So there I was, hacking my way through the swampy pit in Act 3 hell in hopes of finding a better weapon. I encounter a gloam boss pack and alarm bells start go off in my head. I turn on resist lightning and cautiously advance to try and lure one out around the corner. Having done so I decide to turn off resist lightning and engage one on one.

Baaad idea. One lightning bolt later I'm staring at my character's dead body (a paladin). 900 health GONE in the blink of an eye. Now granted I had minimal lightning resist, but even with a critical hit that SHOULD not have happened. And in fact it didn't happen with normal gloams. Later I found out that the boss was fire enchanted and that in fact, elemental damage transfers to minion's spell attacks...

Now arguably this death was my fault...I should have kept resist lightning on...but it was ONE gloam, and not even a boss at that. IMO minions should not get elemental damage added to their spell attacks.

Give gloams a VERY damaging ranged attack? Fine, it makes the game harder, you have to dodge and pay attention to your resistances.

Make it hard to dodge and extremely long range? A little less fine, but I suppose skilled players can deal with that too

Allow it to kill characters with ONE shot, when said characters do not have negative resistances and have decent HP? NOT FINE. This makes every encounter a game of russian roulette. Heck even with the megademon infernos you could see your health drop and run away. With gloams you can get hit from offscreen, be stunned, and die without any warning whatsoever.
[Image: wheredoesnamego.gif]

This is a joke. No offense intended.
I'm used to the opentopic forum software (don't post here much) where the name field is first and required to post. Force of habit I suppose. I wish there was a way to edit the title of a topic or at least delete it after the fact.
Everyone is talking about gloams, which I agree are bad, but any monster with spectral hit gets that damage added to their spells... stand in a spectral hit countesses firewall and you will get poisoned.

Also, there is something worse than gloams. Go down to nihlathaks third level, and there are sometimes snakes that do a plague/poison jav type attack (I met them only once in nm, this was normal monsters, not just boss packs). The kicker is that it seems to be doing bonespear type damage each frame, if you stand in the poison you hear the bone-spear clicking sound, and my shadow/merc pretty much died immediately... Has anyone else met these? Any mpqers have some clues? P.S. I am still on 1.10 not 1.10s
I'll lock this one as a duplicate. No biggie, Illegl, we all make mistakes.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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