm back playing again. Just made my (un)triumphant return this week, but my major problem is that I always play on US West, and being in Britain means I'm playing smack bang in the middle of the daily lull.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

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